vault-manager: add functions for backup and restore

Functions including pre backup/restore checks, take a snapshot of the
vault, and restore a snapshot from tarball.  These functions will
support ansible-playbook for backup and restore of the vault.

Test Plan:
PASS  bashate
PASS  unit test
PASS snapshot and snapshot restore procedure, as presented in
     ansible-playbooks I324b270ec738f864410068c4ac661301ca8176fd

Change-Id: Id786105aa8ddba2e77085b3897c0c8efd7e98c9b
Signed-off-by: Michel Thebeau <>
This commit is contained in:
Michel Thebeau 2024-04-02 18:48:16 +00:00
parent b00a768784
commit aa1f8b4afd

View File

@ -3204,6 +3204,226 @@ data:
rekeyRecovery rekeyRecovery
} }
# Return 0 (true) if either the vault server status shows a rekey
# is in progress, or if vault-manager is engaged in the process of
# rekeying the vault
# Vault manager rekey is in progress if either of these secrets
# exists:
# cluster-rekey-request - the first to be created
# cluster-rekey-audit - the last to be removed
function rekeyInProgress {
# query the vault server
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 0
# look for vault-manager's milestone secrets
secretsExistAny cluster-rekey-request cluster-rekey-audit
return $?
# Check conditions that need to be met before taking a snapshot of
# the vault. The same conditions apply for snapshot restore.
# The required conditions are:
# - vault server pods matches HA_REPLICAS
# - vault server pods are unsealed
# - there is no rekey in progress
# Returns 0 for success, or >0 for conditions not met
# The fail conditions are logged to stdout/stderr
function snapshotPreCheck {
local errors=0
local pods
local podcount
local host
local dnsname
local server_status
local sealed
pods="$( getVaultPods | grep "^$VAULT_FN" )"
podcount="$( echo "$pods" | awk '{print $1}' | wc -w )"
if [ "$podcount" -ne "$HA_REPLICAS" ]; then
log $ERROR "snapshotPreCheck: vault pods ($podcount)" \
"does not match replicas ($HA_REPLICAS)"
errors=$(( errors + 1 ))
while read host dnsname; do
NO_HEADER=true \
vaultAPI server_status GET $dnsname.$POD_TARGET_BASE \
sealed="$( echo "$server_status" | jq .sealed )"
if [ "$sealed" != "false" ]; then
log $ERROR "snapshotPreCheck: $host ($dnsname)" \
"sealed status is [$sealed]"
errors=$(( errors + 1 ))
log $DEBUG "snapshotPreCheck: $host ($dnsname)" \
"sealed status is [$sealed]"
done <<<"$pods"
if rekeyInProgress; then
log $ERROR "snapshotPreCheck: a rekey is in progress"
errors=$(( errors + 1 ))
return $errors
# Take a snapshot of the vault, which is output to stdout
function snapshotCreate {
local apipath=/sys/storage/raft/snapshot
curl -s -S --cacert "$CERT" \
--connect-timeout $QUERY_TMOUT \
--header "X-Vault-Token:$( get_secret cluster-key-root )" \
--request "GET" \
# Store the init response and metadata associated with a vault
# snapshot into the specified k8s secret.
# metadata should be a dictionary type structure in this form:
# {"date":"xxx","snapshot_sum":"yyy","secret":"zzz"}
# The 'snapshot' of the init response should be taken promptly with
# the snapshot of the vault. Especially, consider pausing vault
# manager, in addition to using snapshotPreCheck, to ensure the
# two are consistent.
# In practice the metadata can contain any information; the
# procedure only requires the value of 'secret', as in:
# echo "$metadata" | jq -r .secret
function snapshotSetSecret {
local secret="$1"
local metadata="$2"
local jqlog
local result
local keys
local data
# make sure the user supplied data is ok
jqlog="$( echo "$metadata" | jq . 2>&1 >/dev/null )"
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
log $ERROR "snapshotSetSecret: error parsing metadata:" \
"[$result] [$jqlog]"
return 1
# check that the user supplied metadata contains 'secret',
# which is the only value the procedure requires.
jqlog="$( echo "$metadata" | jq -r .secret 2>&1 )"
if [ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$jqlog" -o "$jqlog" == "null" ]; then
log $WARNING "snapshotSetSecret: metadata omits 'secret'"
keys="$( reconstructInitResponse cluster-key )"
# make sure the assembled secret data is ok
echo "$data" | jq . >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
log $ERROR "snapshotSetSecret: error parsing secret data:" \
return 1
echo "$data" | jq -c . | set_secret "$secret" /dev/stdin
# verify the copy of shards secrets
get_secret "$secret" | jq -c .init | validateSecrets cluster-key
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
return 1
return 0
# POST stdin to the active vault server API endpoint for restoring
# the snapshot. stdin is the snapshot file of the vault cluster.
# The required parameter is the metadata associated with the
# snapshot, which contains the name of the k8s secret which has
# the unseal shards for the vault data being restored. The metadata
# needs to contain at least '{"secret":"xxx"}', and this secret
# needs to exist in the vault namespace.
# The content of the secret will be used to restore the unseal
# shards for the vault that is being restored.
function snapshotRestore {
local metadata="$1"
local secret
local logs
local result
local initdata
local apipath="/sys/storage/raft/snapshot-force"
# check that the associated secret exists
secret="$( echo "$metadata" | jq -r .secret 2>/dev/null )"
if [ -z "$secret" -o "$secret" == "null" ]; then
log $ERROR "Metadata omits the k8s secret associated with" \
"the snapshot"
return 1
secretExists "$secret" >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
log $ERROR "K8s secret [$secret] associated with the" \
"snapshot does not exist"
return 1
# check the init response associated with the snapshot
initdata="$( get_secret "$secret" | jq -c .init 2>/dev/null )"
if [ -z "$initdata" -o "$initdata" == 'null' ]; then
log $ERROR "Failed to retrieve init response from" \
"k8s secret [$secret]"
return 1
# The snapshot API success does not give a response. On vault
# API error the return code is also 0. If there is a log, then
# there was an error.
logs="$( curl -s -S --cacert "$CERT" \
--connect-timeout $QUERY_TMOUT \
--header "X-Vault-Token:$( get_secret cluster-key-root )" \
--request POST \
--data-binary @/dev/stdin \
"https://$ACTIVE_TARGET:${TARGET_PORT}/v1${apipath}" 2>&1 )"
log $INFO "Snapshot restore API response: $result"
if [ "$result" -ne 0 -o -n "$logs" ]; then
log $ERROR "Snapshot restore: [$logs]"
return 1
# Restore the secrets associated with the snapshot
# We're done if the secrets haven't changed.
echo "$initdata" | validateSecrets cluster-key
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
return 0
# replace vault's init response in k8s secrets
deleteShardSecrets cluster-key
deleteSecrets cluster-key-root
echo "$initdata" | storeVaultInitSecrets cluster-key
# finally, verify the storage was successful
echo "$initdata" | validateSecrets cluster-key
return $?
# #