Table of Contents
CI Structure
If you would like to make your own CI job add your CI script to this directory and invoke it as minimally as possible on the Jenkins end, this will help us keep script changes in the repository and better test them before merging.
Script Documentation
Browbeat as a Quickstart Extra
TripleO Quickstart provides an extensible interface to allow "Extras" to add to to its core functionality of generating an entirely virtual Openstack Deployment using TripleO. The focus of this script is to deploy baremetal clouds in continuous integration (CI) for effective and extensible automated benchmarking.
Invoking Locally
Please read The Extras Documentation for a general background on how TripleO Quickstart Extras operate. Please also reference The Baremetal Environments Documentation if you need to configure your job to run on baremetal.
Browbeat provides two playbooks for use with Quickstart
the first
playbook is for deploying an entierly virtual setup on a single
baremetal machine. The second playbook creates a virtual undercloud on a
undercloud host machine and deploys a baremetal overcloud as configured
by the users hardware environment.
Dependencies for this script (at least for Fedora 25) are
$ sudo dnf install ansible git python-virtualenv gcc redhat-rpm-config openssl-devel
To run virtual TripleO Quickstart CI set the following environmental vars and run this will create a TripleO environment and run a short Browbeat test. Since this is a all virtual setup it is not suggested for serious benchmarking.
export WORKSPACE={TripleO Quickstart Workspace}
export RELEASE={release}
export VIRTHOST={undercloud-fqdn}
pushd $WORKSPACE/browbeat/ci-scripts/tripleo
To run the baremetal CI follow the requisite steps to setup a
hardware environment (this is nontrival) then create a workspace folder
and clone TripleO Quickstart and Browbeat into that workspace. Set the
variables below and then run
. There must be an
all.yml file in the HW_ENV directory for overriding some browbeat
variables with ones specific to the CI environment.
export WORKSPACE={TripleO Quickstart Workspace}
export HW_ENV={hw-env}
export RELEASE={release}
export GRAPH_HOST={Graphite + grafana host}
export GRAFANA_USER={username}
export GRAFANA_PASS={password}
export CLOUD_NAME={cloud-name}
export BENCHMARK={benchmark config file ex browbeat-basic.yaml.j2}
export ELASTIC_HOST={elastic host}
export VIRTHOST={undercloud-fqdn}
pushd $WORKSPACE/browbeat/ci-scripts/tripleo
Configurable Options
By default a cloud will be setup and a very basic benchmark will be
run and all results will be placed only in the
folder on the virtual undercloud.
If configured to use Elasticsearch metadata and benchmarks results will be inserted into Elasticsearch for easier visualization and storage. If Graphana is enabled performance metrics will be gathered from all cloud nodes and stored into the configured graphite instance to be processed by the Grafana dashboards created using the given username and password.
These dashboards will be automatically overwritten each run to reflect the number of nodes in your cloud and other changes that may occur between runs.