WIP - Document how ELK server is built
Change-Id: I6f9281c38d03d8254e0dcb45ea4b4cfcadc0ae2b
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ directly on the machine you want Browbeat installed on.
Install Browbeat on Undercloud
Install Browbeat on Undercloud
This is usually the easiest installation due to many requirements are satified
This is usually the easiest installation due to many requirements are satisfied
on the Undercloud. In some cases it may not be desired to install Browbeat on
on the Undercloud. In some cases it may not be desired to install Browbeat on
the Undercloud (Ex. Limited Resource requirements or Non-Tripleo installed
the Undercloud (Ex. Limited Resource requirements or Non-Tripleo installed
@ -510,3 +510,113 @@ entirely on the number of metrics and your environments capacity. There is a
Graphite dashboard included and it is recommended to install collectd on your
Graphite dashboard included and it is recommended to install collectd on your
monitoring host such that you can see if you hit resource issues with your
monitoring host such that you can see if you hit resource issues with your
monitoring host.
monitoring host.
Install ELK Host (ElasticSearch/LogStash/Kibana)
An ELK server allows you to publish resulting benchmark data into ElasticSearch
which allows you to build querys and dashboards to examine your benchmarking
result data over various metadata points.
* Baremetal or Virtual Machine
Operating System
* RHEL 7
* CentOS 7
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7Server - x86_64 - Server
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7Server - x86_64 - Server Optional
* epel-release
* ansible
* git
1. Deploy machine (RHEL7 is used in this example)
2. Install RPMS
[root@dhcp23-93 ~]# yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
[root@dhcp23-93 ~]# yum install -y ansible git
3. Clone Browbeat
[root@dhcp23-93 ~]# git clone https://github.com/openstack/browbeat.git
Cloning into 'browbeat'...
remote: Counting objects: 7533, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (38/38), done.
remote: Total 7533 (delta 30), reused 36 (delta 23), pack-reused 7469
Receiving objects: 100% (7533/7533), 5.26 MiB | 5.79 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4330/4330), done.
4. Add a hosts file into ansible directory
[root@dhcp23-93 ~]# cd browbeat/ansible/
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# vi hosts
Content of hosts file should be following
5. Setup SSH config, SSH key and exchange for Ansible
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# touch ssh-config
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# ssh-copy-id root@localhost
6. Edit install variables
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# vi install/group_vars/all.yml
Depending on the environment you may need to edit more than just the following
variables - es_ip
If you are deploying using a machine that is not an OSP undercloud, be sure to edit
the home_dir/browbeat_path to match its actual path.
7. Install ELK via Ansible playbook
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk.yml
8. Install Kibana Visualizations via Ansible playbook
[root@dhcp23-93 ansible]# ansible-playbook -i hosts install/kibana-visuals.yml
Now navigate to http://elk-host-address to verify Kibana is
installed and custom visualizations are uploaded.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user