# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import logging import urwid from gertty import mywid class LineContext(object): def __init__(self, old_revision_key, new_revision_key, old_revision_num, new_revision_num, old_fn, new_fn, old_ln, new_ln): self.old_revision_key = old_revision_key self.new_revision_key = new_revision_key self.old_revision_num = old_revision_num self.new_revision_num = new_revision_num self.old_fn = old_fn self.new_fn = new_fn self.old_ln = old_ln self.new_ln = new_ln class DiffCommentEdit(urwid.Columns): def __init__(self, context, old_key=None, new_key=None, old=u'', new=u''): super(DiffCommentEdit, self).__init__([]) self.context = context # If we save a comment, the resulting key will be stored here self.old_key = old_key self.new_key = new_key self.old = urwid.Edit(edit_text=old, multiline=True) self.new = urwid.Edit(edit_text=new, multiline=True) self.contents.append((urwid.Text(u''), ('given', 4, False))) self.contents.append((urwid.AttrMap(self.old, 'draft-comment'), ('weight', 1, False))) self.contents.append((urwid.Text(u''), ('given', 4, False))) self.contents.append((urwid.AttrMap(self.new, 'draft-comment'), ('weight', 1, False))) self.focus_position = 3 def keypress(self, size, key): r = super(DiffCommentEdit, self).keypress(size, key) if r in ['tab', 'shift tab']: if self.focus_position == 3: self.focus_position = 1 else: self.focus_position = 3 return None return r class DiffComment(urwid.Columns): def __init__(self, context, old, new): super(DiffComment, self).__init__([]) self.context = context oldt = urwid.Text(old) newt = urwid.Text(new) if old: oldt = urwid.AttrMap(oldt, 'comment') if new: newt = urwid.AttrMap(newt, 'comment') self.contents.append((urwid.Text(u''), ('given', 4, False))) self.contents.append((oldt, ('weight', 1, False))) self.contents.append((urwid.Text(u''), ('given', 4, False))) self.contents.append((newt, ('weight', 1, False))) class DiffLine(urwid.Button): def selectable(self): return True def __init__(self, app, context, old, new, callback=None): super(DiffLine, self).__init__('', on_press=callback) self.context = context columns = [] for (ln, action, line) in (old, new): if ln is None: ln = '' else: ln = str(ln) ln_col = urwid.Text(ln) ln_col.set_wrap_mode('clip') line_col = urwid.Text(line) line_col.set_wrap_mode('clip') if action == '': line_col = urwid.AttrMap(line_col, 'nonexistent') columns += [(4, ln_col), line_col] col = urwid.Columns(columns) map = {None: 'reversed', 'added-line': 'reversed-added-line', 'added-word': 'reversed-added-word', 'removed-line': 'reversed-removed-line', 'removed-word': 'reversed-removed-word', 'nonexistent': 'reversed-nonexistent', } self._w = urwid.AttrMap(col, None, focus_map=map) class DiffView(urwid.WidgetWrap): help = mywid.GLOBAL_HELP + """ This Screen =========== Add an inline comment. """ def __init__(self, app, new_revision_key): super(DiffView, self).__init__(urwid.Pile([])) self.log = logging.getLogger('gertty.view.diff') self.app = app self.new_revision_key = new_revision_key with self.app.db.getSession() as session: revision = session.getRevision(new_revision_key) self.title = u'Diff of %s change %s patchset %s' % ( revision.change.project.name, revision.change.number, revision.number) self.new_revision_num = revision.number self.change_key = revision.change.key self.project_name = revision.change.project.name self.parent = revision.parent self.commit = revision.commit comment_lists = {} for comment in revision.comments: if comment.parent: key = 'old' else: key = 'new' if comment.pending: key += 'draft' key += '-' + str(comment.line) key += '-' + str(comment.file) comment_list = comment_lists.get(key, []) if comment.pending: message = comment.message else: message = [('comment-name', comment.name), ('comment', u': '+comment.message)] comment_list.append((comment.key, message)) comment_lists[key] = comment_list repo = self.app.getRepo(self.project_name) self._w.contents.append((app.header, ('pack', 1))) self._w.contents.append((urwid.Divider(), ('pack', 1))) lines = [] # this is a list of files: for i, diff in enumerate(repo.diff(self.parent, self.commit)): if i > 0: lines.append(urwid.Text('')) lines.append(urwid.Columns([ urwid.Text(diff.oldname), urwid.Text(diff.newname)])) for i, old in enumerate(diff.oldlines): new = diff.newlines[i] context = LineContext( None, self.new_revision_key, None, self.new_revision_num, diff.oldname, diff.newname, old[0], new[0]) lines.append(DiffLine(self.app, context, old, new, callback=self.onSelect)) # see if there are any comments for this line key = 'old-%s-%s' % (old[0], diff.oldname) old_list = comment_lists.get(key, []) key = 'new-%s-%s' % (new[0], diff.newname) new_list = comment_lists.get(key, []) while old_list or new_list: old_comment_key = new_comment_key = None old_comment = new_comment = u'' if old_list: (old_comment_key, old_comment) = old_list.pop(0) if new_list: (new_comment_key, new_comment) = new_list.pop(0) lines.append(DiffComment(context, old_comment, new_comment)) # see if there are any draft comments for this line key = 'olddraft-%s-%s' % (old[0], diff.oldname) old_list = comment_lists.get(key, []) key = 'newdraft-%s-%s' % (old[0], diff.oldname) new_list = comment_lists.get(key, []) while old_list or new_list: old_comment_key = new_comment_key = None old_comment = new_comment = u'' if old_list: (old_comment_key, old_comment) = old_list.pop(0) if new_list: (new_comment_key, new_comment) = new_list.pop(0) lines.append(DiffCommentEdit(context, old_comment_key, new_comment_key, old_comment, new_comment)) listwalker = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker(lines) self.listbox = urwid.ListBox(listwalker) self._w.contents.append((self.listbox, ('weight', 1))) self.old_focus = 2 self.draft_comments = [] self._w.set_focus(self.old_focus) def refresh(self): #TODO pass def keypress(self, size, key): old_focus = self.listbox.focus r = super(DiffView, self).keypress(size, key) new_focus = self.listbox.focus if old_focus != new_focus and isinstance(old_focus, DiffCommentEdit): self.cleanupEdit(old_focus) return r def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, x, y, focus): old_focus = self.listbox.focus r = super(DiffView, self).mouse_event(size, event, button, x, y, focus) new_focus = self.listbox.focus if old_focus != new_focus and isinstance(old_focus, DiffCommentEdit): self.cleanupEdit(old_focus) return r def onSelect(self, button): pos = self.listbox.focus_position e = DiffCommentEdit(self.listbox.body[pos].context) self.listbox.body.insert(pos+1, e) self.listbox.focus_position = pos+1 def cleanupEdit(self, edit): if edit.old_key: self.deleteComment(edit.old_key) edit.old_key = None if edit.new_key: self.deleteComment(edit.new_key) edit.new_key = None old = edit.old.edit_text.strip() new = edit.new.edit_text.strip() if old or new: if old: edit.old_key = self.saveComment( edit.context, old, new=False) if new: edit.new_key = self.saveComment( edit.context, new, new=True) else: self.listbox.body.remove(edit) def deleteComment(self, comment_key): with self.app.db.getSession() as session: comment = session.getComment(comment_key) session.delete(comment) def saveComment(self, context, text, new=True): if (not new) and (not context.old_revision_num): parent = True revision_key = context.new_revision_key else: parent = False if new: revision_key = context.new_revision_key else: revision_key = context.old_revision_key if new: line_num = context.new_ln filename = context.new_fn else: line_num = context.old_ln filename = context.old_fn with self.app.db.getSession() as session: revision = session.getRevision(revision_key) comment = revision.createComment(None, None, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), None, filename, parent, line_num, text, pending=True) key = comment.key return key