Namespaces: =: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app std: io.murano sys: io.murano.system ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app puppet: org.openstack.ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app.puppet conf: io.murano.configuration Name: Gerrit Extends: std:Application Properties: instance: Contract: $.class(puppet:PuppetInstance).notNull() name: Contract: $.string().notNull() warUrl: Contract: $.string() Default: '' ldap: Contract: $.class(ci_cd_pipeline_murano_app:OpenLDAP) userSSH: Contract: $.string() Methods: initialize: Body: - $._environment: $.find(std:Environment).require() deploy: Body: - super($this, $.deploy()) - If: $.getAttr(deployed, false) Then: Return: - $securityGroupIngress: - ToPort: 80 FromPort: 80 IpProtocol: tcp External: true - ToPort: 443 FromPort: 443 IpProtocol: tcp External: true - ToPort: 8081 FromPort: 8081 IpProtocol: tcp External: true - ToPort: 29418 FromPort: 29418 IpProtocol: tcp External: true - $._environment.securityGroupManager.addGroupIngress($securityGroupIngress) - $$this, 'Creating VM for Gerrit "{0}"'.format($ - $.instance.deploy() - $$this, 'Gerrit VM "{0}" with id {1} created'.format($, $.instance.openstackId)) - $$this, 'Installing puppet modules...') - $this.systemConfig: new(puppet:SystemConfig) - $this.systemConfig.installOnTheNode($this.instance) - If: $.ldap != null Then: - $$this, 'Waiting while LDAP is being deployed...') - $.ldap.deploy() - $.createConfiguration() - $._deployGerrit() - $$this, 'Switching Gerrit to a local project-config') - $._switchProjectConfig() - If: $.ldap != null and not $.userSSH in [null, ''] and not $.ldap.ldapUser in [null, ''] Then: - $$this, "Adding user's SSH public key to Gerrit.") - $.createAccount('', $.ldap.ldapUser, $.ldap.ldapEmail, $.userSSH, $.ldap.ldapUser) - $$this, 'Gerrit is deployed.') - $linux: new(conf:Linux) - $gerritHost: $linux.runCommand($.instance.agent, 'hostname -f').stdout - If: $.instance.assignFloatingIp Then: - $gerritIP: $.instance.floatingIpAddress Else: - $gerritIP: $.instance.ipAddresses[0] - $$this, format('Gerrit service is launched on host {0} accessing by IP {1}.', $gerritHost, $gerritIP)) - $$this, format('Gerrit is available at http://{0}:80 or http://{0}:8081', $gerritIP)) - $.setAttr(deployed, true) _deployGerrit: Body: - $$this, 'Deploying Gerrit...') - $resources: new(sys:Resources) - $template: $resources.yaml('DeployGerrit.template') - $$template, $resources) # # Project-config local repo # getProjectConfigRepo: Body: - Return: format('https://{0}/open-paas/project-config', $this.instance.ipAddresses[0]) # # Switch to newly created project-config repo # _switchProjectConfig: Body: - $.instance.putHieraData({'project_config_repo' => $.getProjectConfigRepo()}) _createLdapConfiguration: Body: - $ldapInstance: $.ldap.instance - If: $ldapInstance.assignFloatingIp Then: - $ldapHost: $ldapInstance.floatingIpAddress Else: - $ldapHost: $ldapInstance.ipAddresses[0] - $data: ldap_ip: $ldapHost ldap_domain: $.ldap.domain ldap_root_user: $.ldap.ldapRootUser ldap_root_password: $.ldap.ldapRootPass ldap_user: $.ldap.ldapUser ldap_password: $.ldap.ldapPass - $this.instance.putHieraData($data) createConfiguration: Body: - If: $this.ldap != null Then: - $._createLdapConfiguration() - $data: gerrit_war_url: $this.warUrl gerrit_github_token: '' github_project_username: 'mirademo' gerrit_mysql_host: 'localhost' gerritbot_password: 'P@ssw0rd' gerrit_db_user: 'gerrit2' gerrit_db_password: '12345' gerrit_db_root_password: 'P@ssw0rd' gerrit_acls_dir: '/etc/project-config/gerrit/acls' gerrit_notify_impact_file: '/etc/project-config/gerrit/notify_impact.yaml' jeepyb_project_file: '/etc/project-config/gerrit/projects.yaml' project_config_config_dir: '/etc/project-config/' github_project_password: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_email_private_key: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_rest_token_private_key: 'dummy content. to be done' welcome_message_gerrit_ssh_private_key: 'dummy content. to be done' welcome_message_gerrit_ssh_public_key: 'dummy content. to be done' ssh_replication_rsa_key_contents: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_replication_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_lp_consumer_key: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_lp_access_token: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_lp_access_secret: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_contactstore_appsec: 'dummy content. to be done' gerrit_contactstore_pubkey: 'dummy content. to be done' swift_store_user: 'dummy content. to be done' swift_store_key: 'dummy content. to be done' # This fields autogenerated on vm # TODO: These values should be stored in Murano too # gerritbot_ssh_rsa_key_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerritbot_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssh_dsa_key_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssh_dsa_pubkey_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssh_rsa_key_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssh_project_rsa_key_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssh_project_rsa_pubkey_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssl_cert_file_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssl_key_file_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' # gerrit_ssl_chain_file_contents: 'dummy content. the value should be autogenerated' - $this.instance.putHieraData($data) - $this.instance.syncHieraData() #NOTE: this method doesn't work without ldap createAccount: Arguments: - group: Contract: $.string() - fullName: Contract: $.string().notNull() - email: Contract: $.string().notNull() - sshKey: Contract: $.string().notNull() - name: Contract: $.string().notNull() Body: - $resources: new(sys:Resources) - $template: $resources.yaml('CreateAccount.template').bind(dict( gerritUser => $.ldap.ldapRootUser, group => $group, fullName => $fullName, email => $email, sshKey => $sshKey, name => $name)) - $$template, $resources) createLabels: Body: - $$this, 'Creating label "Verified" in Gerrit...') - $linux: new(conf:Linux) - $resource: new(sys:Resources) - $script: $resource.string('') - $linux.runCommand($.instance.agent, $script) - $$this, 'Label "Verified" is successfully created.') destroy: Body: - $.reportDestroyed() - $.setAttr(deployed, false)