
108 lines
3.7 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENCE file for license information.
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
import collections
import os
import re
import jinja2
from jinja2 import Template as JTemplate
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
JINJA_AVAILABLE = False # noqa
from cloudinit import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
TYPE_MATCHER = re.compile(r"##\s*template:(.*)", re.I)
BASIC_MATCHER = re.compile(r'\$\{([A-Za-z0-9_.]+)\}|\$([A-Za-z0-9_.]+)')
def basic_render(content, params):
"""This does simple replacement of bash variable like templates.
It identifies patterns like ${a} or $a and can also identify patterns like
${a.b} or $a.b which will look for a key 'b' in the dictionary rooted
by key 'a'.
def replacer(match):
# Only 1 of the 2 groups will actually have a valid entry.
name = or
if name is None:
# not sure how this can possibly occur
raise RuntimeError("Match encountered but no valid group present")
path = collections.deque(name.split("."))
selected_params = params
while len(path) > 1:
key = path.popleft()
if not isinstance(selected_params, dict):
raise TypeError(
"Can not traverse into non-dictionary '%s' of type %s "
"while looking for subkey '%s'" %
(selected_params, type(selected_params), key))
selected_params = selected_params[key]
key = path.popleft()
if not isinstance(selected_params, dict):
raise TypeError("Can not extract key '%s' from non-dictionary"
" '%s' of type %s"
% (key, selected_params, type(selected_params)))
return str(selected_params[key])
return BASIC_MATCHER.sub(replacer, content)
def detect_template(text):
def jinja_render(content, params):
# keep_trailing_newline is in jinja2 2.7+, not 2.6
add = "\n" if content.endswith("\n") else ""
return JTemplate(content,
trim_blocks=True).render(**params) + add
if "\n" in text:
ident, rest = text.split("\n", 1)
ident = text
rest = ''
type_match = TYPE_MATCHER.match(ident)
if not type_match:
return ('basic', basic_render, text)
template_type =
if template_type not in ('jinja', 'basic'):
raise ValueError("Unknown template rendering type '%s' requested"
% template_type)
if template_type == 'jinja' and not JINJA_AVAILABLE:
raise ValueError("Template requested jinja as renderer, but Jinja "
"is not available.")
elif template_type == 'jinja' and JINJA_AVAILABLE:
return ('jinja', jinja_render, rest)
# Only thing left over is the basic renderer (it is always available).
return ('basic', basic_render, rest)
def render_from_file(fn, params, encoding='utf-8'):
with open(fn, 'rb') as fh:
content =
content = content.decode(encoding)
_, renderer, content = detect_template(content)
return renderer(content, params)
def render_to_file(fn, outfn, params, mode=0o644, encoding='utf-8'):
contents = render_from_file(fn, params, encoding=encoding)
with open(outfn, 'wb') as fh:
os.chmod(outfn, mode)
def render_string(content, params):
_, renderer, content = detect_template(content)
return renderer(content, params)