# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import os from devstack import date from devstack import exceptions as excp from devstack import shell as sh # Trace per line output format and file extension formats TRACE_FMT = ("%s - %s" + os.linesep) TRACE_EXT = ".trace" # Common trace actions CFG_WRITING_FILE = "CFG_WRITING_FILE" SYMLINK_MAKE = "SYMLINK_MAKE" PKG_INSTALL = "PKG_INSTALL" PYTHON_INSTALL = "PYTHON_INSTALL" DIR_MADE = "DIR_MADE" FILE_TOUCHED = "FILE_TOUCHED" DOWNLOADED = "DOWNLOADED" AP_STARTED = "AP_STARTED" PIP_INSTALL = 'PIP_INSTALL' # Common trace file types (or the expected common ones) PY_TRACE = "python" IN_TRACE = "install" START_TRACE = "start" # Used to note version of trace TRACE_VERSION = "TRACE_VERSION" TRACE_VER = 0x1 def trace_fn(root_dir, name): return sh.joinpths(root_dir, name + TRACE_EXT) class TraceWriter(object): def __init__(self, trace_filename): self.trace_fn = trace_filename self.started = False def trace(self, cmd, action=None): if action is None: action = date.rcf8222date() if cmd is not None: sh.append_file(self.trace_fn, TRACE_FMT % (cmd, action)) def filename(self): return self.trace_fn def _start(self): if self.started: return else: trace_dirs = sh.mkdirslist(sh.dirname(self.trace_fn)) sh.touch_file(self.trace_fn) self.trace(TRACE_VERSION, str(TRACE_VER)) self.started = True self.dirs_made(*trace_dirs) def py_installed(self, name, where): self._start() what = dict() what['name'] = name what['where'] = where self.trace(PYTHON_INSTALL, json.dumps(what)) def cfg_file_written(self, fn): self._start() self.trace(CFG_WRITING_FILE, fn) def symlink_made(self, link): self._start() self.trace(SYMLINK_MAKE, link) def download_happened(self, tgt, uri): self._start() what = dict() what['target'] = tgt what['from'] = uri self.trace(DOWNLOADED, json.dumps(what)) def pip_installed(self, pip_info): self._start() self.trace(PIP_INSTALL, json.dumps(pip_info)) def dirs_made(self, *dirs): self._start() for d in dirs: self.trace(DIR_MADE, d) def file_touched(self, fn): self._start() self.trace(FILE_TOUCHED, fn) def package_installed(self, pkg_info): self._start() self.trace(PKG_INSTALL, json.dumps(pkg_info)) def started_info(self, name, info_fn): self._start() data = dict() data['name'] = name data['trace_fn'] = info_fn self.trace(AP_STARTED, json.dumps(data)) class TraceReader(object): def __init__(self, trace_filename): self.trace_fn = trace_filename self.contents = None def filename(self): return self.trace_fn def _parse(self): fn = self.trace_fn if not sh.isfile(fn): msg = "No trace found at filename %s" % (fn) raise excp.NoTraceException(msg) contents = sh.load_file(fn) lines = contents.splitlines() accum = list() for line in lines: ep = self._split_line(line) if ep is None: continue accum.append(tuple(ep)) return accum def read(self): if self.contents is None: self.contents = self._parse() return self.contents def _split_line(self, line): pieces = line.split("-", 1) if len(pieces) == 2: cmd = pieces[0].rstrip() action = pieces[1].lstrip() return (cmd, action) else: return None def exists(self): return sh.exists(self.trace_fn) def py_listing(self): lines = self.read() py_entries = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == PYTHON_INSTALL and len(action): entry = json.loads(action) if type(entry) is dict: py_entries.append((entry.get("name"), entry.get("where"))) return py_entries def download_locations(self): lines = self.read() locations = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == DOWNLOADED and len(action): entry = json.loads(action) if type(entry) is dict: locations.append((entry.get('target'), entry.get('uri'))) return locations def _sort_paths(self, pths): # Ensure in correct order (ie /tmp is before /) pths = list(set(pths)) pths.sort() pths.reverse() return pths def files_touched(self): lines = self.read() files = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == FILE_TOUCHED and len(action): files.append(action) return self._sort_paths(files) def dirs_made(self): lines = self.read() dirs = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == DIR_MADE and len(action): dirs.append(action) return self._sort_paths(dirs) def apps_started(self): lines = self.read() app_info = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == AP_STARTED and len(action): entry = json.loads(action) if type(entry) is dict: app_info.append((entry.get('trace_fn'), entry.get('name'))) return app_info def symlinks_made(self): lines = self.read() links = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == SYMLINK_MAKE and len(action): links.append(action) return links def files_configured(self): lines = self.read() files = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == CFG_WRITING_FILE and len(action): files.append(action) files = list(set(files)) files.sort() return files def pips_installed(self): lines = self.read() pips_installed = list() pip_list = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == PIP_INSTALL and len(action): pip_list.append(action) for pip_data in pip_list: pip_info_full = json.loads(pip_data) if type(pip_info_full) is dict: pips_installed.append(pip_info_full) return pips_installed def packages_installed(self): lines = self.read() pkgs_installed = list() pkg_list = list() for (cmd, action) in lines: if cmd == PKG_INSTALL and len(action): pkg_list.append(action) for pkg_data in pkg_list: pkg_info = json.loads(pkg_data) if type(pkg_info) is dict: pkgs_installed.append(pkg_info) return pkgs_installed