collectd-ceilometer-plugin troubleshooting guide ================================================ If you experience issues while deploying or using collectd-ceilometer-plugin, the information below can help diagnose the problem: - What version of keystone is being used in the deployment? - Version 2 is used in stable/mitaka version of the plugin, but Keystone V2 has been deprecated. - Support for Keystone V3 API is available for the Newton release and above. - Is ceilometer-acompute service enabled? - The ceilometer-acompute service provides metrics as well. - If the metrics from ceilometer-acompute are available, then the issue is likely with authentication of collectd-ceilometer-plugin. - If the metrics from ceilometer-acompute are not available, then the issue is with the database/storage engine, since no metrics are being stored. - Are the credentials in collectd-ceilometer-plugin.conf valid? - Export these credentials to your environment as OS_PROJECT_NAME, OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD, and use the openstack client. - If the credentials are valid, you should be able to interact with the OpenStack services - If the credentials are invalid, then you should get a response telling you that. - Is the correct OS_AUTH_URL is used? $ openstack catalog show keystone $ grep "OS_AUTH_URL" /path/to/collectd.conf.d/collectd-ceilometer-plugin.conf - Is collectd-ceilometer-plugin.conf being parsed? - Does the collectd.conf have an Include block/directive? :: Include "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/*.conf" OR :: <Include /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d/> Filter "*.conf" </Include> - Enable the logfile plugin in collectd for better information (sample configuration at `../etc/collectd.conf.d/logging.conf`_) - Make sure to set the LogLevel to “debug” for maximum information - Use "VERBOSE True" in collectd-ceilometer-plugin.conf, in order to elevate debug messages to LogLevel info.