# Rally Plugins Browbeat can use ## Current plugins ### neutron-netcreate_nova-boot This Rally plugin utilizes both Neutron and Nova utilities This Rally plugin will create a network then. launch a guest within that network. This plugin will also attempt to ping the guest, to make sure connectivity works. #### Assumptions For this work, we suggest using the admin tenant. With Rally this can be done by creating a env file with the ExistingUsers field - [example json](rally-neutron/admintenant-env.json) . This plugin also assumes the following networking toplogy : ``` [ Rally Host ] --- Link to Rally tenant nework --- [ Router ] -- [ tenant networks ] -- Guests ``` We suggest this method, so you do not have to have a 1:1 connection:tenant network. *** The below JSON needs updating to show that we need to pass a router t othe plugin. #### Example json ``` {% set flavor_name = flavor_name or "m1.flavorname" %} { "NeutronPlugin.create_network_nova_boot": [ { "args": { "flavor": { "name": "{{flavor_name}}" }, "image": { "name": "image_name" }, "network_create_args": {}, }, "runner": { "type": "serial", "times": 5, }, "context": { "users": { "tenants": 1, "users_per_tenant": 1 }, }, } ] } ```