Mark Goddard 8fe4fff91f Contribute core Cray changes to Bareon
This is a contribution of features made in the scope of Cray
Bareon adoption. Even though changes affect a lot of code,
they are not breaking. To proove that we have created a functional
test that covers existing nailgun deployment flow
(see /tests_functional/

We have made Manager a deploy_driver. Current nailgun's manager
has been moved to nailgun deploy driver, which is default. Most of
the changes made in the scope of the project are enclosed within
Ironic data driver and Ironic (swift & rsync) deploy drivers.

To make this review easier I propose the following order:
Review changes to existing code:
- review changes to object model
- review changes related to splitting deploy driver / base drivers
- review changes to common utils
Review the new code:
- review Ironic data driver
- review Ironic deploy drivers

Change-Id: Id2d32a7574e6fcafee09490c39fb114c80407db7
Implements: blueprint size-unit-conversion-and-relative-sizing
Implements: blueprint policy-based-partitioning
Implements: blueprint multi-image-deployment
Implements: blueprint rsync-image-deployment
2016-03-23 16:42:32 +02:00

275 lines
9.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
from bareon import errors
from bareon.objects.partition.fs import FileSystem
from import LogicalVolume
from import MultipleDevice
from bareon.objects.partition.parted import Parted
from bareon.objects.partition.pv import PhysicalVolume
from import VolumeGroup
from bareon.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PartitionScheme(object):
def __init__(self):
self.parteds = []
self.mds = []
self.pvs = []
self.vgs = []
self.lvs = []
self.fss = []
def add_parted(self, **kwargs):
parted = Parted(**kwargs)
return parted
def add_pv(self, **kwargs):
pv = PhysicalVolume(**kwargs)
return pv
def add_vg(self, **kwargs):
vg = VolumeGroup(**kwargs)
return vg
def add_lv(self, **kwargs):
lv = LogicalVolume(**kwargs)
return lv
def add_fs(self, **kwargs):
fs = FileSystem(**kwargs)
return fs
def add_md(self, **kwargs):
mdkwargs = {}
mdkwargs['name'] = kwargs.get('name') or self.md_next_name()
mdkwargs['level'] = kwargs.get('level') or 'mirror'
mdkwargs['metadata'] = kwargs.get('metadata') or 'default'
md = MultipleDevice(**mdkwargs)
return md
def md_by_name(self, name):
return next((x for x in self.mds if == name), None)
def md_by_mount(self, mount):
fs = self.fs_by_mount(mount)
if fs:
return self.md_by_name(fs.device)
def md_attach_by_mount(self, device, mount, spare=False, **kwargs):
md = self.md_by_mount(mount)
if not md:
md = self.add_md(**kwargs)
fskwargs = {}
fskwargs['device'] =
fskwargs['mount'] = mount
fskwargs['fs_type'] = kwargs.pop('fs_type', None)
fskwargs['fs_options'] = kwargs.pop('fs_options', None)
fskwargs['fs_label'] = kwargs.pop('fs_label', None)
md.add_spare(device) if spare else md.add_device(device)
return md
def md_next_name(self):
count = 0
while True:
name = '/dev/md%s' % count
if name not in [ for md in self.mds]:
return name
if count >= 127:
raise errors.MDAlreadyExistsError(
'Error while generating md name: '
'names from /dev/md0 to /dev/md127 seem to be busy, '
'try to generate md name manually')
count += 1
def partition_by_name(self, name):
return next((parted.partition_by_name(name)
for parted in self.parteds
if parted.partition_by_name(name)), None)
def vg_by_name(self, vgname):
return next((x for x in self.vgs if == vgname), None)
def pv_by_name(self, pvname):
return next((x for x in self.pvs if == pvname), None)
def vg_attach_by_name(self, pvname, vgname,
metadatasize=16, metadatacopies=2):
vg = self.vg_by_name(vgname) or self.add_vg(name=vgname)
pv = self.pv_by_name(pvname) or self.add_pv(
name=pvname, metadatasize=metadatasize,
def fs_by_mount(self, mount, os_id=None):
found = filter(lambda x: (x.mount and x.mount == mount), self.fss)
if os_id:
found = filter(lambda x: (x.os_id and os_id in x.os_id), found)
if found:
return found[0]
def fs_by_device(self, device):
return next((x for x in self.fss if x.device == device), None)
def fs_sorted_by_depth(self, os_id=None, reverse=False):
"""Getting file systems sorted by path length.
Shorter paths earlier.
['/', '/boot', '/var', '/var/lib/mysql']
:param reverse: Sort backward (Default: False)
def key(x):
return x.mount.rstrip(os.path.sep).count(os.path.sep)
sorted_fss = sorted(self.fss, key=key, reverse=reverse)
return filter(lambda fs: self._os_filter(fs, os_id), sorted_fss)
def _os_filter(self, file_system, os_id):
if os_id:
return os_id in file_system.os_id
return True
def fs_by_os_id(self, os_id):
return filter(lambda fs: self._os_filter(fs, os_id), self.fss)
def lv_by_device_name(self, device_name):
return next((x for x in self.lvs if x.device_name == device_name),
def root_device(self):
fs = self.fs_by_mount('/')
if not fs:
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Error while trying to find root device: '
'root file system not found')
return fs.device
def boot_device(self, grub_version=2):
# We assume /boot is a separate partition. If it is not
# then we try to use root file system
boot_fs = self.fs_by_mount('/boot') or self.fs_by_mount('/')
if not boot_fs:
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Error while trying to find boot device: '
'boot file system not fount, '
'it must be a separate mount point')
if grub_version == 1:
# Legacy GRUB has a limitation. It is not able to mount MD devices.
# If it is MD compatible it is only able to ignore MD metadata
# and to mount one of those devices which are parts of MD device,
# but it is possible only if MD device is a MIRROR.
md = self.md_by_name(boot_fs.device)
if md:
return md.devices[0]
except IndexError:
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Error while trying to find boot device: '
'md device %s does not have devices attached' %
# Legacy GRUB is not able to mount LVM devices.
if self.lv_by_device_name(boot_fs.device):
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Error while trying to find boot device: '
'found device is %s but legacy grub is not able to '
'mount logical volumes' %
return boot_fs.device
def configdrive_device(self):
# Configdrive device must be a small (about 10M) partition
# on one of node hard drives. This partition is necessary
# only if one uses cloud-init with configdrive.
for parted in self.parteds:
for prt in parted.partitions:
if prt.configdrive:
def elevate_keep_data(self):
LOG.debug('Elevate keep_data flag from partitions')
for vg in self.vgs:
for pvname in vg.pvnames:
partition = self.partition_by_name(pvname)
if partition and partition.keep_data:
partition.keep_data = False
vg.keep_data = True
LOG.debug('Set keep_data to vg=%s' %
for lv in self.lvs:
vg = self.vg_by_name(lv.vgname)
if vg.keep_data:
lv.keep_data = True
# Need to loop over lv again to remove keep flag from vg
for lv in self.lvs:
vg = self.vg_by_name(lv.vgname)
if vg.keep_data and lv.keep_data:
vg.keep_data = False
for fs in self.fss:
lv = self.lv_by_device_name(fs.device)
if lv:
if lv.keep_data:
lv.keep_data = False
fs.keep_data = True
LOG.debug('Set keep_data to fs=%s from lv=%s' %
partition = self.partition_by_name(fs.device)
if partition and partition.keep_data:
partition.keep_data = False
fs.keep_data = True
LOG.debug('Set keep flag to fs=%s from partition=%s' %
def skip_partitioning(self):
if any(fs.keep_data for fs in self.fss):
return True
if any(lv.keep_data for lv in self.lvs):
return True
if any(vg.keep_data for vg in self.vgs):
return True
for parted in self.parteds:
if any(prt.keep_data for prt in parted.partitions):
return True
def to_dict(self):
return {
'parteds': [parted.to_dict() for parted in self.parteds],
'mds': [md.to_dict() for md in self.mds],
'pvs': [pv.to_dict() for pv in self.pvs],
'vgs': [vg.to_dict() for vg in self.vgs],
'lvs': [lv.to_dict() for lv in self.lvs],
'fss': [fs.to_dict() for fs in self.fss],