Added execute_cmds_via_open_connection

* There are use cases where rather than SSH to a remote server
  to execute cmds, the connection to the remote server is already
  open, so use that connection to execute the commands.

  USE CASE (example):
  Execute cmds on/from proxy server: conn = connect_to_proxy(), and
  then use that connection to execute commands.)

* Updated to better check if connection provided could be a connection
  Raise execption if it is not a pexpect.spawn object.

Change-Id: Ie01aa891ecbfe76a1231cd0714ce5511bc4d05cc
This commit is contained in:
Christopher Hunt 2016-04-27 11:08:59 -05:00
parent 5c32613975
commit 8a0a67d2e2

View File

@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ class MissingCredentials(SshUnableToConnect):
MSG = 'Missing credentials to connect to: {ip} (Type: {t_type})'
class ConnectionNotFound(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return ('No open pexpect connection was provided. Was not type '
class SshResponse(object):
str_concat = '{0!s}\n{1!s}'
@ -372,6 +378,32 @@ class SshMixin(object):
self.last_response = response_obj
return response_obj
def execute_cmds_via_open_connection(
self, connection, cmds, response_obj=None, close_conn=False):
Execute the list of commands on the open connection
@param connection: Open pexpect connection
@param cmds: list of commands to execute
@param response_obj: The SSH Response object; instantiated if !provided
@param close_conn: (Boolean), Close the connection when done?
@return: Populated response object
if not isinstance(connection, pexpect.spawn):
raise ConnectionNotFound()
if response_obj is None:
response_obj = SshResponse()
response_obj.connection = connection
args = {'response_obj': response_obj, 'cmds': cmds}
response_obj = self._cmds_via_open_connection(**args)
if close_conn:
return response_obj
def _cmds_via_open_connection(self, response_obj, cmds):
SSH from the local host using pexpect.