Create kubeconfig-setup script

This script creates the file ".kube/config" in the home folder of the
logged in user and sets/replaces the value of variable KUBECONFIG inside
file ".profile". Currently, the main use case that involves this K8S
config file is the K8S authentication through OIDC token.

Test Plan:

PASS: Deploy an IPv4 AIO-SX with an image containing this change and
verify that the script is available at "/usr/local/bin/kubeconfig-setup"
with permissions "-r-xr-xr-x", owner root, group root. Setup OIDC app,
create local linux user "tu1" and create a ClusterRoleBinding in K8S for
tu1 user as cluster-admin.
PASS: Using the deployed AIO-SX, SSH to the controller using "tu1".
Execute "kubeconfig-setup; source .profile", verify that the file
"/home/tu1/.kube/config" was created, execute "oidc-auth" and then
"kubectl get pods -A -v=6", verifying in the output that the file
"/home/tu1/.kube/config" is being used by kubectl.
PASS: Using the deployed AIO-SX, edit the file ".profile" of "tu1"
replacing 'export KUBECONFIG="/home/tu1/.kube/config"' by "export
KUBECONFIG="invalid_value"' and then repeat the previous test, that will
be successful. After, verify that KUBECONFIG is set to 'export
KUBECONFIG="/home/tu1/.kube/config"' in ".profile".
PASS: Using the deployed AIO-SX, SSH again to the controller using "tu1"
and just execute "kubectl get pods -A -v=6", verifying in the output
that the file "/home/tu1/.kube/config" is being used by kubectl.
PASS: Repeat all tests above using an IPv6 AIO-SX.

Story: 2010738
Task: 48566

Signed-off-by: Joao Victor Portal <>
Change-Id: I2b8cab1ca8d029782351152d635014d3dec2df52
This commit is contained in:
Joao Victor Portal 2023-08-02 16:07:34 -03:00
parent 34087435e0
commit 97142ae827
5 changed files with 54 additions and 2 deletions

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ install -m 555 %{_buildsubdir}/scripts/ %{buildroot}%{local_bindir}
install -m 555 %{_buildsubdir}/scripts/ %{buildroot}%{local_bindir}
install -m 555 %{_buildsubdir}/scripts/ %{buildroot}%{local_bindir}
install -m 555 %{_buildsubdir}/scripts/local_starlingxrc %{buildroot}%{local_bindir}
install -m 555 %{_buildsubdir}/scripts/kubeconfig-setup %{buildroot}%{local_bindir}
install -d %{buildroot}%{local_etc_initd}
install %{_buildsubdir}/scripts/ %{buildroot}%{local_etc_initd}
@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ systemctl enable opt-platform.service
%files noncontroller

@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ scripts/ usr/local/bin
scripts/ usr/local/bin
scripts/ usr/local/bin
scripts/local_starlingxrc usr/local/bin
scripts/kubeconfig-setup usr/local/bin

@ -8,3 +8,4 @@

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
install -m 555 scripts/ $(DEBIAN_BUILDDIR)/usr/local/bin/
install -m 555 scripts/ $(DEBIAN_BUILDDIR)/usr/local/bin/
install -m 555 scripts/local_starlingxrc $(DEBIAN_BUILDDIR)/usr/local/bin/
install -m 555 scripts/kubeconfig-setup $(DEBIAN_BUILDDIR)/usr/local/bin/
install -m 755 scripts/connectivity_test $(DEBIAN_BUILDDIR)/usr/local/bin/
install -m 750 scripts/ $(DEBIAN_BUILDDIR)/usr/local/bin/
@ -53,5 +54,5 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
dh_fixperms \ \ -Xlocal_starlingxrc -Xpatch-restart-* -Xconnectivity_test \ -Xlocal_starlingxrc -Xkubeconfig-setup -Xpatch-restart-* \

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Setups Kubernetes configuration for logged in user.
# No password/token/key is set.
# Set Kubernetes config file.
mkdir -p -m 750 $HOME/.kube
rm -f $HOME/.kube/config
touch $HOME/.kube/config
chmod 600 $HOME/.kube/config
CERT_AUTH_DATA=$(base64 -w0 /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt)
CLUSTER_HOST_IP=$(grep -w controller-cluster-host /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ $CLUSTER_HOST_IP =~ .*:.* ]]; then
printf "%s\n" \
"apiVersion: v1" \
"clusters:" \
"- cluster:" \
" certificate-authority-data: $CERT_AUTH_DATA" \
" server: $SERVER_URL" \
" name: kubernetes" \
"contexts:" \
"- context:" \
" cluster: kubernetes" \
" user: $USER" \
" name: $USER@kubernetes" \
"current-context: $USER@kubernetes" \
"kind: Config" \
"preferences: {}" \
"users:" \
"- name: $USER" \
" user:" > $HOME/.kube/config
# Add or replace KUBECONFIG variable in ".profile" file.
VAR_COUNT=$(grep -cw '^export KUBECONFIG' $HOME/.profile)
if [[ "$VAR_COUNT" == "0" ]]; then
echo 'export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config"' >> $HOME/.profile
sed -i '/^\bexport KUBECONFIG\b/c\export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config"' $HOME/.profile