# This is an example ~/.gertty.yaml file for use with OpenStack's # Gerrit. Most of these options are not required, rather, they # customize Gertty to better deal with the particulars of OpenStack's # Gerrit configuration. servers: - name: openstack url: https://review.openstack.org/ username: CHANGEME password: CHANGEME git_root: ~/git/ palettes: - name: default test-SUCCESS: ['light green', '', ''] test-FAILURE: ['light red', '', ''] # Uncomment the next line if your terminal has a white background # palette: light commentlinks: - match: "^- (?P.*?) (?P.*?) : (?P[^ ]+) ?(?P.*)$" test-result: "{job}" replacements: - link: text: "{job:<42}" url: "{url}" - text: color: "test-{result}" text: "{result} " - text: "{comment}" - match: "(?PI[0-9a-fA-F]{40})" replacements: - search: text: "{id}" query: "change:{id}" # This is the query used for the list of changes when a project is # selected. The default is "status:open"; if you don't want to see # WIP changes, use a query like this: # # change-list-query: "status:open not label:Workflow=-1" # Uncomment the following line to use a unified diff view instead # of the default side-by-side: # diff-view: unified # Hide comments by default that match the following criteria. # You can toggle their display with 't'. hide-comments: - author: "^(.*CI|Jenkins)$" dashboards: - name: "My changes" query: "owner:self status:open" key: "f2" reviewkeys: - key: 'meta 0' approvals: [] - key: 'meta 1' approvals: - category: 'Code-Review' value: 1 - key: 'meta 2' approvals: - category: 'Code-Review' value: 2 - key: 'meta 3' approvals: - category: 'Code-Review' value: 2 - category: 'Workflow' value: 1