Joshua Harlow 17e3d5228b Add support for printing out the authkey's for the default user.
1. Adjust the sshutil so that it has functions
   for doing this (used by the previous functions)
2. Create a new module that pretty prints out 
   the given authorized keys fetched (if any) using the standard
   md5 scheme (for now), this module can be disabled by 
   setting 'no_ssh_fingerprints' or just removing it from the running
2012-08-18 21:15:52 -07:00

329 lines
11 KiB

# vi: ts=4 expandtab
# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Author: Scott Moser <>
# Author: Juerg Hafliger <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from StringIO import StringIO
import csv
import os
import pwd
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit import util
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# See: man sshd_config
DEF_SSHD_CFG = "/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
class AuthKeyLine(object):
def __init__(self, source, keytype=None, base64=None,
comment=None, options=None):
self.base64 = base64
self.comment = comment
self.options = options
self.keytype = keytype
self.source = source
def empty(self):
if (not self.base64 and
not self.comment and not self.keytype and not self.options):
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
toks = []
if self.options:
if self.keytype:
if self.base64:
if self.comment:
if not toks:
return self.source
return ' '.join(toks)
class AuthKeyLineParser(object):
AuthorizedKeysFile specifies the file containing public keys for public
key authentication; if none is specified, the default is
~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Each line of the file contains one key (empty
(because of the size of the public key encoding) up to a limit of 8 kilo-
bytes, which permits DSA keys up to 8 kilobits and RSA keys up to 16
kilobits. You don't want to type them in; instead, copy the,, or the file and edit it.
sshd enforces a minimum RSA key modulus size for protocol 1 and protocol
2 keys of 768 bits.
The options (if present) consist of comma-separated option specifica-
tions. No spaces are permitted, except within double quotes. The fol-
lowing option specifications are supported (note that option keywords are
def _extract_options(self, ent):
The options (if present) consist of comma-separated option specifica-
tions. No spaces are permitted, except within double quotes.
Note that option keywords are case-insensitive.
quoted = False
i = 0
while (i < len(ent) and
((quoted) or (ent[i] not in (" ", "\t")))):
curc = ent[i]
if i + 1 >= len(ent):
i = i + 1
nextc = ent[i + 1]
if curc == "\\" and nextc == '"':
i = i + 1
elif curc == '"':
quoted = not quoted
i = i + 1
options = ent[0:i]
options_lst = []
# Now use a csv parser to pull the options
# out of the above string that we just found an endpoint for.
# No quoting so we don't mess up any of the quoting that
# is already there.
reader = csv.reader(StringIO(options), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
for row in reader:
for e in row:
# Only keep non-empty csv options
e = e.strip()
if e:
# Now take the rest of the items before the string
# as long as there is room to do this...
toks = []
if i + 1 < len(ent):
rest = ent[i + 1:]
toks = rest.split(None, 2)
return (options_lst, toks)
def _form_components(self, src_line, toks, options=None):
components = {}
if len(toks) == 1:
components['base64'] = toks[0]
elif len(toks) == 2:
components['base64'] = toks[0]
components['comment'] = toks[1]
elif len(toks) == 3:
components['keytype'] = toks[0]
components['base64'] = toks[1]
components['comment'] = toks[2]
components['options'] = options
if not components:
return AuthKeyLine(src_line)
return AuthKeyLine(src_line, **components)
def parse(self, src_line, def_opt=None):
line = src_line.rstrip("\r\n")
if line.startswith("#") or line.strip() == '':
return AuthKeyLine(src_line)
ent = line.strip()
toks = ent.split(None, 3)
if len(toks) < 4:
return self._form_components(src_line, toks, def_opt)
(options, toks) = self._extract_options(ent)
if options:
options = ",".join(options)
options = def_opt
return self._form_components(src_line, toks, options)
def parse_authorized_keys(fname):
lines = []
if os.path.isfile(fname):
lines = util.load_file(fname).splitlines()
except (IOError, OSError):
util.logexc(LOG, "Error reading lines from %s", fname)
lines = []
parser = AuthKeyLineParser()
contents = []
for line in lines:
return contents
def update_authorized_keys(old_entries, keys):
to_add = list(keys)
for i in range(0, len(old_entries)):
ent = old_entries[i]
if ent.empty() or not ent.base64:
# Replace those with the same base64
for k in keys:
if k.empty() or not k.base64:
if k.base64 == ent.base64:
# Replace it with our better one
ent = k
# Don't add it later
if k in to_add:
old_entries[i] = ent
# Now append any entries we did not match above
for key in to_add:
# Now format them back to strings...
lines = [str(b) for b in old_entries]
# Ensure it ends with a newline
return '\n'.join(lines)
def users_ssh_info(username, paths):
pw_ent = pwd.getpwnam(username)
if not pw_ent:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to get ssh info for user %r" % (username))
ssh_dir = paths.join(False, os.path.join(pw_ent.pw_dir, '.ssh'))
return (ssh_dir, pw_ent)
def extract_authorized_keys(username, paths):
(ssh_dir, pw_ent) = users_ssh_info(username, paths)
sshd_conf_fn = paths.join(True, DEF_SSHD_CFG)
auth_key_fn = None
with util.SeLinuxGuard(ssh_dir, recursive=True):
# The 'AuthorizedKeysFile' may contain tokens
# of the form %T which are substituted during connection set-up.
# The following tokens are defined: %% is replaced by a literal
# '%', %h is replaced by the home directory of the user being
# authenticated and %u is replaced by the username of that user.
ssh_cfg = parse_ssh_config_map(sshd_conf_fn)
auth_key_fn = ssh_cfg.get("authorizedkeysfile", '').strip()
if not auth_key_fn:
auth_key_fn = "%h/.ssh/authorized_keys"
auth_key_fn = auth_key_fn.replace("%h", pw_ent.pw_dir)
auth_key_fn = auth_key_fn.replace("%u", username)
auth_key_fn = auth_key_fn.replace("%%", '%')
if not auth_key_fn.startswith('/'):
auth_key_fn = os.path.join(pw_ent.pw_dir, auth_key_fn)
auth_key_fn = paths.join(False, auth_key_fn)
except (IOError, OSError):
# Give up and use a default key filename
auth_key_fn = os.path.join(ssh_dir, 'authorized_keys')
util.logexc(LOG, ("Failed extracting 'AuthorizedKeysFile'"
" in ssh config"
" from %r, using 'AuthorizedKeysFile' file"
" %r instead"),
sshd_conf_fn, auth_key_fn)
auth_key_entries = parse_authorized_keys(auth_key_fn)
return (auth_key_fn, auth_key_entries)
def setup_user_keys(keys, username, key_prefix, paths):
# Make sure the users .ssh dir is setup accordingly
(ssh_dir, pwent) = users_ssh_info(username, paths)
if not os.path.isdir(ssh_dir):
util.ensure_dir(ssh_dir, mode=0700)
util.chownbyid(ssh_dir, pwent.pw_uid, pwent.pw_gid)
# Turn the 'update' keys given into actual entries
parser = AuthKeyLineParser()
key_entries = []
for k in keys:
key_entries.append(parser.parse(str(k), def_opt=key_prefix))
# Extract the old and make the new
(auth_key_fn, auth_key_entries) = extract_authorized_keys(username, paths)
with util.SeLinuxGuard(ssh_dir, recursive=True):
content = update_authorized_keys(auth_key_entries, key_entries)
util.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(auth_key_fn), mode=0700)
util.write_file(auth_key_fn, content, mode=0600)
util.chownbyid(auth_key_fn, pwent.pw_uid, pwent.pw_gid)
class SshdConfigLine(object):
def __init__(self, line, k=None, v=None):
self.line = line
self._key = k
self.value = v
def key(self):
if self._key is None:
return None
# Keywords are case-insensitive
return self._key.lower()
def __str__(self):
if self._key is None:
return str(self.line)
v = str(self._key)
if self.value:
v += " " + str(self.value)
return v
def parse_ssh_config(fname):
# See: man sshd_config
# The file contains keyword-argument pairs, one per line.
# Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are interpreted as comments.
# Note: key-words are case-insensitive and arguments are case-sensitive
lines = []
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return lines
for line in util.load_file(fname).splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
(key, val) = line.split(None, 1)
lines.append(SshdConfigLine(line, key, val))
return lines
def parse_ssh_config_map(fname):
lines = parse_ssh_config(fname)
if not lines:
return {}
ret = {}
for line in lines:
if not line.key:
ret[line.key] = line.value
return ret