Sett Wai 2054efc9ce images api v1.0 functional tests (tempest parity)
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Change-Id: I5992df42cc3513aeedf3576b6884e357ac088622

 - removed deprecated image/ folder
 - modified folder structure as per discussion with Nandhini
 - removed ImageV2Client, dependency on a forward-patch that wouldn't
   let this one run tests.
 - fixed hanging parenthesis
 - some style changes
 - completed tempest test parity for this set of tests
 - rename image/ to images/
 - improve fixture

Change-Id: I04d39b9c1ef3902dbe36c0d1535a370f5fd5e57b
2013-07-16 17:47:46 +02:00
.. images api v1.0 functional tests (tempest parity) 2013-07-16 17:47:46 +02:00