From cb27342079fb83ded6169cd96473ce60569f0f23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric MacDonald <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 20:33:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Remove max file size limitation

Current version 1.1.11 of 'mkisofs' (also known as genisoimage) no
longer errors out on input files later than 4G. The 4G limitation
only applies to ISO images that need to be ISO-9660 compliant.

StarlingX prestaging ISO images are not required to comply
to ISO-9660 as they never have. The script
has always warned that the created filesystem does not conform
to ISO-9600 and there has never been a problem installing images
produced with this tool.

Therefore, this update removes the input filesize check which
is preventing system administrators from creating prestaged
iso images from Debian StarlingX images that exceed 4 GB

Test Plan:

PEND: Create and install prestaged ISO images from an input
      ISOs that are larger than 4G ; sizes of 4.1G, 6G and 10G.
PASS: ... 4.1G
PASS: ... 5.8G
PASS: ... 14G

Closes-Bug: 2023592
Change-Id: I2ac3f3ad159892aed9cdb091c5ab3d93e7630430
Signed-off-by: Eric MacDonald <>
 utilities/platform-util/scripts/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/utilities/platform-util/scripts/ b/utilities/platform-util/scripts/
index 72d485a1..bdd6d082 100755
--- a/utilities/platform-util/scripts/
+++ b/utilities/platform-util/scripts/
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ check_required_param "--input" "${INPUT_ISO}"
 check_required_param "--output" "${OUTPUT_ISO}"
 check_files_exist ${INPUT_ISO} ${PATCHES[@]} ${IMAGES[@]} ${KS_SETUP} ${KS_ADDON} ${KICKSTART_PATCHES[@]}
-check_files_size  ${INPUT_ISO} ${PATCHES[@]} ${IMAGES[@]} ${KS_SETUP} ${KS_ADDON} ${KICKSTART_PATCHES[@]}
+check_files_size               ${PATCHES[@]} ${IMAGES[@]} ${KS_SETUP} ${KS_ADDON} ${KICKSTART_PATCHES[@]}
 if [[ -e "${OUTPUT_ISO}" ]]; then
     log_fatal "${OUTPUT_ISO} exists. Delete before you execute this script."