# Copyright 2016 Internap. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from oslo_log import log from almanach.core.controllers import base_controller from almanach.core import exception from almanach.core import model LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class VolumeController(base_controller.BaseController): def __init__(self, config, database_adapter): self.database_adapter = database_adapter self.volume_existence_threshold = timedelta(0, config.entities.volume_existence_threshold) def list_volumes(self, project_id, start, end): return self.database_adapter.get_all_entities_by_project(project_id, start, end, model.Volume.TYPE) def create_volume(self, volume_id, project_id, start, volume_type, size, volume_name, attached_to=None): start = self._validate_and_parse_date(start) LOG.info("volume %s created in project %s to size %s on %s", volume_id, project_id, size, start) if self._fresher_entity_exists(volume_id, start): return volume_type_name = self._get_volume_type_name(volume_type) entity = model.Volume(volume_id, project_id, start, None, volume_type_name, size, start, volume_name, datetime.utcnow(), attached_to) self.database_adapter.insert_entity(entity) def detach_volume(self, volume_id, date, attachments): date = self._validate_and_parse_date(date) LOG.info("volume %s detached on %s", volume_id, date) try: self._volume_detach_instance(volume_id, date, attachments) except exception.EntityNotFoundException as e: LOG.error("Trying to detach a volume with id '%s' not in the database yet.", volume_id) raise e def attach_volume(self, volume_id, date, attachments): date = self._validate_and_parse_date(date) LOG.info("Volume %s attached to %s on %s", volume_id, attachments, date) try: self._volume_attach_instance(volume_id, date, attachments) except exception.EntityNotFoundException as e: LOG.error("Trying to attach a volume with id '%s' not in the database yet.", volume_id) raise e def rename_volume(self, volume_id, volume_name): try: volume = self.database_adapter.get_active_entity(volume_id) if volume and volume.name != volume_name: LOG.info("volume %s renamed from %s to %s", volume_id, volume.name, volume_name) volume.name = volume_name volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() self.database_adapter.update_active_entity(volume) except exception.EntityNotFoundException: LOG.error("Trying to update a volume with id '%s' not in the database yet.", volume_id) def resize_volume(self, volume_id, size, update_date): update_date = self._validate_and_parse_date(update_date) try: volume = self.database_adapter.get_active_entity(volume_id) LOG.info("volume %s updated in project %s to size %s on %s", volume_id, volume.project_id, size, update_date) volume.end = volume.last_event = update_date volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() self.database_adapter.update_active_entity(volume) volume.size = size volume.start = update_date volume.end = None volume.last_event = update_date volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() self.database_adapter.insert_entity(volume) except exception.EntityNotFoundException as e: LOG.error("Trying to update a volume with id '%s' not in the database yet.", volume_id) raise e def delete_volume(self, volume_id, delete_date): delete_date = self._localize_date(self._validate_and_parse_date(delete_date)) LOG.info("volume %s deleted on %s", volume_id, delete_date) try: volume = self.database_adapter.get_active_entity(volume_id) if self.database_adapter.count_entity_entries(volume_id) > 1: if delete_date - volume.start < self.volume_existence_threshold: self.database_adapter.delete_active_entity(volume_id) return volume.end = volume.last_event = delete_date volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() self.database_adapter.update_active_entity(volume) except exception.EntityNotFoundException as e: LOG.error("Trying to delete a volume with id '%s' not in the database yet.", volume_id) raise e def _volume_attach_instance(self, volume_id, date, attachments): volume = self.database_adapter.get_active_entity(volume_id) date = self._localize_date(date) volume.last_event = date existing_attachments = volume.attached_to volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() if existing_attachments or self._is_within_threshold(date, volume): volume.attached_to = attachments self.database_adapter.update_active_entity(volume) else: self._close_active_volume_create_new_with_attachments(attachments, date, volume) def _volume_detach_instance(self, volume_id, date, attachments): volume = self.database_adapter.get_active_entity(volume_id) date = self._localize_date(date) volume.last_event = date volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() if attachments or self._is_within_threshold(date, volume): volume.attached_to = attachments LOG.info("Live attach for volume %s with %s", volume.entity_id, volume.attached_to) self.database_adapter.update_active_entity(volume) else: self._close_active_volume_create_new_with_attachments(attachments, date, volume) def _close_active_volume_create_new_with_attachments(self, attachments, date, volume): LOG.info("closing volume %s with attached %s", volume.entity_id, volume.attached_to) volume.end = date self.database_adapter.update_active_entity(volume) volume.attached_to = attachments volume.start = date volume.end = None volume.processed = datetime.utcnow() LOG.info("Creating volume %s with attachments with %s", volume.entity_id, volume.attached_to) self.database_adapter.insert_entity(volume) def _is_within_threshold(self, date, volume): return date - volume.start < self.volume_existence_threshold def _get_volume_type_name(self, volume_type_id): if volume_type_id is None: return None volume_type = self.database_adapter.get_volume_type(volume_type_id) return volume_type.volume_type_name