# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import getpass import os import re try: import ordereddict except: pass import urlparse import yaml import voluptuous as v import gertty.commentlink import gertty.palette import gertty.keymap try: OrderedDict = collections.OrderedDict except AttributeError: OrderedDict = ordereddict.OrderedDict DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH='~/.gertty.yaml' class ConfigSchema(object): server = {v.Required('name'): str, v.Required('url'): str, v.Required('username'): str, 'password': str, 'verify-ssl': bool, 'ssl-ca-path': str, 'dburi': str, v.Required('git-root'): str, 'log-file': str, 'auth-type': str, } servers = [server] text_replacement = {'text': v.Any(str, {'color': str, v.Required('text'): str})} link_replacement = {'link': {v.Required('url'): str, v.Required('text'): str}} search_replacement = {'search': {v.Required('query'): str, v.Required('text'): str}} replacement = v.Any(text_replacement, link_replacement, search_replacement) palette = {v.Required('name'): str, v.Match('(?!name)'): [str]} palettes = [palette] commentlink = {v.Required('match'): str, v.Required('replacements'): [replacement], 'test-result': str} commentlinks = [commentlink] dashboard = {v.Required('name'): str, v.Required('query'): str, v.Required('key'): str} dashboards = [dashboard] reviewkey_approval = {v.Required('category'): str, v.Required('value'): int} reviewkey = {v.Required('approvals'): [reviewkey_approval], 'submit': bool, v.Required('key'): str} reviewkeys = [reviewkey] hide_comment = {v.Required('author'): str} hide_comments = [hide_comment] change_list_options = {'sort-by': v.Any('number', 'updated'), 'reverse': bool} keymap = {v.Required('name'): str, v.Match('(?!name)'): v.Any([str], str)} keymaps = [keymap] def getSchema(self, data): schema = v.Schema({v.Required('servers'): self.servers, 'palettes': self.palettes, 'palette': str, 'keymaps': self.keymaps, 'keymap': str, 'commentlinks': self.commentlinks, 'dashboards': self.dashboards, 'reviewkeys': self.reviewkeys, 'change-list-query': str, 'diff-view': str, 'hide-comments': self.hide_comments, 'thread-changes': bool, 'display-times-in-utc': bool, 'change-list-options': self.change_list_options, }) return schema class Config(object): def __init__(self, server=None, palette='default', keymap='default', path=DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH): self.path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not os.path.exists(self.path): self.printSample() exit(1) self.config = yaml.load(open(self.path)) schema = ConfigSchema().getSchema(self.config) schema(self.config) server = self.getServer(server) self.server = server url = server['url'] if not url.endswith('/'): url += '/' self.url = url result = urlparse.urlparse(url) self.hostname = result.netloc self.username = server['username'] self.password = server.get('password') if self.password is None: self.password = getpass.getpass("Password for %s (%s): " % (self.url, self.username)) else: # Ensure file is only readable by user as password is stored in # file. mode = os.stat(self.path).st_mode & 0o0777 if not mode == 0o600: print ( "Error: Config file '{}' contains a password and does " "not have permissions set to 0600.\n" "Permissions are: {}".format(self.path, oct(mode))) exit(1) self.auth_type = server.get('auth-type', 'digest') auth_types = ['digest', 'basic'] if self.auth_type not in auth_types: self.auth_type = 'digest' self.verify_ssl = server.get('verify-ssl', True) if not self.verify_ssl: os.environ['GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY']='true' self.ssl_ca_path = server.get('ssl-ca-path', None) if self.ssl_ca_path is not None: self.ssl_ca_path = os.path.expanduser(self.ssl_ca_path) # Gertty itself uses the Requests library os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = self.ssl_ca_path # And this is to allow Git callouts os.environ['GIT_SSL_CAINFO'] = self.ssl_ca_path self.git_root = os.path.expanduser(server['git-root']) self.dburi = server.get('dburi', 'sqlite:///' + os.path.expanduser('~/.gertty.db')) log_file = server.get('log-file', '~/.gertty.log') self.log_file = os.path.expanduser(log_file) self.palettes = {'default': gertty.palette.Palette({}), 'light': gertty.palette.Palette(gertty.palette.LIGHT_PALETTE), } for p in self.config.get('palettes', []): if p['name'] not in self.palettes: self.palettes[p['name']] = gertty.palette.Palette(p) else: self.palettes[p['name']].update(p) self.palette = self.palettes[self.config.get('palette', palette)] self.keymaps = {'default': gertty.keymap.KeyMap({})} for p in self.config.get('keymaps', []): if p['name'] not in self.keymaps: self.keymaps[p['name']] = gertty.keymap.KeyMap(p) else: self.keymaps[p['name']].update(p) self.keymap = self.keymaps[self.config.get('keymap', keymap)] self.commentlinks = [gertty.commentlink.CommentLink(c) for c in self.config.get('commentlinks', [])] self.commentlinks.append( gertty.commentlink.CommentLink(dict( match="(?Phttps?://\\S*)", replacements=[ dict(link=dict( text="{url}", url="{url}"))]))) self.project_change_list_query = self.config.get('change-list-query', 'status:open') self.diff_view = self.config.get('diff-view', 'side-by-side') self.dashboards = OrderedDict() for d in self.config.get('dashboards', []): self.dashboards[d['key']] = d self.reviewkeys = OrderedDict() for k in self.config.get('reviewkeys', []): self.reviewkeys[k['key']] = k self.hide_comments = [] for h in self.config.get('hide-comments', []): self.hide_comments.append(re.compile(h['author'])) self.thread_changes = self.config.get('thread-changes', True) self.utc = self.config.get('display-times-in-utc', False) change_list_options = self.config.get('change-list-options', {}) self.change_list_options = { 'sort-by': change_list_options.get('sort-by', 'number'), 'reverse': change_list_options.get('reverse', False)} def getServer(self, name=None): for server in self.config['servers']: if name is None or name == server['name']: return server return None def printSample(self): filename = 'share/gertty/examples' print """Gertty requires a configuration file at ~/.gertty.yaml If the file contains a password then permissions must be set to 0600. Several sample configuration files were installed with Gertty and are available in %s in the root of the installation. For more information, please see the README. """ % (filename,)