
63 lines
1.8 KiB

# coding=utf-8
import sys
import ConfigParser
import models
import drivers
# Initialise global variable
logger = None
alexandria = None
def initialise_alexandria():
"""Define alexandria global object so it can be called from anywhere."""
global alexandria
# TODO : at a protection to not initialise twice.
alexandria = Alexandria()
class Alexandria(object):
def __init__(self):
self.NAME = "Alexandria"
self.VERSION = "0.1"
# Model
self.model = models.Model()
# Configuration file
self.conf_file = AlexandriaConfiguration("alexandria.conf")
# Build driver list from configuration file
driver_name_list = self.conf_file.get_drivers()
self.drivers = drivers.DriverCollection()
# Create objects !!!! TO BE CONTINUED !!!!
for driver_name in driver_name_list:
# Get class
driver_class = getattr(sys.modules["drivers"], driver_name.capitalize())
# Create object
driver_object = driver_class()
# Add to driver list
index = self.drivers.index(driver_object)
# Set an attribute to the coresponding driver
setattr(self.drivers, driver_name.lower(), self.drivers[index])
class AlexandriaConfiguration(object):
def __init__(self, configuration_file):
self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
def get_drivers(self):
drivers = self.config.sections()
return drivers
def get_driver_info(self,driver):
return self.config.options(driver)
def get_alexandria_port(self):
return self.config.get("alexandria", "port")