===== Usage ===== To use collectd-ceilometer-plugin in collectd:: Python plugin must be enabled in collectd collectd must be started (ex: systemctl start collectd) local.conf settings ------------------- COLLECTD_CONF_DIR (directory) Specify a directory where collectd conf files reside. This is required if you use a distro other than Ubuntu or Fedora, or if the config file is in a non default location. This config directory will be created if it doesn't already exist. Default: /etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d (Ubuntu) /etc/collectd.d (Fedora) COLLECTD_INSTALL (True|False) Indicates whether to install collectd from package manager. Set this to False if you are running a custom collectd build or do not want to upgrade installed version. Default: True COLLECTD_BATCH_SIZE Set the amount of samples to be buffered before sending. Default: 1 i.e. no batching/buffering. COLLECTD_DIR Specify collectd directory, this is required if collectd was installed manually. Default: /opt/collectd CEILOMETER_TIMEOUT Sets the ceilometer's request timeout. The value is passed in milliseconds. Default: 1000 i.e. 1 sec. COLLECTD_CEILOMETER_VERBOSE (True|False) Set this to True to make collectd-ceilometer debugging messages visible as info messagges. This is useful when running the plugin inside a collectd compiled without debug message support. Default: False COLLECTD_LOG_FILE (file) The path of the collectd log file. Default: /opt/stack/logs/collectd.log COLLECTD_LOG_LEVEL (debug|info|notice|warning|err) All log messages with lower log level than this are going to be filtered out from the log file. Default: info COLLECTD_CUSTOM_UNITS (meter=unit) a comma seperated list of pairs, defining meters and their units. Allows existing units to be changed and new units to be set for new meters. The "meter" is generally in the form of "plugin.type", where plugin and plugin type are attributes of the collectd data. Example: COLLECTD_CUSTOM_UNITS="<meter> <unit>,<meter> <unit>" Authenticating using Identity Server API v3 =========================================== following environment variables are used in this plugin for authentication to Keystone API v3 OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION specifies version of keystone API used, should be set to 3 as 2.0 is deprecated. Default: 3 OS_AUTH_URL url where keystone is listening Default: based on $KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI/v$IDENTITY_API_VERSION OS_PASSWORD password for service tenant used for keystone authentication Default: based on $SERVICE_PASSWORD OS_TENANT_NAME name of service tenant used for keystone authentication Default: based on $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME