# Copyright (c) 2016 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import logging import os import socket import shutil import time import uuid from xml.etree import ElementTree as et import jenkins import paramiko import requests import testtools import yaml import muranoclient.common.exceptions as exceptions import clients ARTIFACTS_DIR = os.environ.get('ARTIFACTS_DIR', 'logs') LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not os.path.exists(ARTIFACTS_DIR): os.makedirs(ARTIFACTS_DIR) fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(ARTIFACTS_DIR, 'runner.log')) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(fh) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(ch) # Sometimes need to pass some boolean from bash env. Since each bash # variable is string, we need such simply hack _boolean_states = { '1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True, '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False } def str2bool(name, default): value = os.environ.get(name, '') return _boolean_states.get(value.lower(), default) class MuranoTestsBase(testtools.TestCase, clients.ClientsBase): def setUp(self): super(MuranoTestsBase, self).setUp() self.os_username = os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME') self.os_password = os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD') self.os_tenant_name = os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME') self.os_auth_uri = os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL') self.keystone = self.initialize_keystone_client() self.heat = self.initialize_heat_client(self.keystone) self.murano = self.initialize_murano_client(self.keystone) self.nova = self.initialize_nova_client(self.keystone) # Since its really useful to debug deployment after it fail lets # add such possibility self.os_cleanup_before = str2bool('OS_CLEANUP_BEFORE', True) self.os_cleanup_after = str2bool('OS_CLEANUP_AFTER', False) # Data for Nodepool app self.os_np_username = os.environ.get('OS_NP_USERNAME', self.os_username) self.os_np_password = os.environ.get('OS_NP_PASSWORD', self.os_password) self.os_np_tenant_name = os.environ.get( 'OS_NP_TENANT_NAME', self.os_tenant_name ) self.os_np_auth_uri = os.environ.get('OS_NP_AUTH_URL', self.os_auth_uri) self.os_np_cleanup_before = str2bool('OS_NP_CLEANUP_BEFORE', False) if self.os_cleanup_before: self.cleanup_up_tenant() if self.os_np_cleanup_before: self.cleanup_up_np_tenant() # Counter for murano deployment logger self.latest_report = 0 # Application instance parameters self.flavor = os.environ.get('OS_FLAVOR', 'm1.medium') self.image = os.environ.get('OS_IMAGE') self.docker_image = os.environ.get('OS_DOCKER_IMAGE') self.files = [] self.keyname, self.pr_key, self.pub_key = self._create_keypair() self.availability_zone = os.environ.get('OS_ZONE', 'nova') self.envs = [] LOG.info('Running test: {0}'.format(self._testMethodName)) def tearDown(self): for env in self.envs: self._collect_murano_agent_logs(env) if self.os_cleanup_after: for env in self.envs: try: self.delete_env(env) except Exception: self.delete_stack(env) self.nova.keypairs.delete(self.keyname) for file in self.files: if os.path.isfile(file): os.remove(file) elif os.path.isdir(file): shutil.rmtree(file) super(MuranoTestsBase, self).tearDown() @staticmethod def rand_name(name='murano_ci_test_'): return name + str(time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")) @staticmethod def generate_id(): return uuid.uuid4() def create_file(self, name, context): with open(name, 'w') as f: f.write(context) path_to_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name) self.files.append(path_to_file) return path_to_file def cleanup_up_tenant(self): LOG.debug('Removing EVERYTHING in tenant: {0}'.format( self.keystone.tenant_name)) for env in self.murano.environments.list(): self.delete_env(env) self.delete_stack(env) for key in self.nova.keypairs.list(): if key.name.startswith("murano_ci_keypair"): self.nova.keypairs.delete(key) return def cleanup_up_np_tenant(self): # TODO LOG.warning('NodePool cleanup not implemented yet!') return def _create_keypair(self): kp_name = self.rand_name('murano_ci_keypair_') keypair = self.nova.keypairs.create(kp_name) pr_key_file = self.create_file( 'id_{}'.format(kp_name), keypair.private_key ) # Note: by default, permissions of created file with # private keypair is too open os.chmod(pr_key_file, 0600) pub_key_file = self.create_file( 'id_{}.pub'.format(kp_name), keypair.public_key ) return kp_name, pr_key_file, pub_key_file def _get_stack(self, environment_id): for stack in self.heat.stacks.list(): if environment_id in stack.description: return stack def delete_stack(self, environment): stack = self._get_stack(environment.id) if not stack: return else: try: self.heat.stacks.delete(stack.id) except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Unable delete stack:{}".format(stack)) LOG.exception(e) pass def create_env(self): name = self.rand_name() environment = self.murano.environments.create({'name': name}) self.envs.append(environment) if self.os_cleanup_after: self.addCleanup(self.delete_env, environment) LOG.debug('Created Environment:\n {0}'.format(environment)) return environment def delete_env(self, environment, timeout=360): try: self.murano.environments.delete(environment.id) start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: try: self.murano.environments.get(environment.id) time.sleep(1) except exceptions.HTTPNotFound: return raise exceptions.HTTPOverLimit( 'Environment "{0}" was not deleted in {1} seconds'.format( environment.id, timeout) ) except (exceptions.HTTPForbidden, exceptions.HTTPOverLimit, exceptions.HTTPNotFound): try: self.murano.environments.delete(environment.id, abandon=True) LOG.warning( 'Environment "{0}" from test {1} abandoned'.format( environment.id, self._testMethodName)) except exceptions.HTTPNotFound: return start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: try: self.murano.environments.get(environment.id) time.sleep(1) except exceptions.HTTPNotFound: return raise Exception( 'Environment "{0}" was not deleted in {1} seconds'.format( environment.id, timeout) ) def get_env(self, environment): return self.murano.environments.get(environment.id) def deploy_env(self, environment, session): self.murano.sessions.deploy(environment.id, session.id) return self.wait_for_environment_deploy(environment) def get_deployment_report(self, environment, deployment): history = '' report = self.murano.deployments.reports(environment.id, deployment.id) for status in report: history += '\t{0} - {1}\n'.format(status.created, status.text) return history def _log_report(self, environment): deployment = self.murano.deployments.list(environment.id)[0] details = deployment.result['result']['details'] LOG.error('Exception found:\n {0}'.format(details)) report = self.get_deployment_report(environment, deployment) LOG.debug('Report:\n {0}\n'.format(report)) def _log_latest(self, environment): deployment = self.murano.deployments.list(environment.id)[0] history = self.get_deployment_report(environment, deployment) if self.latest_report != len(history) or self.latest_report == 0: tmp = len(history) history = history[self.latest_report:] LOG.debug("Last report from murano engine:\n{}".format((history))) self.latest_report = tmp return history def _collect_murano_agent_logs(self, environment): fips = self.get_services_fips(environment) logs_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(ARTIFACTS_DIR, environment.name) os.makedirs(logs_dir) self.files.append(logs_dir) for service, fip in fips.iteritems(): try: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(fip, username='ubuntu', key_filename=self.pr_key) ftp = ssh.open_sftp() ftp.get( '/var/log/murano-agent.log', os.path.join(logs_dir, '{0}-agent.log'.format(service)) ) ftp.close() except Exception as e: LOG.warning( "Couldn't collect murano-agent " "logs of {0} (IP: {1}): {2}".format(service, fip, e) ) def wait_for_environment_deploy(self, env, timeout=7200): start_time = time.time() status = self.get_env(env).manager.get(env.id).status while status != 'ready': status = self.get_env(env).manager.get(env.id).status LOG.debug('Deployment status:{}...nothing new..'.format(status)) self._log_latest(env) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: time.sleep(60) self.fail( 'Environment deployment wasn\'t' 'finished in {} seconds'.format(self.timeout) ) elif status == 'deploy failure': self._log_report(env) self.fail( 'Environment has incorrect status "{0}"'.format(status) ) time.sleep(30) LOG.debug('Environment "{0}" is ready'.format(self.get_env(env).name)) return self.get_env(env).manager.get(env.id) def create_session(self, environment): return self.murano.sessions.configure(environment.id) def create_service(self, environment, session, json_data, to_json=True): LOG.debug('Adding service:\n {0}'.format(json_data)) service = self.murano.services.post( environment.id, path='/', data=json_data, session_id=session.id ) if to_json: service = service.to_dict() service = json.dumps(service) LOG.debug('Create Service json: {0}'.format(yaml.load(service))) return yaml.load(service) else: LOG.debug('Create Service: {0}'.format(service)) return service @staticmethod def guess_fip(env_obj_model): result = {} def _finditem(obj, result): if 'floatingIpAddress' in obj.get('instance', []): result[obj['?']['package']] = obj['instance'][ 'floatingIpAddress'] for k, v in obj.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): _finditem(v, result) _finditem(env_obj_model, result) return result def get_services_fips(self, environment): fips = {} for service in environment.services: fips.update(self.guess_fip(service)) return fips def check_ports_open(self, ip, ports): for port in ports: result = 1 start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < 60: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = sock.connect_ex((str(ip), port)) sock.close() if result == 0: LOG.debug('{} port is opened on instance'.format(port)) break time.sleep(5) if result != 0: self.fail('{} port is not opened on instance'.format(port)) def check_url_access(self, ip, path, port): proto = 'http' if port not in (443, 8443) else 'https' url = '{proto}://{ip}:{port}/{path}'.format( proto=proto, ip=ip, port=port, path=path ) resp = requests.get(url, timeout=60) return resp.status_code def deployment_success_check(self, environment, services_map): deployment = self.murano.deployments.list(environment.id)[-1] self.assertEqual( 'success', deployment.state, 'Deployment status is "{0}"'.format(deployment.state) ) fips = self.get_services_fips(environment) for service in services_map: LOG.debug( 'Checking ports availability on "{}" app instance'.format( service) ) self.check_ports_open( fips[service], services_map[service]['ports'] ) if services_map[service]['url']: LOG.debug( 'Checking {0} app url "{1}" availability'.format( service, services_map[service]['url'] ) ) self.check_url_access( fips[service], services_map[service]['url'], services_map[service]['url_port'] ) @staticmethod def add_to_file(path_to_file, context): with open(path_to_file, "a") as f: f.write(context) @staticmethod def read_from_file(path_to_file): with open(path_to_file, "r") as f: return f.read() def execute_cmd_on_remote_host(self, host, cmd, key_file, user='ubuntu'): client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) client.connect(hostname=host, username=user, key_filename=key_file) stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(cmd) data = stdout.read() + stderr.read() client.close() return data def export_ssh_options(self): context = ( '#!/bin/bash\n' 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {0} "$@"'.format(self.pr_key) ) gitwrap = self.create_file('/tmp/gitwrap.sh', context) os.chmod(gitwrap, 0744) os.environ['GIT_SSH'] = gitwrap def clone_repo(self, gerrit_host, gerrit_user, repo, dest_dir): repo_dest_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, repo.split('/')[-1]) self.files.append(repo_dest_path) if os.path.isdir(repo_dest_path): shutil.rmtree(repo_dest_path) os.system('git clone ssh://{user}@{host}:29418/{repo} {dest}'.format( user=gerrit_user, host=gerrit_host, repo=repo, dest=repo_dest_path )) return repo_dest_path def switch_to_branch(self, repo, branch): os.system('cd {repo}; git checkout {branch}'.format( repo=repo, branch=branch) ) def add_committer_info(self, configfile, user, email): author_data = """ [user] name={0} email={1} """.format(user, email) self.add_to_file(configfile, author_data) def make_commit(self, repo, branch, key, msg): # NOTE need to think how to use GIT_SSH os.system( 'cd {repo};' 'git add . ; git commit -am "{msg}"; ' 'ssh-agent bash -c "ssh-add {key}; ' 'git-review -r origin {branch}"'.format( repo=repo, msg=msg, key=key, branch=branch ) ) @staticmethod def _gerrit_cmd(gerrit_host, cmd): return ( 'sudo su -c "ssh -p 29418 -i ' '/home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key ' 'project-creator@{host} {cmd}" ' 'gerrit2'.format(host=gerrit_host, cmd=cmd) ) def get_last_open_patch(self, gerrit_ip, gerrit_host, project, commit_msg): cmd = ( 'gerrit query --format JSON status:open ' 'project:{project} limit:1'.format(project=project) ) cmd = self._gerrit_cmd(gerrit_host, cmd) # Note: "gerrit query" returns results describing changes that # match the input query. # Here is an example of results for above query: # {"project":"open-paas/project-config" ... "number":"1", # {"type":"stats","rowCount":1,"runTimeMilliseconds":219, ...} # Output has to be cut using "head -1", because json.loads can't # decode multiple jsons patch = self.execute_cmd_on_remote_host( host=gerrit_ip, key_file=self.pr_key, cmd='{} | head -1'.format(cmd) ) patch = json.loads(patch) self.assertIn(commit_msg, patch['commitMessage']) return patch['number'] def merge_commit(self, gerrit_ip, gerrit_host, project, commit_msg): changeid = self.get_last_open_patch( gerrit_ip=gerrit_ip, gerrit_host=gerrit_host, project=project, commit_msg=commit_msg ) cmd = ( 'gerrit review --project {project} --verified +2 ' '--code-review +2 --label Workflow=+1 ' '--submit {id},1'.format(project=project, id=changeid) ) cmd = self._gerrit_cmd(gerrit_host, cmd) self.execute_cmd_on_remote_host( host=gerrit_ip, user='ubuntu', key_file=self.pr_key, cmd=cmd ) def set_tomcat_ip(self, pom_file, ip): et.register_namespace('', 'http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0') tree = et.parse(pom_file) new_url = 'http://{ip}:8080/manager/text'.format(ip=ip) ns = {'ns': 'http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0'} for plugin in tree.findall('ns:build/ns:plugins/', ns): plugin_id = plugin.find('ns:artifactId', ns).text if plugin_id == 'tomcat7-maven-plugin': plugin.find('ns:configuration/ns:url', ns).text = new_url tree.write(pom_file) def get_gerrit_projects(self, gerrit_ip, gerrit_host): cmd = self._gerrit_cmd(gerrit_host, 'gerrit ls-projects') return self.execute_cmd_on_remote_host( host=gerrit_ip, user='ubuntu', key_file=self.pr_key, cmd=cmd ) def get_jenkins_jobs(self, ip): server = jenkins.Jenkins('http://{0}:8080'.format(ip)) return [job['name'] for job in server.get_all_jobs()] def wait_for(self, func, expected, debug_msg, fail_msg, timeout, **kwargs): LOG.debug(debug_msg) start_time = time.time() current = func(**kwargs) def check(exp, cur): if isinstance(cur, list) or isinstance(cur, str): return exp not in cur else: return exp != cur while check(expected, current): current = func(**kwargs) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: self.fail("Time is out. {0}".format(fail_msg)) time.sleep(30) LOG.debug('Expected result has been achieved.') def get_last_build_number(self, ip, user, password, job_name, build_type): server = jenkins.Jenkins( 'http://{0}:8080'.format(ip), username=user, password=password ) # If there are no builds of desired type get_job_info returns None and # it is not possible to get number, in this case this function returns # None too and it means that there are no builds yet build = server.get_job_info(job_name)[build_type] if build: return build['number'] else: return build