Merge "Add DevStack instructions"

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Jenkins 2017-08-31 14:27:41 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit d68568df73
1 changed files with 480 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
Running Bareon on DevStack
The following notes give an overview of how to setup Devstack (Newton) for use with Bareon.
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 1
What you will need:
- A familiarity with `DevStack <>`_
- A machine with:
- Local block storage. In this guide 40GB was used, but this is not definitive.
- Hardware virtualization. Configured by default in libvirt.
- A large amount of RAM:
- Each virtual Ironic node requires >=3GB.
- Building bareon images requires >=16GB. Although these can be
built elsewhere and copied to the host.
.. warning::
DevStack will make substantial changes to your system during installation. Only run DevStack on servers or virtual machines that are dedicated to this purpose.
Setup Libvirt
1. Create VM using the Centos minimal image (`<>`_).
2. Log into the machine and enable networking
.. code-block:: console
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
3. Change 'ONBOOT' to 'yes'
.. code-block:: console
systemctl restart network
4. Update and install git
.. code-block:: console
yum update -y
yum install -y git
Setup Openstack with DevStack
Setting up DevStack and booting a node with Bareon requires the following
.. contents::
:depth: 1
Setup Stack User
1. Login into target host as root user
2. Download devstack sources and create "stack" user
.. code-block:: console
useradd -m -d /opt/stack stack
sudo -u stack -iH
git config --global "Name"
git config --global ""
git clone
cd devstack
git checkout -b newton origin/stable/newton
cd ~stack/devstack
3. Switch user to “stack”
.. code-block:: console
sudo -u stack -iH
Patch Ironic & Nova Using Bareon-Ironic
The bareon-ironic repo contains a series of patches which are required by
Bareon but have not yet been merged into Nova and Ironic.
1. Retrieve bareon-ironic code
.. code-block:: console
cd ~
git clone
2. Retrieve nova and ironic code, to apply bareon-ironic patches.
.. code-block:: console
# nova
cd ~
git clone
cd nova
git checkout -b local/newton origin/stable/newton
cat ../bareon-ironic/patches/newton/nova/*.patch | git am
# ironic
cd ~
git clone
cd ironic
git checkout -b local/newton origin/stable/newton
cat ../bareon-ironic/patches/newton/ironic/*.patch | git am
Configure and Deploy DevStack
1. Create configuration file "local.conf"
.. code-block:: console
cd ~/devstack
cat > local.conf << 'CATEND'
disable_service n-net
enable_service n-api-meta
enable_service n-novnc
enable_service n-crt
enable_service n-cell
enable_service q-svc
enable_service q-agt
enable_service q-dhcp
enable_service q-l3
enable_service q-meta
enable_service s-proxy
enable_service s-object
enable_service s-container
enable_service s-account
enable_plugin ironic stable/newton
enable_service ironic
enable_service ir-api
enable_service ir-cond
disable_service tempest
disable_service heat h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw h-eng
disable_service cinder c-api c-vol c-sch c-bak
2. Deploy DevStack
.. code-block:: console
.. note::
If ./ fails for any reason ./ will undo the deployment after which ./
can be re-attempted.
Install Bareon-Ironic and Configure Related Settings
1. Install bareon-ironic
.. code-block:: console
cd ~/bareon-ironic
python bdist_egg
sudo easy_install dist/bareon_ironic-1.0.1.dev19-py2.7.egg
2. Patch ironic configuration
.. code-block:: console
mkdir -p /opt/stack/data/bareon-ironic/master
mkdir -p /opt/stack/data/rsync/master
cd ~/devstack
source ./inc/ini-config
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf DEFAULT enabled_drivers 'fake,bare_swift_ssh,bare_rsync_ssh'
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf glance swift_temp_url_key 12345678900987654321
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf resources resource_root_path '/opt/stack/data/bareon-ironic'
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf resources resource_cache_master_path '/opt/stack/data/bareon-ironic/master'
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf bareon bareon_pxe_append_params 'nofb nomodeset vga=normal console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8'
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf rsync rsync_root '/opt/stack/data/rsync'
iniset /etc/ironic/ironic.conf pxe pxe_append_params 'nofb nomodeset vga=normal console=ttyS0 systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes no_timer_chec'
3. Because rsync can be used during node setup by bareon, we need to alter rsync daemon configuration.
.. code-block:: console
sudo sed -i 's/address =' /etc/rsyncd.conf
echo '
uid = root
gid = root
path = /opt/stack/data/rsync/' | sudo tee -a /etc/rsyncd.conf
4. Restart rsync daemon
.. code-block:: console
sudo systemctl restart rsyncd
5. Restart ironic services because changes have been made to ironic.conf.
Join devstack screen session
.. code-block:: console
screen -r stack
Switch to ``ir-cond`` view (``Ctrl+a Shift+"``) and restart ironic conductor. Do so by sending ``Ctrl+c`` to the active process, then running it again (``Up Arrow + Enter``). Perform the same actions for ``ir-api`` and detach (``Ctrl+a d``). For more information see: `<>`_.
Install Bareon and Build Images
1. Clone and install bareon on host
.. code-block:: console
cd ~
git clone
cd bareon
sudo pip install .
2. Build bareon images
.. code-block:: console
cd ~/bareon
sudo yum install -y diskimage-builder
.. note::
bareon images will built under /tmp/rft_image_build
3. Build deployment images
.. code-block:: console
.. note::
deployment images will built under /tmp/rft_golden_images
4. Put bareon SSH key together with other ironic SSH keys
.. code-block:: console
cp -a /tmp/rft_image_build/bareon_key* ~/data/ironic/ssh_keys/
Register Bareon Images in OpenStack
1. Initialise OpenStack credentials
.. code-block:: console
source ~/devstack/openrc admin demo
2. Upload bareon image, kernel, target image and deployment config into glance
.. code-block:: console
export KERNEL=$(eval "$(openstack image create \
-f shell \
--disk-format raw --container-format bare \
--file /tmp/rft_image_build/vmlinuz \
bareon/kernel.1)"; echo $id)
export INITRD=$(eval "$(openstack image create \
-f shell \
--disk-format raw --container-format bare \
--file /tmp/rft_image_build/initramfs \
bareon/initramfs.1)"; echo $id)
export TARGET_IMAGE=$(eval "$(openstack image create \
-f shell \
--disk-format raw --container-format bare \
--file /tmp/rft_golden_images/centos-7.1.1503.fpa_func_test.raw \
local/centos-7.1.1503)"; echo $id)
openstack image create \
--disk-format raw --container-format bare \
deploy_config << 'OPENSTACKEND'
"partitions_policy": "clean",
"partitions": [
"type": "disk",
"id": {
"type": "name",
"value": "vda"
"size": "2048 MiB",
"volumes": [
"type": "partition",
"mount": "/",
"file_system": "ext4",
"size": "1536 MiB"
3. Update ironic-node settings of the two devstack created ironic nodes. They should be named node-0 and node-1. You can check it via ``ironic node-list``.
.. code-block:: console
for NODE in node-0 node-1; do
ironic node-update $NODE replace driver=bare_rsync_ssh
ironic node-update $NODE add \
driver_info/deploy_kernel=$KERNEL \
driver_info/deploy_ramdisk=$INITRD \
driver_info/bareon_username=root \
4. Create a new OpenStack keypair
.. code-block:: console
mkdir -p ~/auth
umask 0477
nova keypair-add bareon-node-access > ~/auth/bareon-node-access
Configure Networking (CentOS Only)
1. Relax network security (don't do it on prodution systems).
.. code-block:: console
sudo sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=0
sudo iptables -D INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with=icmp-host-prohibited
2. Fix routing
.. code-block:: console
sudo ip route add via \
  "$(sudo ip netns exec "$(ip netns | grep '^qrouter-' | head -n1)" ip -oneline a | grep 'inet 172.24.4' | sed -e 's:^.*inet ::' -e 's:/.*$::')"
Deploy Nodes Using Bareon
Deploy node
.. code-block:: console
nova boot \
--flavor baremetal \
--image $TARGET_IMAGE \
--nic net-name=private \
--key-name bareon-node-access \
--meta deploy_config=deploy_config \
Monitor Deployment (Optional)
1. Check when node is being deployed
.. code-block:: console
watch -d -n 1 sudo virsh list --all
2. View console output
.. code-block:: console
sudo tail -F -n 50 ~/data/ironic/logs/<node name>_console.log
3. SSH into node
.. code-block:: console
# Get the ip address of the node
openstack server list
ssh centos@<ip address>
.. note::
Depending on the image deployed on the node, a key may have to manually specified.
The image created by ``./bareon/tests_functional/image_build/``
has a hardcoded public ssh key and so can be accessed as follows:
.. code-block:: console
wget -O ~/auth/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/auth/id_rsa
ssh -i ~/auth/id_rsa centos@<ip address>
Unable to Delete Node
If it is not possible to reset the node using the Nova/Ironic CLI, then editing the database can be
performed as a last resort
.. code-block:: console
mysql << 'MYSQLEND'
use ironic;
update nodes set provision_state='deploy failed' where id='<IRONIC_NODE_ID>';
ironic node-set-provision-state $NODE_ID deleted
Hardware Virtualisation
Check that the appropriate kernel modules are loaded for virtualisation.
.. code-block:: console
modprobe kvm
# depending on the cpu either:
modprobe kvm-intel
modprobe kvm-amd
# check output
lsmod | grep kvm