.. _examples: ======== Examples ======== Bootstrapping ------------- This is needed to get ready for the rest of anvils stages by installing anvils python dependencies so that anvil can correctly run using said dependencies. :: $ sudo ./smithy --bootstrap **Terminal recording**: ``_ Preparing --------- This stage does the download of the source repositories, analysis of dependencies, download of missing dependencies and building of source repositories and missing dependencies into source rpms. :: $ ./smithy -a prepare **Terminal recording**: ``_ Building -------- This is the stage responsible for translating the previously prepared source rpms into installable rpms (of the non-source type). The output of this phase is two repositories, one with the dependencies and one with the rpms for the openstack components themselves. :: $ sudo ./smithy -a build **Terminal recording**: ``_ Packaging --------- To see the packages built (after prepare has finished). :: $ ls /home/harlowja/openstack/deps/rpmbuild/SPECS/ | cat .. literalinclude:: examples/spec_dir.txt :language: none :linenos: :: $ cat openstack-deps.spec .. literalinclude:: examples/openstack-deps.txt :language: none :linenos: :: $ cat python-nova.spec .. literalinclude:: examples/nova-spec.txt :language: none :linenos: