367 lines
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367 lines
16 KiB
# Copyright 2024 Volvo Car Corporation
# Licensed under Apache 2.0.
"""Module containing classes for generation of signal consistency check report."""
import json
from powertrain_build.signal_incons_html_rep_base import SigConsHtmlReportBase
class SigConsHtmlReportAll(SigConsHtmlReportBase):
"""Generate html report from the signal consistency check result.
(see :doc:`signal_interfaces`)
Inherits :doc:`HtmlReport <html_report>`.
__intro_all = """<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>This documents lists inconsistencies in the internal and external signal configuration.</p>
__table_incons = """ <table id="inconsistent">
<th>Variable parameter</th>
__toc_ext_sig = """<h2 class="nocount">Table of contents</h2>'
<li><a href="#ext_sigs">External signals</a>
<li><a href="#ext_missing">Missing external signals</a></li>
<li><a href="#ext_unused">Unused external signals</a></li>
<h2 id="ext_sigs">Signals missing and unused in the interface definition</h2>\n
_toc_unit_details = """<h2 class="nocount">Table of contents</h2>
<li><a href="#unit_details">Detailed unit information</a></li>
<li><a href="#unit_index">Unit index</a></li>
def __init__(self, res_dicts=None):
"""Initialize class instance.
res_dict (dict): result dict from the signal interface consistency check
The dict shall have the following format::
"sigs": { "ext": {"missing": {},
"unused": {},
"inconsistent_defs": {}},
"int": {"UNIT_NAME": {"missing": {},
"unused": {},
"multiple_defs": {}
"inconsistent_defs": {}}
"never_active_signals": {
"UNIT_NAME": [signal_one, ...]
def _gen_unit_toc(self):
"""Generate a unit TOC for the unit with signal inconsistencies.
Hyperlinks to more in depth unit information.
self._out_all_unit_toc = {}
for prj, units in self._all_units.items():
out = ' <h2 id="unit_index">Unit index</h2>\n'
for unit in sorted(units):
out += f' <div><a href="#{unit}">{unit}</a></div>\n'
self._out_all_unit_toc.update({prj: out})
def _gen_units(self):
"""Generate all the information regarding all the units."""
self._out_all_units = {}
self._prj = ''
for prj, units in self._all_units.items():
out = ' <h2 id="unit_details">Detailed Unit Information</h2>\n'
for unit in sorted(units):
out += self._gen_unit(prj, unit)
self._out_all_units.update({prj: out})
return self._out_all_units
def _gen_unit(self, project, unit):
"""Generate the html-report for the unit specific information."""
unit_data_all = {}
out = f' <h3 id="{unit}">{unit}</h3>\n'
if project in self._int_units_all and unit in self._int_units_all[project]:
for prj, res_dict in self._res_dict_all.items():
if unit in res_dict['sigs']['int']:
unit_data = res_dict['sigs']['int'][unit]
unit_data_all.update({prj: unit_data})
_res_dict = self._res_dict_all.get(project)
unit_data = _res_dict['sigs']['int'][unit]
out += ' <h4>Missing signals</h4>\n' \
' <p>Inports whose signals are not generated in the ' \
'listed configuration(s).</p>'
out += self._gen_missing_sigs(unit_data, unit_data_all)
out += ' <h4>Unused signals</h4>\n' \
' <p>Outports that are generated, but not used in the ' \
'listed configuration(s).</p>'
out += self._gen_unused_sigs(unit_data, unit_data_all)
out += ' <h4>Multiple defined signals</h4>\n' \
' <p>Outports that are generated more than once in ' \
'the listed configuration(s).</p>'
out += self._gen_multiple_def_sigs(unit_data, unit_data_all)
out += ' <h4>Internal signal inconsistencies</h4>\n' \
' <p>Inports that have different variable definitions ' \
'than the producing outport.</p>'
out += self._gen_int_inconsistent_defs(unit_data, unit_data_all)
if project in self._ext_units_all and unit in self._ext_units_all[project]:
out += self._gen_unit_ext(project, unit)
if project in self._res_dict_all and \
'never_active_signals' in self._res_dict_all[project] and \
unit in self._res_dict_all[project]['never_active_signals']:
out += ' <h4>Never active signals</h4>\n' \
' <p>Never active signals will not appear in generated .c file, ' \
'signals probablty lead to terminators in Simulink model.</p>'
out += self._gen_never_active_sigs(self._res_dict_all[project]['never_active_signals'][unit])
return out
def _gen_unit_ext(self, project, unit):
out = ''
self._unit_data_all = {}
if unit in self._res_dict_all[project]['sigs']['ext']['inconsistent_defs'].keys():
out += ' <h4>External signal inconsistencies</h4>\n' \
' <p>In-/Out-ports that have different variable definitions ' \
'than in the interface definition file.</p>'
out += self._gen_ext_inconsistent_defs(project, unit)
return out
def _gen_signals_table(self, unit_data, unit_data_all, key, out=''):
"""Generate the unit specific information for KEY in a unit."""
if key not in unit_data:
return out
out += self._table_unused
for var in sorted(unit_data[key]):
configs_str = ""
for unit_data_cfg in unit_data_all.values():
if key in unit_data_cfg and var in unit_data_cfg[key]:
configs = unit_data_cfg[key][var]
configs_str += f" {self._set_to_str(configs)}"
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{var}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{configs_str}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
return out
def _gen_missing_sigs(self, unit_data, unit_data_all, out=''):
"""Generate the unit specific information for missing signal in a unit."""
return self._gen_signals_table(unit_data, unit_data_all, key='missing', out=out)
def _gen_unused_sigs(self, unit_data, unit_data_all, out=''):
"""Generate the unit specific information for the unused signals wihtin a unit."""
return self._gen_signals_table(unit_data, unit_data_all, key='unused', out=out)
def _gen_multiple_def_sigs(self, unit_data, unit_data_all, out=''):
"""Generate unit specific information for the signals that are generated more than once."""
return self._gen_signals_table(unit_data, unit_data_all, key='multiple_defs', out=out)
def _gen_never_active_sigs(self, never_active_signals):
"""Generate unit specific information for the signals that are never active."""
out = self._table_unused
for signal in never_active_signals:
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{signal}</td>\n'
out += ' <td></td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
return out
def _gen_ext_inconsistent_defs(self, project, unit, out=''):
"""Generate a report of inconsistent variable definition parameters.
Report inconsistencies between the producing signal definition, and the
signal definitions in the external interface definition.
inconsistent_defs_key = 'inconsistent_defs'
if inconsistent_defs_key not in self._res_dict_all[project]['sigs']['ext']:
return out
out += self.__table_incons
incons_unit = self._res_dict_all[project]['sigs']['ext'][inconsistent_defs_key][unit]
for var in sorted(incons_unit.keys()):
first_cells = f'\n <tr>\n <td>{var}</td>\n'
for v_par, desc in incons_unit[var].items():
out += first_cells
out += f' <td>{v_par}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{desc}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{project}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
first_cells = ' <tr>\n <td></td>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
return out
def _gen_int_inconsistent_defs(self, unit_data, unit_data_all, out=''):
"""Generate a report of inconsistent variable definition parameters.
Inconsistent for between the producing signal definition, and the
consuming signal definitions for SPM internal signals.
inconsistent_defs_key = 'inconsistent_defs'
if inconsistent_defs_key not in unit_data:
return out
out += self.__table_incons
for var in sorted(unit_data[inconsistent_defs_key].keys()):
configs_str = ""
for prj_cfg in unit_data_all.keys():
configs_str += f" {prj_cfg}"
first_cells = f'\n <tr>\n <td>{var}</td>\n'
configs = unit_data[inconsistent_defs_key][var]
for v_par, desc in configs.items():
out += first_cells
out += f' <td>{v_par}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{desc}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{configs_str}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
first_cells = ' <tr>\n <td></td>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
return out
def _gen_ext_signals_report(self, type_, comment):
"""Generate report for external signals."""
out = f' <h3 id="ext_{type_}">{type_.capitalize()} external signals</h3>\n'
out += f'<p>{comment}</p>'
res_dict = self._res_dict_all.get(self._prj)
out += self._table_unused
ext_data = res_dict['sigs']['ext'][type_]
for var in sorted(ext_data.keys()):
configs_str = ""
for res_dict_cfg in self._res_dict_all.values():
if type_ in res_dict_cfg['sigs']['ext']:
ext_data_cfg = res_dict_cfg['sigs']['ext'][type_]
configs = ext_data_cfg[var]
configs_str += " " + self._set_to_str(configs)
out += ' <tr>\n'
out += f' <td>{var}</td>\n'
out += f' <td>{configs_str}</td>\n'
out += ' </tr>\n'
out += ' </tbody>\n'
out += ' </table>\n'
except KeyError:
return out
def set_res_dict(self, res_dicts):
"""Set the result dictionary used to generate the html-report.
res_dicts (dict): result dict from the signal interface consistency check
See class constructor for dict structure.
# nesting defaultdicts is bad so we use this hack
regular_res_dicts = json.loads(json.dumps(res_dicts))
self._res_dict_all = regular_res_dicts
self._ext_units_all = {}
self._int_units_all = {}
self._all_units = {}
for prj, res_dict in self._res_dict_all.items():
_ext_units = set()
_int_units = set()
_units_with_never_active_signals = set()
if res_dict is not None and 'sigs' in res_dict:
if 'ext' in res_dict['sigs'] and 'inconsistent_defs' in res_dict['sigs']['ext']:
_ext_units = set(res_dict['sigs']['ext']['inconsistent_defs'].keys())
self._ext_units_all.update({prj: _ext_units})
if 'int' in res_dict['sigs']:
_int_units = set(res_dict['sigs']['int'].keys())
self._int_units_all.update({prj: _int_units})
if 'never_active_signals' in res_dict:
_units_with_never_active_signals = res_dict['never_active_signals'].keys()
self._all_units[prj] = _ext_units | _int_units | _units_with_never_active_signals
def _gen_contents_intro(self):
"""Generate report contents from the signal interfaces data."""
html = []
html += self.__intro_all
return ''.join(html)
def _gen_contents_toc_ext_sig(self):
"""Generate report contents from the signal interfaces data.
Specialises HtmlReport.gen_contents()
html = []
html += self.__toc_ext_sig
return ''.join(html)
def _gen_contents_toc_unit_details(self):
"""Generate report contents from the signal interfaces data.
Specialises HtmlReport.gen_contents()
html = []
html += self._toc_unit_details
return ''.join(html)
def _gen_contents_ext_signals(self):
"""Generate report contents from the signal inconsistency check result dictionary."""
html = []
html += self._gen_contents_toc_ext_sig()
html += self._gen_ext_signals_report('missing', 'Signals not generated by '
'Vcc SW, but are defined in '
'the Interface definition to be '
html += self._gen_ext_signals_report('unused', 'Signals defined to be generated by '
'supplier SW, but are not used '
'by VCC SW')
return ''.join(html)
def _generate_report_string_intro(self):
"""Generate a html report as string."""
html = []
html += self._gen_header()
html += self._gen_contents_intro()
html += self._gen_end()
return ''.join(html)
def _generate_report_string_ext_signals(self):
"""Generate a html report as string."""
html = []
html += self._gen_header()
html += self._gen_contents_ext_signals()
html += self._gen_end()
return ''.join(html)
def generate_report_file_signal_check(self, filename):
"""Generate a html report and save to file."""
filename_intro = filename + '_intro.html'
with open(filename_intro, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fhndl:
for key, out in self._out_all_units.items():
html = []
html += self._gen_header()
html += self._gen_contents_toc_unit_details()
html += out
html += self._out_all_unit_toc.get(key, '')
html += self._gen_end()
with open(f'{filename}_{key}.html', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fhndl: