Overview ======== This regression test ensures that a change does not impact the generation of XML for default and 'madcloud' configuration examples. Before starting make sure you have cloned the starlingx/virtual-deployment git and installed any required packages as presented in ``libvirt/install_packages.sh``. The regression method sets attributes for a lab, runs the deployment method's scripts and dumps XML using the virsh command. These attributes are the overridable environment variables including: ``CONTROLLER, WORKER, BRIDGE_INTERFACE, EXTERNAL_NETWORK, EXTERNAL_IP`` Step 1 export attributes: --------------------------- The ATTRIBUTE variable is used to name the xml file, and should be defined for ease of use. Start with a new bash shell to reset the environment to use default attributes. Default values: | export ATTRIBUTE=default | export CONTROLLER=${CONTROLLER:-controller} | export WORKER=${WORKER:-worker} | export BRIDGE_INTERFACE=${BRIDGE_INTERFACE:-stxbr} | export EXTERNAL_NETWORK=${EXTERNAL_NETWORK:-} | export EXTERNAL_IP=${EXTERNAL_IP:-} Madcloud values: | export ATTRIBUTE=madcloud | export CONTROLLER=madcloud | export WORKER=madnode | export BRIDGE_INTERFACE=madbr | export EXTERNAL_NETWORK= | export EXTERNAL_IP= Step 2 choose configuration: ------------------------------ export CONFIGURATION=(simplex, duplex, etc.) Options are: simplex, duplex, controllerstorage or dedicatedstorage Along with the attributes this forms a 2x4 matrix: | default, simplex | default, duplex | default, controllerstorage | default, dedicatedstorage And: | Madcloud, simplex | Madcloud, duplex | Madcloud, controllerstorage | Madcloud, dedicatedstorage Step 3 start VM: ------------------ | ./setup_network.sh | ./setup_configuration.sh -c $CONFIGURATION -i $iso Remember to use a path to a valid iso - it doesn't matter if it actually boots or etc Step 4 create dump xml: ------------------------- mkdir -p regression Each configuration has 1 or more domains. For each DOMAIN in virsh list: | DOMAIN="simplex-controller-0" | outf="regression/${ATTRIBUTE}_${CONFIGURATION}_${DOMAIN}.xml" | virsh dumpxml $DOMAIN > "${outf}_${x}" It is recommended to use either numbers or tags to signify what iteration you are setting, in this case x represents that Step 5 reset parameters and workspace: -------------------------------------------- Teardown configuration and network settings | ./destroy_configuration.sh -c $CONFIGURATION | ./destroy_network.sh Step 6 compare files: ----------------------- diff -usU9999 "${outf}_${x}.xml" "${outf}_${y}.xml" In this case x and y represent different iterations. Details to ignore are changes to: ``UUID, domain ID, mac_addresses, mounted cdrom, serial/dev/pts``. If there are no changes ignoring those above, the test is considered a pass.