# Ansible for Browbeat Playbooks to modify and performance check the overcloud ## To use Install your public key into stack's authorized_keys ``` # ssh-copy-id stack@ ``` Then run gen_hosts.sh script to generate your overcloud's hosts file for ansible and generate a "jumpbox" ssh config: ``` # ./gen_hostfile.sh ~/.ssh/config ``` **Review the hosts file the script generates. To modify the number of workers each service is running: ``` # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=8" ``` Nova and Keystone will be running 8 workers per service. To modify number of workers each service is running and ensure Keystone is deployed in eventlet: ``` # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=8 keystone_deployment=eventlet" ``` To run Keystone in httpd, change keystone_deployment to httpd: ``` # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=8 keystone_deployment=httpd" ``` ## Performance Checks: Run the check playbook to identify common performance issues: ``` # ansible-playbook -i hosts check/site.yml ``` ## Ansible to Install connmon/pbench/shaker ``` # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/install.yml -e "pbench=true" # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/install.yml -e "connmon=true" # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/install.yml -e "shaker=true" # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/install.yml -e "pbench=true connmon=true shaker=true" ```