#!/bin/bash -x ETH_SRC="eth0" echo "Clearing your network up." if [[ -n `brctl show | grep -i br100` ]] then echo "Clearing br100 and making $ETH_SRC be the real interface." sudo ifconfig $ETH_SRC down sudo ifconfig br100 down sudo brctl delif br100 $ETH_SRC sudo brctl delbr br100 fi if [[ -n `brctl show | grep -i virbr0` ]] then echo "Removing virbr0" sudo ifconfig virbr0 down sudo brctl delbr virbr0 fi for pid in `ps -elf | grep -i dnsmasq | grep nova | perl -le 'while (<>) { my $pid = (split /\s+/)[3]; print $pid; }'` do echo "Killing leftover nova dnsmasq process with process id $pid" kill -9 $pid done if [[ -z `grep "iface $ETH_SRC" /etc/network/interfaces` ]] then echo "Readjusting /etc/network/interfaces to have DHCP on for $ETH_SRC" sudo cat > /etc/network/interfaces <