======= Vagrant ======= This project is distributed with a Vagrantfile intended to be used by developers to run functional tests on a Linux virtual machine. The software provided by the appliance are: - Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS appliance running inside Virtual Box - The collectd provided by Ubuntu - Python 2.7 and 3.4 provided by Ubuntu - This plugin - Project dependencies provided by PIP as specified by project requirements To use Vagrant to test this plugin you have to install following software up to date software on your host machine: - Vagrant - VirtualBox 5 Vagrant ------- Documentation to install Vagrant can be found on there website at https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/installation/ A recent version of Vagrant is required to utilize the vagrant file provided by this repo. If you have an older version already installed please upgrade by following the documentation at https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/installation/upgrading.html Virtual Box ----------- Virtual Box version greater than 5 should works fine. Many Linux distributions should provide a valid version of VirtualBox. The Virtual Box web site hosts some documentation and links to help you downloading and installing Virtual Box on your machine. Please see it there: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Proxy configuration ------------------- If you are working beside a proxy server then you have to install vagrant-proxyconf plugin:: vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf You can have more details about the plugin on below site: https://github.com/tmatilai/vagrant-proxyconf To use it, before creating target appliance, you have to configure standard enviroment variable on your host machine like below:: export http_proxy=http://<some_proxy_server>:<some_port>/ export https_proxy=$https_proxy export no_proxy=localhost,$(hostname) Create and use the appliance ---------------------------- Once all required software is installed and configured you can create and launch the appliance as follows (it can take several minutes) from the project folder:: vagrant up Once the appliance is running connect to the running VM you can type following:: vagrant ssh During the provisioning process collectd and ceilometer are going to be installed and launched using devstack. To force updating the project and restacking it again please use one of the following commands:: # when the machine is down and I want to take it up, update the software # and start all services (including collectd and ceilometer) vagrant up --provision # when the machine is running and I want to take reboot it, update the # software and re-start all services (including collectd and ceilometer) vagrant reload --provision To launch unit tests inside the appliance you can type following:: vagrant ssh -c 'cd /vagrant && tox'