# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See then # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from pprint import pprint import svgwrite from svgwrite import cm, mm class StdoutViewer(object): def __init__(self, disks_spaces_mapping): self.disks_spaces_mapping = disks_spaces_mapping def show_me(self): pprint(self.disks_spaces_mapping) class SVGViewer(object): PALETTE = ['#666547', '#fb2e01', '#6fcb9f', '#ffe28a', '#b9feb3', '#404040', '#4cc3d9', '#7bc8a4', '#ffc65d', '#f16745'] DISK_HEIGHT = 2 * cm SPACE_HEIGHT = 2 * cm DISKS_INTERVAL = 110 SPACES_X_INTERVAL = 2 STYLE = "fill:{color};stroke:black;stroke-width:5;" def __init__(self, disks_spaces_mapping, file_path='/tmp/bareon.svg', fit=False): self.disks_spaces_mapping = disks_spaces_mapping max_disk_size = max([i['size'] for i in disks_spaces_mapping]) self.width_multiplier = 450.0 / max_disk_size svg_height = len(disks_spaces_mapping) * (self.DISKS_INTERVAL + 10) svg_width = self.width_multiplier * max_disk_size + 200 options = {} if fit: options = { 'preserveAspectRatio': 'none', 'viewBox': "0 0 {0} {1}".format(svg_width, svg_height) if fit else '0 0 maxY maxX'} self.dwg = svgwrite.Drawing( filename=file_path, debug=True, **options) def show_me(self): self._add_disk_with_spaces() self.dwg.save() def _add_disk_with_spaces(self): disk_g = self.dwg.add(self.dwg.g(id='disks-group', transform="translate({0}, {1})".format(30, 30))) for disk_idx, disk_w_spaces in enumerate(self.disks_spaces_mapping): disk_id = disk_w_spaces['disk_id'] size = disk_w_spaces['size'] disk = disk_g.add(self.dwg.g(id=disk_id, transform="translate(0, {0})".format(disk_idx * self.DISKS_INTERVAL))) disk.add(self.dwg.text(text='{0} size={1}'.format(disk_id, size), fill="black")) disk_rect = disk.add(self.dwg.g(transform="translate({0}, {1})".format(0, 10), id='in-{0}'.format(disk_id))) disk_rect.add(self.dwg.rect( style=self.STYLE.format(color='#f5f5f5'), ry=5, rx=5, size=(self.width_multiplier * disk_w_spaces['size'], self.DISK_HEIGHT))) last_insert = [0, 0] for space_idx, space in enumerate(disk_w_spaces['spaces']): palette = self.PALETTE[space_idx % len(self.PALETTE)] disk_rect.add(self.dwg.rect( style=self.STYLE.format(color=palette), ry=5, rx=5, id=space['space_id'], insert=last_insert, size=(self.width_multiplier * space['size'], self.SPACE_HEIGHT))) last_insert[0] += self.width_multiplier * space['size'] spaces_lines = ['{0} size={1}'.format(space['space_id'], space['size']) for space in disk_w_spaces['spaces']] last_insert[0] = self.width_multiplier * disk_w_spaces['size'] last_insert[0] += 10 last_insert[1] += 20 for space_idx, space_line in enumerate(spaces_lines): palette = self.PALETTE[space_idx % len(self.PALETTE)] disk_rect.add(self.dwg.text(insert=last_insert, text=space_line, fill=palette)) last_insert[1] += 20