# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import logging import math import os import re import threading import urllib import urlparse import json import time import Queue import datetime import dateutil.parser try: import ordereddict except: pass import requests import requests.utils import gertty.version import gertty.gitrepo HIGH_PRIORITY=0 NORMAL_PRIORITY=1 LOW_PRIORITY=2 TIMEOUT=30 CLOSED_STATUSES = ['MERGED', 'ABANDONED'] class MultiQueue(object): def __init__(self, priorities): try: self.queues = collections.OrderedDict() except AttributeError: self.queues = ordereddict.OrderedDict() for key in priorities: self.queues[key] = collections.deque() self.condition = threading.Condition() def qsize(self): count = 0 for queue in self.queues.values(): count += len(queue) return count def put(self, item, priority): self.condition.acquire() try: self.queues[priority].append(item) self.condition.notify() finally: self.condition.release() def get(self): self.condition.acquire() try: while True: for queue in self.queues.values(): try: ret = queue.popleft() return ret except IndexError: pass self.condition.wait() finally: self.condition.release() class UpdateEvent(object): def updateRelatedChanges(self, session, change): related_change_keys = set() related_change_keys.add(change.key) for revision in change.revisions: parent = session.getRevisionByCommit(revision.parent) if parent: related_change_keys.add(parent.change.key) for child in session.getRevisionsByParent(revision.commit): related_change_keys.add(child.change.key) self.related_change_keys = related_change_keys class ProjectAddedEvent(UpdateEvent): def __repr__(self): return '' % ( self.project_key,) def __init__(self, project): self.project_key = project.key class ChangeAddedEvent(UpdateEvent): def __repr__(self): return '' % ( self.project_key, self.change_key) def __init__(self, change): self.project_key = change.project.key self.change_key = change.key self.related_change_keys = set() self.review_flag_changed = True self.status_changed = True self.held_changed = False class ChangeUpdatedEvent(UpdateEvent): def __repr__(self): return '' % ( self.project_key, self.change_key, self.review_flag_changed, self.status_changed) def __init__(self, change): self.project_key = change.project.key self.change_key = change.key self.related_change_keys = set() self.review_flag_changed = False self.status_changed = False self.held_changed = False class Task(object): def __init__(self, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): self.log = logging.getLogger('gertty.sync') self.priority = priority self.succeeded = None self.event = threading.Event() self.tasks = [] self.results = [] def complete(self, success): self.succeeded = success self.event.set() def wait(self, timeout=None): self.event.wait(timeout) return self.succeeded class SyncOwnAccountTask(Task): def __repr__(self): return '' def run(self, sync): app = sync.app remote = sync.get('accounts/self') sync.account_id = remote['_account_id'] with app.db.getSession() as session: session.getAccountByID(remote['_account_id'], remote.get('name'), remote.get('username'), remote.get('email')) class SyncProjectListTask(Task): def __repr__(self): return '' def run(self, sync): app = sync.app remote = sync.get('projects/?d') remote_keys = set(remote.keys()) with app.db.getSession() as session: local = {} for p in session.getProjects(): local[p.name] = p local_keys = set(local.keys()) for name in local_keys-remote_keys: session.delete(local[name]) for name in remote_keys-local_keys: p = remote[name] project = session.createProject(name, description=p.get('description', '')) self.log.info("Created project %s", project.name) self.results.append(ProjectAddedEvent(project)) class SyncSubscribedProjectBranchesTask(Task): def __repr__(self): return '' def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: projects = session.getProjects(subscribed=True) for p in projects: sync.submitTask(SyncProjectBranchesTask(p.name, self.priority)) class SyncProjectBranchesTask(Task): branch_re = re.compile(r'refs/heads/(.*)') def __init__(self, project_name, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SyncProjectBranchesTask, self).__init__(priority) self.project_name = project_name def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.project_name,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app remote = sync.get('projects/%s/branches/' % urllib.quote_plus(self.project_name)) remote_branches = set() for x in remote: m = self.branch_re.match(x['ref']) if m: remote_branches.add(m.group(1)) with app.db.getSession() as session: local = {} project = session.getProjectByName(self.project_name) for branch in project.branches: local[branch.name] = branch local_branches = set(local.keys()) for name in local_branches-remote_branches: session.delete(local[name]) self.log.info("Deleted branch %s from project %s in local DB.", name, project.name) for name in remote_branches-local_branches: project.createBranch(name) self.log.info("Added branch %s to project %s in local DB.", name, project.name) class SyncSubscribedProjectsTask(Task): def __repr__(self): return '' def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: keys = [p.key for p in session.getProjects(subscribed=True)] for i in range(0, len(keys), 10): t = SyncProjectTask(keys[i:i+10], self.priority) self.tasks.append(t) sync.submitTask(t) t = SyncQueriedChangesTask('owner', 'is:owner', self.priority) self.tasks.append(t) sync.submitTask(t) t = SyncQueriedChangesTask('starred', 'is:starred', self.priority) self.tasks.append(t) sync.submitTask(t) class SyncProjectTask(Task): def __init__(self, project_keys, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SyncProjectTask, self).__init__(priority) if type(project_keys) == int: project_keys = [project_keys] self.project_keys = project_keys def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.project_keys,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() queries = [] with app.db.getSession() as session: for project_key in self.project_keys: project = session.getProject(project_key) query = 'q=project:%s' % project.name if project.updated: # Allow 4 seconds for request time, etc. query += ' -age:%ss' % (int(math.ceil((now-project.updated).total_seconds())) + 4,) else: query += ' status:open' queries.append(query) changes = [] sortkey = '' done = False while not done: query = '&'.join(queries) # We don't actually want to limit to 500, but that's the server-side default, and # if we don't specify this, we won't get a _more_changes flag. q = 'changes/?n=500%s&%s' % (sortkey, query) self.log.debug('Query: %s ' % (q,)) responses = sync.get(q) if len(queries) == 1: responses = [responses] done = True for batch in responses: changes += batch if batch and '_more_changes' in batch[-1]: sortkey = '&N=%s' % (batch[-1]['_sortkey'],) done = False change_ids = [c['id'] for c in changes] with app.db.getSession() as session: # Winnow the list of IDs to only the ones in the local DB. change_ids = session.getChangeIDs(change_ids) for c in changes: # For now, just sync open changes or changes already # in the db optionally we could sync all changes ever if c['id'] in change_ids or (c['status'] not in CLOSED_STATUSES): sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(c['id'], priority=self.priority)) for key in self.project_keys: sync.submitTask(SetProjectUpdatedTask(key, now, priority=self.priority)) class SetProjectUpdatedTask(Task): def __init__(self, project_key, updated, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SetProjectUpdatedTask, self).__init__(priority) self.project_key = project_key self.updated = updated def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.project_key, self.updated) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: project = session.getProject(self.project_key) project.updated = self.updated class SyncQueriedChangesTask(Task): def __init__(self, query_name, query, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SyncQueriedChangesTask, self).__init__(priority) self.query_name = query_name self.query = query def __repr__(self): return '' % self.query_name def run(self, sync): app = sync.app now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() with app.db.getSession() as session: sync_query = session.getSyncQueryByName(self.query_name) query = 'q=%s' % self.query if sync_query.updated: # Allow 4 seconds for request time, etc. query += ' -age:%ss' % (int(math.ceil((now-sync_query.updated).total_seconds())) + 4,) else: query += ' status:open' for project in session.getProjects(subscribed=True): query += ' -project:%s' % project.name changes = [] sortkey = '' done = False while not done: # We don't actually want to limit to 500, but that's the server-side default, and # if we don't specify this, we won't get a _more_changes flag. q = 'changes/?n=500%s&%s' % (sortkey, query) self.log.debug('Query: %s ' % (q,)) batch = sync.get(q) done = True if batch: changes += batch if '_more_changes' in batch[-1]: sortkey = '&N=%s' % (batch[-1]['_sortkey'],) done = False change_ids = [c['id'] for c in changes] with app.db.getSession() as session: # Winnow the list of IDs to only the ones in the local DB. change_ids = session.getChangeIDs(change_ids) for c in changes: # For now, just sync open changes or changes already # in the db optionally we could sync all changes ever if c['id'] in change_ids or (c['status'] not in CLOSED_STATUSES): sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(c['id'], priority=self.priority)) sync.submitTask(SetSyncQueryUpdatedTask(self.query_name, now, priority=self.priority)) class SetSyncQueryUpdatedTask(Task): def __init__(self, query_name, updated, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SetSyncQueryUpdatedTask, self).__init__(priority) self.query_name = query_name self.updated = updated def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.query_name, self.updated) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: sync_query = session.getSyncQueryByName(self.query_name) sync_query.updated = self.updated class SyncChangeByCommitTask(Task): def __init__(self, commit, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SyncChangeByCommitTask, self).__init__(priority) self.commit = commit def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.commit,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: query = 'commit:%s' % self.commit changes = sync.get('changes/?q=%s' % query) self.log.debug('Query: %s ' % (query,)) for c in changes: sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(c['id'], priority=self.priority)) self.log.debug("Sync change %s for its commit %s" % (c['id'], self.commit)) class SyncChangeByNumberTask(Task): def __init__(self, number, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SyncChangeByNumberTask, self).__init__(priority) self.number = number def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.number,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: query = '%s' % self.number changes = sync.get('changes/?q=%s' % query) self.log.debug('Query: %s ' % (query,)) for c in changes: task = SyncChangeTask(c['id'], priority=self.priority) self.tasks.append(task) sync.submitTask(task) self.log.debug("Sync change %s because it is number %s" % (c['id'], self.number)) class SyncChangeTask(Task): def __init__(self, change_id, force_fetch=False, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SyncChangeTask, self).__init__(priority) self.change_id = change_id self.force_fetch = force_fetch def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.change_id,) def run(self, sync): start_time = time.time() app = sync.app remote_change = sync.get('changes/%s?o=DETAILED_LABELS&o=ALL_REVISIONS&o=ALL_COMMITS&o=MESSAGES&o=DETAILED_ACCOUNTS&o=CURRENT_ACTIONS' % self.change_id) # Perform subqueries this task will need outside of the db session for remote_commit, remote_revision in remote_change.get('revisions', {}).items(): remote_comments_data = sync.get('changes/%s/revisions/%s/comments' % (self.change_id, remote_commit)) remote_revision['_gertty_remote_comments_data'] = remote_comments_data fetches = collections.defaultdict(list) parent_commits = set() with app.db.getSession() as session: change = session.getChangeByID(self.change_id) account = session.getAccountByID(remote_change['owner']['_account_id'], name=remote_change['owner'].get('name'), username=remote_change['owner'].get('username'), email=remote_change['owner'].get('email')) if not change: project = session.getProjectByName(remote_change['project']) created = dateutil.parser.parse(remote_change['created']) updated = dateutil.parser.parse(remote_change['updated']) change = project.createChange(remote_change['id'], account, remote_change['_number'], remote_change['branch'], remote_change['change_id'], remote_change['subject'], created, updated, remote_change['status'], topic=remote_change.get('topic')) self.log.info("Created new change %s in local DB.", change.id) result = ChangeAddedEvent(change) else: result = ChangeUpdatedEvent(change) self.results.append(result) change.owner = account if change.status != remote_change['status']: change.status = remote_change['status'] result.status_changed = True if remote_change.get('starred'): change.starred = True else: change.starred = False change.subject = remote_change['subject'] change.updated = dateutil.parser.parse(remote_change['updated']) change.topic = remote_change.get('topic') repo = app.getRepo(change.project.name) new_revision = False for remote_commit, remote_revision in remote_change.get('revisions', {}).items(): revision = session.getRevisionByCommit(remote_commit) # TODO: handle multiple parents if 'anonymous http' in remote_revision['fetch']: ref = remote_revision['fetch']['anonymous http']['ref'] url = remote_revision['fetch']['anonymous http']['url'] auth = False elif 'http' in remote_revision['fetch']: auth = True ref = remote_revision['fetch']['http']['ref'] url = list(urlparse.urlsplit(sync.app.config.url + change.project.name)) url[1] = '%s:%s@%s' % ( urllib.quote_plus(sync.app.config.username), urllib.quote_plus(sync.app.config.password), url[1]) url = urlparse.urlunsplit(url) elif 'ssh' in remote_revision['fetch']: ref = remote_revision['fetch']['ssh']['ref'] url = remote_revision['fetch']['ssh']['url'] auth = False elif 'git' in remote_revision['fetch']: ref = remote_revision['fetch']['git']['ref'] url = remote_revision['fetch']['git']['url'] auth = False else: if len(remote_revision['fetch']): errMessage = "No supported fetch method found. Server offers: %s" % ( ', '.join(remote_revision['fetch'].keys())) else: errMessage = "The server is missing the download-commands plugin." raise Exception(errMessage) if (not revision) or self.force_fetch: fetches[url].append('+%(ref)s:%(ref)s' % dict(ref=ref)) if not revision: revision = change.createRevision(remote_revision['_number'], remote_revision['commit']['message'], remote_commit, remote_revision['commit']['parents'][0]['commit'], auth, ref) self.log.info("Created new revision %s for change %s revision %s in local DB.", revision.key, self.change_id, remote_revision['_number']) new_revision = True revision.message = remote_revision['commit']['message'] actions = remote_revision.get('actions', {}) revision.can_submit = 'submit' in actions # TODO: handle multiple parents if revision.parent not in parent_commits: parent_revision = session.getRevisionByCommit(revision.parent) if not parent_revision and change.status not in CLOSED_STATUSES: sync.submitTask(SyncChangeByCommitTask(revision.parent, self.priority)) self.log.debug("Change %s revision %s needs parent commit %s synced" % (change.id, remote_revision['_number'], revision.parent)) parent_commits.add(revision.parent) result.updateRelatedChanges(session, change) remote_comments_data = remote_revision['_gertty_remote_comments_data'] for remote_file, remote_comments in remote_comments_data.items(): for remote_comment in remote_comments: account = session.getAccountByID(remote_comment['author']['_account_id'], name=remote_comment['author'].get('name'), username=remote_comment['author'].get('username'), email=remote_comment['author'].get('email')) comment = session.getCommentByID(remote_comment['id']) if not comment: # Normalize updated -> created created = dateutil.parser.parse(remote_comment['updated']) parent = False if remote_comment.get('side', '') == 'PARENT': parent = True comment = revision.createComment(remote_comment['id'], account, remote_comment.get('in_reply_to'), created, remote_file, parent, remote_comment.get('line'), remote_comment['message']) self.log.info("Created new comment %s for revision %s in local DB.", comment.key, revision.key) else: if comment.author != account: comment.author = account new_message = False for remote_message in remote_change.get('messages', []): if 'author' in remote_message: account = session.getAccountByID(remote_message['author']['_account_id'], name=remote_message['author'].get('name'), username=remote_message['author'].get('username'), email=remote_message['author'].get('email')) if account.username != app.config.username: new_message = True else: account = session.getSystemAccount() message = session.getMessageByID(remote_message['id']) if not message: revision = session.getRevisionByNumber(change, remote_message.get('_revision_number', 1)) if revision: # Normalize date -> created created = dateutil.parser.parse(remote_message['date']) message = revision.createMessage(remote_message['id'], account, created, remote_message['message']) self.log.info("Created new review message %s for revision %s in local DB.", message.key, revision.key) else: self.log.info("Unable to create new review message for revision %s because it is not in local DB (draft?).", remote_message.get('_revision_number')) else: if message.author != account: message.author = account remote_approval_entries = {} remote_label_entries = {} user_voted = False for remote_label_name, remote_label_dict in remote_change.get('labels', {}).items(): for remote_approval in remote_label_dict.get('all', []): if remote_approval.get('value') is None: continue remote_approval['category'] = remote_label_name key = '%s~%s' % (remote_approval['category'], remote_approval['_account_id']) remote_approval_entries[key] = remote_approval if remote_approval['_account_id'] == sync.account_id and int(remote_approval['value']) != 0: user_voted = True for key, value in remote_label_dict.get('values', {}).items(): # +1: "LGTM" label = dict(value=key, description=value, category=remote_label_name) key = '%s~%s~%s' % (label['category'], label['value'], label['description']) remote_label_entries[key] = label remote_approval_keys = set(remote_approval_entries.keys()) remote_label_keys = set(remote_label_entries.keys()) local_approvals = {} local_labels = {} user_votes = {} for approval in change.approvals: if approval.draft and not new_revision: # If we have a new revision, we need to delete # draft local approvals because they can no longer # be uploaded. Otherwise, keep them because we # may be about to upload a review. Ignoring an # approval here means it will not be deleted. # Also keep track of these approvals so we can # determine whether we should hold the change # later. user_votes[approval.category] = approval.value # Count draft votes as having voted for the # purposes of deciding whether to clear the # reviewed flag later. user_voted = True continue key = '%s~%s' % (approval.category, approval.reviewer.id) if key in local_approvals: # Delete duplicate approvals. session.delete(approval) else: local_approvals[key] = approval local_approval_keys = set(local_approvals.keys()) for label in change.labels: key = '%s~%s~%s' % (label.category, label.value, label.description) local_labels[key] = label local_label_keys = set(local_labels.keys()) for key in local_approval_keys-remote_approval_keys: session.delete(local_approvals[key]) for key in local_label_keys-remote_label_keys: session.delete(local_labels[key]) for key in remote_approval_keys-local_approval_keys: remote_approval = remote_approval_entries[key] account = session.getAccountByID(remote_approval['_account_id'], name=remote_approval.get('name'), username=remote_approval.get('username'), email=remote_approval.get('email')) change.createApproval(account, remote_approval['category'], remote_approval['value']) self.log.info("Created approval for change %s in local DB.", change.id) user_value = user_votes.get(remote_approval['category'], 0) if user_value > 0 and remote_approval['value'] < 0: # Someone left a negative vote after the local # user created a draft positive vote. Hold the # change so that it doesn't look like the local # user is ignoring negative feedback. if not change.held: change.held = True result.held_changed = True self.log.info("Setting change %s to held due to negative review after positive", change.id) for key in remote_label_keys-local_label_keys: remote_label = remote_label_entries[key] change.createLabel(remote_label['category'], remote_label['value'], remote_label['description']) for key in remote_approval_keys.intersection(local_approval_keys): local_approval = local_approvals[key] remote_approval = remote_approval_entries[key] local_approval.value = remote_approval['value'] # For the side effect of updating account info: account = session.getAccountByID(remote_approval['_account_id'], name=remote_approval.get('name'), username=remote_approval.get('username'), email=remote_approval.get('email')) remote_permitted_entries = {} for remote_label_name, remote_label_values in remote_change.get('permitted_labels', {}).items(): for remote_label_value in remote_label_values: remote_label = dict(category=remote_label_name, value=remote_label_value) key = '%s~%s' % (remote_label['category'], remote_label['value']) remote_permitted_entries[key] = remote_label remote_permitted_keys = set(remote_permitted_entries.keys()) local_permitted = {} for permitted in change.permitted_labels: key = '%s~%s' % (permitted.category, permitted.value) local_permitted[key] = permitted local_permitted_keys = set(local_permitted.keys()) for key in local_permitted_keys-remote_permitted_keys: session.delete(local_permitted[key]) for key in remote_permitted_keys-local_permitted_keys: remote_permitted = remote_permitted_entries[key] change.createPermittedLabel(remote_permitted['category'], remote_permitted['value']) if not user_voted: # Only consider changing the reviewed state if we don't have a vote if new_revision or new_message: if change.reviewed: change.reviewed = False result.review_flag_changed = True for url, refs in fetches.items(): self.log.debug("Fetching from %s with refs %s", url, refs) try: repo.fetch(url, refs) except Exception: # Backwards compat with GitPython before the multi-ref fetch # patch. # (https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/pull/170) for ref in refs: self.log.debug("git fetch %s %s" % (url, ref)) repo.fetch(url, ref) end_time = time.time() total_time = end_time - start_time self.log.info("Synced change %s in %0.5f seconds.", self.change_id, total_time) class CheckReposTask(Task): # on startup, check all projects # for any subscribed project withot a local repo or if # --fetch-missing-refs is supplied, check all local changes for # missing refs, and sync the associated changes def __repr__(self): return '' def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: projects = session.getProjects(subscribed=True) for project in projects: try: missing = False try: repo = app.getRepo(project.name) except gitrepo.GitCloneError: missing = True if missing or app.fetch_missing_refs: sync.submitTask(CheckRevisionsTask(project.key, priority=LOW_PRIORITY)) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception checking repo %s" % (project.name,)) class CheckRevisionsTask(Task): def __init__(self, project_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(CheckRevisionsTask, self).__init__(priority) self.project_key = project_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.project_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app to_sync = set() with app.db.getSession() as session: project = session.getProject(self.project_key) repo = None try: repo = app.getRepo(project.name) except gitrepo.GitCloneError: pass for change in project.open_changes: if repo: for revision in change.revisions: if not (repo.hasCommit(revision.parent) and repo.hasCommit(revision.commit)): to_sync.add(change.id) else: to_sync.add(change.id) for change_id in to_sync: sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change_id, priority=self.priority)) class UploadReviewsTask(Task): def __repr__(self): return '' def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: for c in session.getPendingTopics(): sync.submitTask(SetTopicTask(c.key, self.priority)) for c in session.getPendingRebases(): sync.submitTask(RebaseChangeTask(c.key, self.priority)) for c in session.getPendingStatusChanges(): sync.submitTask(ChangeStatusTask(c.key, self.priority)) for c in session.getPendingStarred(): sync.submitTask(ChangeStarredTask(c.key, self.priority)) for c in session.getPendingCherryPicks(): sync.submitTask(SendCherryPickTask(c.key, self.priority)) for r in session.getPendingCommitMessages(): sync.submitTask(ChangeCommitMessageTask(r.key, self.priority)) for m in session.getPendingMessages(): sync.submitTask(UploadReviewTask(m.key, self.priority)) class SetTopicTask(Task): def __init__(self, change_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SetTopicTask, self).__init__(priority) self.change_key = change_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.change_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: change = session.getChange(self.change_key) data = dict(topic=change.topic) change.pending_topic = False # Inside db session for rollback sync.put('changes/%s/topic' % (change.id,), data) sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change.id, priority=self.priority)) class RebaseChangeTask(Task): def __init__(self, change_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(RebaseChangeTask, self).__init__(priority) self.change_key = change_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.change_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: change = session.getChange(self.change_key) change.pending_rebase = False # Inside db session for rollback sync.post('changes/%s/rebase' % (change.id,), {}) sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change.id, priority=self.priority)) class ChangeStarredTask(Task): def __init__(self, change_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(ChangeStarredTask, self).__init__(priority) self.change_key = change_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.change_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: change = session.getChange(self.change_key) if change.starred: sync.put('accounts/self/starred.changes/%s' % (change.id,), data={}) else: sync.delete('accounts/self/starred.changes/%s' % (change.id,), data={}) change.pending_starred = False sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change.id, priority=self.priority)) class ChangeStatusTask(Task): def __init__(self, change_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(ChangeStatusTask, self).__init__(priority) self.change_key = change_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.change_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: change = session.getChange(self.change_key) if change.pending_status_message: data = dict(message=change.pending_status_message) else: data = {} change.pending_status = False change.pending_status_message = None # Inside db session for rollback if change.status == 'ABANDONED': sync.post('changes/%s/abandon' % (change.id,), data) elif change.status == 'NEW': sync.post('changes/%s/restore' % (change.id,), data) elif change.status == 'SUBMITTED': sync.post('changes/%s/submit' % (change.id,), {}) sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change.id, priority=self.priority)) class SendCherryPickTask(Task): def __init__(self, cp_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(SendCherryPickTask, self).__init__(priority) self.cp_key = cp_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.cp_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: cp = session.getPendingCherryPick(self.cp_key) data = dict(message=cp.message, destination=cp.branch) session.delete(cp) # Inside db session for rollback ret = sync.post('changes/%s/revisions/%s/cherrypick' % (cp.revision.change.id, cp.revision.commit), data) if ret and 'id' in ret: sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(ret['id'], priority=self.priority)) class ChangeCommitMessageTask(Task): def __init__(self, revision_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(ChangeCommitMessageTask, self).__init__(priority) self.revision_key = revision_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.revision_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: revision = session.getRevision(self.revision_key) revision.pending_message = False data = dict(message=revision.message) # Inside db session for rollback ret = sync.post('changes/%s/revisions/%s/message' % (revision.change.id, revision.commit), data) change_id = revision.change.id sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change_id, priority=self.priority)) class UploadReviewTask(Task): def __init__(self, message_key, priority=NORMAL_PRIORITY): super(UploadReviewTask, self).__init__(priority) self.message_key = message_key def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.message_key,) def run(self, sync): app = sync.app with app.db.getSession() as session: message = session.getMessage(self.message_key) change = message.revision.change if not change.held: self.log.debug("Syncing %s to find out if it should be held" % (change.id,)) t = SyncChangeTask(change.id) t.run(sync) self.results += t.results submit = False change_id = None with app.db.getSession() as session: message = session.getMessage(self.message_key) revision = message.revision change = message.revision.change if change.held: self.log.debug("Not uploading review to %s because it is held" % (change.id,)) return change_id = change.id current_revision = change.revisions[-1] if change.pending_status and change.status == 'SUBMITTED': submit = True data = dict(message=message.message, strict_labels=False) if revision == current_revision: data['labels'] = {} for approval in change.draft_approvals: data['labels'][approval.category] = approval.value session.delete(approval) if revision.draft_comments: data['comments'] = {} last_file = None comment_list = [] for comment in revision.draft_comments: if comment.file != last_file: last_file = comment.file comment_list = [] data['comments'][comment.file] = comment_list d = dict(line=comment.line, message=comment.message) if comment.parent: d['side'] = 'PARENT' comment_list.append(d) session.delete(comment) session.delete(message) # Inside db session for rollback sync.post('changes/%s/revisions/%s/review' % (change.id, revision.commit), data) if submit: # In another db session in case submit fails after posting # the message succeeds with app.db.getSession() as session: change = session.getChangeByID(change_id) change.pending_status = False change.pending_status_message = None sync.post('changes/%s/submit' % (change_id,), {}) sync.submitTask(SyncChangeTask(change_id, priority=self.priority)) class Sync(object): def __init__(self, app): self.user_agent = 'Gertty/%s %s' % (gertty.version.version_info.version_string(), requests.utils.default_user_agent()) self.offline = False self.account_id = None self.app = app self.log = logging.getLogger('gertty.sync') self.queue = MultiQueue([HIGH_PRIORITY, NORMAL_PRIORITY, LOW_PRIORITY]) self.result_queue = Queue.Queue() self.session = requests.Session() if self.app.config.auth_type == 'basic': authclass = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth else: authclass = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth self.auth = authclass( self.app.config.username, self.app.config.password) self.submitTask(SyncOwnAccountTask(HIGH_PRIORITY)) self.submitTask(CheckReposTask(HIGH_PRIORITY)) self.submitTask(UploadReviewsTask(HIGH_PRIORITY)) self.submitTask(SyncProjectListTask(HIGH_PRIORITY)) self.submitTask(SyncSubscribedProjectsTask(NORMAL_PRIORITY)) self.submitTask(SyncSubscribedProjectBranchesTask(LOW_PRIORITY)) self.periodic_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.periodicSync) self.periodic_thread.daemon = True self.periodic_thread.start() def periodicSync(self): while True: try: time.sleep(60) self.syncSubscribedProjects() except Exception: self.log.exception('Exception in periodicSync') def submitTask(self, task): if not self.offline: self.queue.put(task, task.priority) def run(self, pipe): task = None while True: task = self._run(pipe, task) def _run(self, pipe, task=None): if not task: task = self.queue.get() self.log.debug('Run: %s' % (task,)) try: task.run(self) task.complete(True) except requests.ConnectionError, e: self.log.warning("Offline due to: %s" % (e,)) if not self.offline: self.submitTask(SyncSubscribedProjectsTask(HIGH_PRIORITY)) self.submitTask(UploadReviewsTask(HIGH_PRIORITY)) self.offline = True self.app.status.update(offline=True, refresh=False) os.write(pipe, 'refresh\n') time.sleep(30) return task except Exception: task.complete(False) self.log.exception('Exception running task %s' % (task,)) self.app.status.update(error=True, refresh=False) self.offline = False self.app.status.update(offline=False, refresh=False) for r in task.results: self.result_queue.put(r) os.write(pipe, 'refresh\n') return None def url(self, path): return self.app.config.url + 'a/' + path def get(self, path): url = self.url(path) self.log.debug('GET: %s' % (url,)) r = self.session.get(url, verify=self.app.config.verify_ssl, auth=self.auth, timeout=TIMEOUT, headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'User-Agent': self.user_agent}) if r.status_code == 200: ret = json.loads(r.text[4:]) if len(ret): self.log.debug('200 OK, Received: %s' % (ret,)) else: self.log.debug('200 OK, No body.') return ret else: self.log.warn('HTTP response: %d', r.status_code) def post(self, path, data): url = self.url(path) self.log.debug('POST: %s' % (url,)) self.log.debug('data: %s' % (data,)) r = self.session.post(url, data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'), verify=self.app.config.verify_ssl, auth=self.auth, timeout=TIMEOUT, headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'User-Agent': self.user_agent}) self.log.debug('Received: %s' % (r.text,)) ret = None if r.text and len(r.text)>4: try: ret = json.loads(r.text[4:]) except Exception: self.log.exception("Unable to parse result %s from post to %s" % (r.text, url)) return ret def put(self, path, data): url = self.url(path) self.log.debug('PUT: %s' % (url,)) self.log.debug('data: %s' % (data,)) r = self.session.put(url, data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'), verify=self.app.config.verify_ssl, auth=self.auth, timeout=TIMEOUT, headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'User-Agent': self.user_agent}) self.log.debug('Received: %s' % (r.text,)) def delete(self, path, data): url = self.url(path) self.log.debug('DELETE: %s' % (url,)) self.log.debug('data: %s' % (data,)) r = self.session.delete(url, data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf8'), verify=self.app.config.verify_ssl, auth=self.auth, timeout=TIMEOUT, headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'User-Agent': self.user_agent}) self.log.debug('Received: %s' % (r.text,)) def syncSubscribedProjects(self): task = SyncSubscribedProjectsTask(LOW_PRIORITY) self.submitTask(task) task.wait() for subtask in task.tasks: subtask.wait()