Update docs matching ecuType refactorisation

Change-Id: I2537d05337f732162ddee43eab61103048853e6c
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Henrik Wahlqvist 2024-09-25 09:20:18 +02:00
parent 635045a3f2
commit c7b97dbc62

View File

@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
# Project Configuration Files
Configuration files needed by the build system. The "entry point" is the project configuration file given as a command line argument to build.py. This file can contain references to other configuration files and to the software [unit definition files](unit_config.md).
Configuration files needed by the build system.
The "entry point" is the project configuration file given as a command line argument to build.py.
This file can contain references to other configuration files and to the software [unit definition files](unit_config.md).
## Project Config
## Configuration Settings
The project config file contains project specific configuration settings and references to other configuration files.
It is a json file that should be located in the project root.
The project configuration file can override keys/values in the base configuration file.
### File Versioning
Example ProjectCfg.json:
The build system compares the version information in the configuration files with the application version
to make sure a consistent configuration is used.
"ConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1",
"BaseConfig" : "../../ConfigDocuments/BaseConfig.json",
"UnitCfgs": "conf.local/rasters.json",
"ProjectInfo" : {
"projConfig" : "ABC_123",
"a2LFileName": "A2L.a2l",
"ecuSupplier" : "CSP",
"ecuType" : "",
"unitCfgDeliveryDir": "./output/UnitCfgs"
- "ConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1"
- Project configuration file version.
- "BaseConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1"
- Base configuration file version.
- "UnitsConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1"
- Units configuration file version.
## Base Config
@ -59,121 +52,6 @@ Example BaseConfig.json:
## Units Config
The units config file contains information about included software units and scheduling rasters.
The software units are executed in the order they are defined within each time raster definition.
"UnitsConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1",
"Projects": {
"GEP3_HEP7": {
"Rasters": {
"2ms": [],
"10ms": [
"100ms": [
"SampleTimes": {
"2ms": "0.002",
"10ms": "0.010",
"100ms": "0.100"
## Configuration Settings
### File Versioning
The build system compares the version information in the configuration files with the application version
to make sure a consistent configuration is used.
- "ConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1"
- Project configuration file version.
- "BaseConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1"
- Base configuration file version.
- "UnitsConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1"
- Units configuration file version.
## ProjectInfo
### projConfig
The name of the project.
This name is used in all the configuration files to identify the project.
### ecuSupplier
Ecu supplier name.
This is used to choose supplier dependent code generation (possibly in combination with ECU Type), e.g. the core dummy file generation.
### ecuType
Ecu type name.
This is used to choose supplier dependent code generation (possibly in combination with ECU Supplier), e.g. the core dummy file generation.
### unitCfgDeliveryDir
If this key is defined, the build system will deliver all the unit configuration files into the directory specified.
### didDefFile
The name of the file defining all DIDs of the project.
### srcCodeDstDir
The source code destination directory.
### logDstDir
The log files destination directory.
### configDir
The path to a folder containing all the configuration files of the project.
Used to find codeswitches, core-id and DID definition files.
### interfaceCfgDir
The path to a folder with csv-files defining the supplier interface configuration.
The files shall be comma separated files, with the delimiter ';'.
The following files shall exists in the folder:
CAN-Input.csv, CAN-Output.csv, EMS-Input.csv, EMS-Output.csv, LIN-Input.csv, LIN-Output.csv, Private CAN-Input.csv and Private CAN-Output.csv.
### prjUnitSrcDir
A file path where the superset of the source code files are found.
This path can/shall use wildcards.
E.g. "./Models/SSP*/Beta/Vc*/src", will match all folders under the Models folder which start with SSP,
and then all folders in Beta starting with Vc, which have a src folder.
The build system only includes files from software units referenced by the units config file.
### prjUnitCfgDir
A file path to the unit definition files.
This file is a json file containing all the relevant meta data for the function.
E.g. input parameters, output parameters, calibration labels, local measurement variables, etc...
The unit definition file must match the filename pattern "config_*.json"
### coreDummyFileName
Defines the file names of the dummy Core Identifier c code, which is generated by the build environment.
### useGlobalConst
If declared, this module is included in the build. If the string is empty no module is included
### NvmConfig
This key configures the NVM area sizes, and the filename of the c-files generated to defined the NVM.
@ -191,7 +69,7 @@ However, the standard says that struct members should be placed in memory in the
### baseNvmStructs
### NvmStructs
This json file holds the order for NVM signals in the structs, it also holds area size and allowed signals.
We want to preserve the order for signals.
@ -224,11 +102,254 @@ E.g. Position_16Bit_195 the signal position will then be filled in by buildscrip
This key defines the name of the c-files generated, which defines the NVM areas.
### ProjectTemplates
[ecuType](#ecutype) is used to separate different types of projects.
However, powertrain-build has, as of fda739bc13a2cdd9a3a72e8762fe8443cf6a88da,
been refactored so that it is possible to choose different options individually.
This key is used to set individual options to match the old ECU types, see example below.
"ProjectTemplates": {
"Dummy": {
"generalAsilLevelDebug": "B",
"generalAsilLevelDependability": "B",
"generateCalibrationInterfaceFiles": false,
"generateCoreDummy": true,
"generateDummyVar": true,
"generateInterfaceHeaders": false,
"generateYamlInterfaceFile": false,
"propagateTagName": true,
"useA2lSymbolLinks": true,
"useSwcNameAsPrefix": false
Also see [CodeGenerationConfig](#codegenerationconfig) as the values in there take priority over these.
#### generalAsilLevelDebug
Set the ASIL classification for the generated debug and interface files.
Default is "B".
#### generalAsilLevelDependability
Set the ASIL classification for the generated "safe" debug and interface files.
Default is "B".
#### generateCalibrationInterfaceFiles
Generate calibration interface files, only available when "generateYamlInterfaceFile" is true.
Default is False.
These files can be used together with a certain type of calibration strategy in the Autosar environment known as double buffering.
The files generates a certain variable called "c\<swc_name\>\_TriggerReadRteCData" which can be toggled to read the rest of the calibration variables.
This makes the CPU not overload reading all the calibration variables from the RTE every iteration.
#### generateCoreDummy
Generates a file defining dummy versions of functions towards e.g. supplier interface type functions.
Default is False.
#### generateDummyVar
Generates a file defining missing signals/variables between Simulink models/source code.
Default is False.
#### generateInterfaceHeaders
Generate interface header files, for more information see [MemoryMapConfig](#memorymapconfig).
Default is False.
Instead of generating required header files,
custom header files can be copied to the output foler by listing them in "includesPaths".
Paths should be relative to the location of *ProjectCfg.json* file.
#### generateYamlInterfaceFile
Generate a yaml file containing all metadata for the project.
Default is False.
#### propagateTagName
Add the Git tag to the file "vcc_sp_version.h". Currently only used for old Volvo projects.
Default is False.
#### useA2lSymbolLinks
Use "SYMBOL_LINK" in the generated A2L file.
Default is False.
#### useSwcNameAsPrefix
Use the software component name as prefix in the "common" functions and structs generated by powertrain-build.
"softwareComponentName" needs to be set in [ProjectInfo](#projectinfo).
Default is False.
## Rasters json File
### SampleTimes
The key "SampleTimes" defines the names of the available time rasters, and the value defines the scheduling time in seconds.
### Rasters
The key "Rasters", defines which units that are scheduled in that raster,
and the order of the list defines the order the units are executed within the raster.
Each \<raster\> key defines which units that are scheduled in that raster,
the order of the list defines the order the units are executed within the raster.
## Project Config
The project config file contains project specific configuration settings and references to other configuration files.
It is a json file that should be located in the project root.
The project configuration file can override keys/values in the base configuration file.
Example ProjectCfg.json:
"ConfigFileVersion": "0.2.1",
"BaseConfig" : "../../ConfigDocuments/BaseConfig.json",
"UnitCfgs": "conf.local/rasters.json",
"ProjectInfo" : {
"projConfig" : "ABC_123",
"a2LFileName": "A2L.a2l",
"ecuSupplier" : "CSP",
"ecuType" : "",
"unitCfgDeliveryDir": "./output/UnitCfgs"
### ProjectInfo
#### projConfig
The name of the project.
This name is used in all the configuration files to identify the project.
#### ecuSupplier
Ecu supplier name.
This is used to choose supplier dependent code generation (possibly in combination with ECU Type), e.g. the core dummy file generation.
#### ecuType
Ecu type name.
This is used to choose supplier dependent code generation (possibly in combination with ECU Supplier), e.g. the core dummy file generation.
#### unitCfgDeliveryDir
If this key is defined, the build system will deliver all the unit configuration files into the directory specified.
#### didDefFile
The name of the file defining all DIDs of the project.
#### srcCodeDstDir
The source code destination directory.
#### logDstDir
The log files destination directory.
#### configDir
The path to a folder containing all the configuration files of the project.
Used to find codeswitches, core-id and DID definition files.
#### interfaceCfgDir
The path to a folder with csv-files defining the supplier interface configuration.
The files shall be comma separated files, with the delimiter ';'.
The following files shall exists in the folder:
CAN-Input.csv, CAN-Output.csv, EMS-Input.csv, EMS-Output.csv, LIN-Input.csv, LIN-Output.csv, Private CAN-Input.csv and Private CAN-Output.csv.
#### prjUnitSrcDir
A file path where the superset of the source code files are found.
This path can/shall use wildcards.
E.g. "./Models/SSP*/Beta/Vc*/src", will match all folders under the Models folder which start with SSP,
and then all folders in Beta starting with Vc, which have a src folder.
The build system only includes files from software units referenced by the units config file.
#### prjUnitCfgDir
A file path to the unit definition files.
This file is a json file containing all the relevant meta data for the function.
E.g. input parameters, output parameters, calibration labels, local measurement variables, etc...
The unit definition file must match the filename pattern "config_*.json".
#### coreDummyFileName
Defines the file names of the dummy Core Identifier c code, which is generated by the build environment.
#### useGlobalConst
If declared, this module is included in the build. If the string is empty no module is included.
### includesPaths
Use this key to list files that should be included in the source code.
Paths should be relative to the location of *ProjectCfg.json* file.
### CodeGenerationConfig
Use the field to choose specific code generation options in powertrain-build.
Key value pairs specified in this struct takes priority over the ones specified in [ProjectTemplates](#projecttemplates).
Afformentioned chapter also describes the available options and their default values.
### MemoryMapConfig
This configuration is required when [generateInterfaceHeaders](#generateinterfaceheaders) is set to true.
"MemoryMapConfig": {
"memMapPrefix": "DUMMY",
"includeHeaderGuards": false,
"includeMemMapForCalibration": false,
"projectDefines": {
"START": {
"code": "#define DUMMY_START_SEC_CODE",
"cal": "#pragma section \".XcpCalibrationSection\""
"STOP": {
"code": "#define DUMMY_STOP_SEC_CODE",
"cal": "#pragma section"
#### memMapPrefix
Prefix of the generated memory map file, e.g. *DUMMY__MemMap.h*.
#### includeHeaderGuards
Adds header guards to e.g. *DUMMY__MemMap.h*.
#### includeMemMapForCalibration
Also adds the `#include "DUMMY__MemMap.h"` to the calibration header files.
Might not be necessary when using `#pragma section ".XcpCalibrationSection"`.
#### projectDefines
A dict with "START" and "STOP" keys each defining key value pairs for what to include in the header file
for code, constants, calibration variables and measurable variables.
See example above.