#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import yaml import subprocess # Load modules from $CHARM_DIR/lib sys.path.append("lib") from charms.layer import basic basic.bootstrap_charm_deps() import charms_openstack.bus import charms_openstack.charm import charms.reactive as reactive import charmhelpers.core as ch_core import charmhelpers.contrib.network.ovs.ovn as ch_ovn import charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip as ch_ip charms_openstack.bus.discover() class StatusParsingException(Exception): """Exception when OVN cluster status has unexpected format/values.""" def _url_to_ip(cluster_url): """Parse IP from cluster URL. OVN cluster uses urls like "ssl:". This function parses the IP portion out of the url. This function works with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. :raises StatusParsingException: If cluster_url does not contain valid IP address. :param cluster_url: OVN server url. Like "ssl:". :type cluster_url: str :return: Parsed out IP address :rtype: str """ ip_portion = cluster_url.split(":")[1:-1] if len(ip_portion) > 1: # Possible IPv6 address ip_str = ":".join(ip_portion) else: # Likely a IPv4 address ip_str = "".join(ip_portion) if not ch_ip.is_ip(ip_str): raise StatusParsingException( "Failed to parse OVN cluster status. Cluster member address " "has unexpected format: {}".format(cluster_url) ) return ip_str def _format_cluster_status(raw_cluster_status, cluster_ip_map): """Reformat cluster status into dict. Resulting dictionary also includes mapping between cluster servers and juju units. Parameter cluster_ip_map is a dictionary with juju unit IDs as a key and their respective IP addresses as a value. Example: {"ovn-central/0": "", "ovn-central/1: ""} :raises StatusParsingException: In case the parsing of a cluster status fails. :param raw_cluster_status: Cluster status object :type raw_cluster_status: ch_ovn.OVNClusterStatus :param cluster_ip_map: mapping between juju units and their IPs in the cluster. :type cluster_ip_map: dict :return: Cluster status in the form of dictionary :rtype: dict """ mapped_servers = {} unknown_servers = [] # Map unit name to each server in the Servers field. for server_id, server_url in raw_cluster_status.servers: member_address = _url_to_ip(server_url) for unit, ip in cluster_ip_map.items(): if member_address == ip: mapped_servers[unit] = server_id break else: unknown_servers.append(server_id) cluster = raw_cluster_status.to_yaml() if unknown_servers: mapped_servers["UNKNOWN"] = unknown_servers cluster["unit_map"] = mapped_servers return cluster def _cluster_ip_map(): """Produce mapping between units and their IPs. This function selects an IP bound to the ovsdb-peer endpoint. Example output: {"ovn-central/0": "", ...} """ # Existence of ovsdb-peer relation is guaranteed by check in the main func ovsdb_peers = reactive.endpoint_from_flag("ovsdb-peer.available") local_unit_id = ch_core.hookenv.local_unit() local_ip = ovsdb_peers.cluster_local_addr unit_map = {local_unit_id: local_ip} for relation in ovsdb_peers.relations: for unit in relation.units: try: address = unit.received.get("bound-address", "") unit_map[unit.unit_name] = address except ValueError: pass return unit_map def _kick_server(cluster, server_id): """Perform ovn-appctl cluster/kick to remove server from selected cluster. :raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If subprocess command execution fails. ValueError: If cluster parameter doesn't have an expected value. :param cluster: Cluster from which the server should be kicked. Available options are "northbound" or "southbound" :type cluster: str :param server_id: short ID of a server to be kicked :type server_id: str :return: None """ if cluster.lower() == "southbound": params = ("ovnsb_db", ("cluster/kick", "OVN_Southbound", server_id)) elif cluster.lower() == "northbound": params = ("ovnnb_db", ("cluster/kick", "OVN_Northbound", server_id)) else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected value of 'cluster' parameter: '{}'".format(cluster) ) ch_ovn.ovn_appctl(*params) def cluster_status(): """Implementation of a "cluster-status" action.""" with charms_openstack.charm.provide_charm_instance() as charm_instance: sb_status = charm_instance.cluster_status("ovnsb_db") nb_status = charm_instance.cluster_status("ovnnb_db") try: unit_ip_map = _cluster_ip_map() sb_cluster = _format_cluster_status(sb_status, unit_ip_map) nb_cluster = _format_cluster_status(nb_status, unit_ip_map) except StatusParsingException as exc: ch_core.hookenv.action_fail(str(exc)) return ch_core.hookenv.action_set( {"ovnsb": yaml.safe_dump(sb_cluster, sort_keys=False)} ) ch_core.hookenv.action_set( {"ovnnb": yaml.safe_dump(nb_cluster, sort_keys=False)} ) def cluster_kick(): """Implementation of a "cluster-kick" action.""" sb_server_id = str(ch_core.hookenv.action_get("sb-server-id")) nb_server_id = str(ch_core.hookenv.action_get("nb-server-id")) if not (sb_server_id or nb_server_id): ch_core.hookenv.action_fail( "At least one server ID to kick must be specified." ) return if sb_server_id: try: _kick_server("southbound", sb_server_id) ch_core.hookenv.action_set( {"ovnsb": "requested kick of {}".format(sb_server_id)} ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: ch_core.hookenv.action_fail( "Failed to kick Southbound cluster member " "{}: {}".format(sb_server_id, exc.output) ) if nb_server_id: try: _kick_server("northbound", nb_server_id) ch_core.hookenv.action_set( {"ovnnb": "requested kick of {}".format(nb_server_id)} ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: ch_core.hookenv.action_fail( "Failed to kick Northbound cluster member " "{}: {}".format(nb_server_id, exc.output) ) ACTIONS = {"cluster-status": cluster_status, "cluster-kick": cluster_kick} def main(args): ch_core.hookenv._run_atstart() # Abort action if this unit is not in a cluster. if reactive.endpoint_from_flag("ovsdb-peer.available") is None: ch_core.hookenv.action_fail("Unit is not part of an OVN cluster.") return action_name = os.path.basename(args[0]) try: action = ACTIONS[action_name] except KeyError: return "Action %s undefined" % action_name else: try: action() except Exception as e: ch_core.hookenv.action_fail(str(e)) ch_core.hookenv._run_atexit() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv))