
48 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENCE file for license information.
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
from cloudinit import safeyaml as yaml
from cloudinit.tests import TestCase
import tempfile
class TestSafeYaml(TestCase):
def test_simple(self):
blob = '\nk1: one\nk2: two'
expected = {'k1': "one", 'k2': "two"}
self.assertEqual(yaml.loads(blob), expected)
def test_bogus_raises_exception(self):
badyaml = "1\n 2:"
self.assertRaises(yaml.YAMLError, yaml.loads, badyaml)
def test_unsafe_types(self):
# should not load complex types
unsafe_yaml = "!!python/object:__builtin__.object {}"
self.assertRaises(yaml.YAMLError, yaml.loads, unsafe_yaml)
def test_python_unicode_not_allowed(self):
# python/unicode is not allowed
# in the past this type was allowed, but not now, so explicit test.
blob = "{k1: !!python/unicode 'my unicode', k2: my string}"
self.assertRaises(yaml.YAMLError, yaml.loads, blob)
def test_dumps_returns_string(self):
isinstance(yaml.dumps(867 - 5309), (str,)))
def test_dumps_is_loadable(self):
mydata = {'a': 'hey', 'b': ['bee', 'Bea']}
self.assertEqual(yaml.loads(yaml.dumps(mydata)), mydata)
def test_load(self):
valid_yaml = "foo: bar"
expected = {'foo': 'bar'}
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) as tmpf:
self.assertEqual(yaml.load(, expected)