222 lines
7.6 KiB
222 lines
7.6 KiB
# Copyright 2024 Volvo Car Corporation
# Licensed under Apache 2.0.
"""Module containing classes for the signal interfaces report."""
from collections import defaultdict
from powertrain_build.html_report import HtmlReport
class SigIfHtmlReport(HtmlReport):
"""Signal interface html report.
Inherits class :doc:`HtmlReport <html_report>`.
__intro = """<h2 class="nocount">Table of contents</h2>
<li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#signal_details">Detailed signal information</a></li>
<li><a href="#signal_index">Signal index</a></li>
<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>This documents lists the signal interfaces.</p>
__table_unused = """
<table id="unused">
__table_detailed_sig_desc = """
<table id="sig_desc">
__table_detailed_sig_desc_ext = """
<table id="sig_desc">
<th>Init Value</th>
<th>Config Doc</th>
__table_detailed_sig_def = """
<table id="detailed_sig_def">
<th>Defined in unit</th>
<th>in projects</th>
__table_detailed_sig_cons = """
<table id="detailed_sig_cons">
<th>Consumed by units</th>
<th>in projects</th>
def __init__(self, build_cfg, unit_cfg, sig_if):
"""Initialize class instance.
build_cfg (BuildProjConfig): holds all the build configs
unit_cfg (UnitConfigs): object holding all unit interfaces
sig_if (SignalInterfaces): object holding signal interface information
super().__init__('Signal interface report')
self._build_cfg = build_cfg
self._unit_cfg = unit_cfg
self._sig_if = sig_if
def _gen_sigs_details(self):
"""Generate detailed signal information."""
out = ' <h2 id="signal_details">Detailed Signal Information</h2>\n'
for signal in sorted(self._if.keys()):
out += self._gen_sig_details(signal)
return out
def _gen_sig_details(self, signal):
"""Generate detailed signal information."""
out = f' <h3 id="{signal}">{signal}</h3>\n'
unit = tuple(self._if[signal]['def'].keys())[0] # ugly! use the first defining unit.
# Check that it is a unit, and not from the inteface definition
if unit[:2] == 'Vc':
sig_def = defaultdict(lambda: '-', self._unit_cfg.get_per_unit_cfg()[unit]['outports'][signal])
out += f' <p>{sig_def["description"]}</p>'
out += self.__table_detailed_sig_desc
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["unit"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["type"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["class"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["min"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["max"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["lsb"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["offset"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["configs"]}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n <p></p>\n'
sig_def = defaultdict(lambda: '-', self._sig_if.get_raw_io_cnfg()[unit][signal])
out += f' <p>{sig_def["description"]}</p>'
out += self.__table_detailed_sig_desc_ext
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["unit"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["type"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["init"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["min"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{sig_def["max"]}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{unit}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n <p></p>\n'
out += self.__table_detailed_sig_def
for unit, prjs in self._if[signal]['def'].items():
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{unit}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{prjs}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
if 'consumers' in self._if[signal]:
out += ' <p></p>\n'
out += self.__table_detailed_sig_cons
for units, prjs in self._if[signal]['consumers'].items():
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{units}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{prjs}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
return out
def _format_unit_data(self):
"""Format data per unit."""
self._if = {}
prj_name = self._build_cfg.get_prj_config()
# internal signals
prj_cfg = self._unit_cfg.get_per_cfg_unit_cfg()
ext_out_prj = self._sig_if.get_external_outputs()
if 'outports' in prj_cfg:
for sig, data in prj_cfg['outports'].items():
prod_unit = list(data.keys())[0]
self._if.setdefault(sig, {}).setdefault('def', {}).setdefault(prod_unit, []).append(prj_name)
cons_units = []
for sig_type, osig in ext_out_prj.items():
if sig in osig:
cons_units = [sig_type]
if sig in prj_cfg['inports']:
if cons_units:
(self._if[sig].setdefault('consumers', {})
.setdefault(tuple(sorted(cons_units)), [])
# external signals
prj_cfg = self._unit_cfg.get_per_cfg_unit_cfg()
ext_in_prj = self._sig_if.get_external_inputs()
for sig_type, osig in ext_in_prj.items():
for sig, data in osig.items():
self._if.setdefault(sig, {}).setdefault('def', {}).setdefault(sig_type, []).append(prj_name)
if 'inports' in prj_cfg and sig in prj_cfg['inports']:
(self._if[sig].setdefault('consumers', {})
.setdefault(tuple(sorted(prj_cfg['inports'][sig].keys())), [])
def _gen_signal_toc(self):
"""Generate a signal TOC for the unit with signal inconsistencies.
Hyperlinks to more in depth signal information.
out = ' <h2 id="signal_index">Signal index</h2>\n'
for signal in sorted(self._if.keys()):
out += f' <div><a href="#{signal}">{signal}</a></div>\n'
return out
def gen_contents(self):
"""Generate report contents from the signal interfaces data.
Overrides HtmlReport.gen_contents()
html = []
html += self.__intro
html += self._gen_sigs_details()
html += self._gen_signal_toc()
return ''.join(html)