StarlingX Deployment in Virtualized Environments

A StarlingX system can be installed in a variety of platforms with the following deployment options:

  • Standard Controller
    • Dedicated Storage
    • Controller Storage
  • All-in-one
    • Duplex
    • Simplex

Deployment options uses a variety of configurations based on 3 node identities:

  • Controller
  • Storage
  • Compute

Standard Controller :: Dedicated Storage

The software installation workflow for an initial Ceph-backed block storage on dedicated storage nodes is:

  • Controller-0 Installation and Provisioning
  • Controller-1 / Compute Host / Storage Host Installation
  • Controller-1 Provisioning
  • Provider Network Configuration
  • Compute Host Provisioning
  • Storage Host Provisioning

Standard Controller :: Controller Storage

The software installation workflow for an initial LVM-backed block storage on controller nodes is:

  • Controller-0 Installation
  • Controller-0 and System Provisioning
  • Controller-1 / Compute Host Installation
  • Controller-1 Provisioning
  • Compute Host Provisioning

All-in-one :: Duplex

The software installation workflow for two combined controller / compute nodes is:

  • Controller-0 Installation and Provisioning
  • Controller-1 Installation and Provisioning

All-in-one :: Simplex

The software installation workflow for a single combined controller / compute node is:

  • Controller-0 Installation and Provisioning

Virtualization Environments

The available virtualization products where StarlingX has been deployed are:

  • VirtualBox
  • Libvirt/QEMU

Directory Structure

Deployment directory hosts a total of 3 directories and 18 files:

$ tree -L 3 deployment/
├── libvirt
│   ├── compute.xml
│   ├── controller_allinone.xml
│   ├── controller.xml
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── provision
│   ├──
│   └──
└── virtualbox
    ├── all_in_one.conf
    ├── standard_controller.conf

Directory: libvirt

Deployment under Libvirt/QEMU uses a set of xml files to define the node identity:

  • Controller All-in-one
  • Controller
  • Compute

These nodes are used to create the virtual machines and the network interfaces to setup the StarlingX system:

  • Setup All-in-one
    • 2 Controllers
  • Setup Standard Controller
    • 2 Controllers
    • 2 Computes

Directory: virtualbox

Deployment under VirtualBox uses a set of configuration files to define the StarlingX system:

  • All-in-one Configuration
  • Standard Controller Configuration

These configurations files are used to create the virtual machines and the network interfaces from a single script:

  • Setup VM

Directory: provision

A set of scripts are provided to automate the provisioning of data interfaces and local storage resources for the compute function for StarlingX Duplex or Simplex.

Scripts for installing StarlingX in virtualized environments
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