{ "$schema": "http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/redfish-schema.1.0.0.json", "title": "#PhysicalContext.1.0.0", "definitions": { "PhysicalContext": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Room", "Intake", "Exhaust", "Front", "Back", "Upper", "Lower", "CPU", "GPU", "Backplane", "SystemBoard", "PowerSupply", "VoltageRegulator", "StorageDevice", "NetworkingDevice", "ComputeBay", "StorageBay", "NetworkBay", "ExpansionBay", "PowerSupplyBay" ], "enumDescriptions": { "Room": "The room", "Intake": "The intake point of the chassis", "Exhaust": "The exhaust point of the chassis", "Front": "The front of the chassis", "Back": "The back of the chassis", "Upper": "The upper portion of the chassis", "Lower": "The lower portion of the chassis", "CPU": "A Processor (CPU)", "GPU": "A Graphics Processor (GPU)", "Backplane": "A backplane within the chassis", "SystemBoard": "The system board (PCB)", "PowerSupply": "A power supply", "VoltageRegulator": "A voltage regulator device", "StorageDevice": "A storage device", "NetworkingDevice": "A networking device", "ComputeBay": "Within a compute bay", "StorageBay": "Within a storage bay", "NetworkBay": "Within a networking bay", "ExpansionBay": "Within an expansion bay", "PowerSupplyBay": "Within a power supply bay" } } }, "copyright": "Copyright 2014-2015 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). All rights reserved." }