haproxy Cookbook CHANGELOG ========================== This file is used to list changes made in each version of the haproxy cookbook. v1.6.2 ------ ### Bug - **[COOK-3424](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3424)** - Haproxy cookbook attempts to alter an immutable attribute ### New Feature - **[COOK-3135](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3135)** - Allow setting of members with default recipe without changing the template v1.6.2 ------ ### Bug - **[COOK-3424](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3424)** - Haproxy cookbook attempts to alter an immutable attribute ### New Feature - **[COOK-3135](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3135)** - Allow setting of members with default recipe without changing the template v1.6.0 ------ ### New Feature - Allow setting of members with default recipe without changing the template v1.5.0 ------ ### Improvement - **[COOK-3660](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3660)** - Make haproxy socket default user group configurable - **[COOK-3537](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3537)** - Add OpenSSL and zlib source configurations ### New Feature - **[COOK-2384](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-2384)** - Add LWRP for multiple haproxy sites/configs v1.4.0 ------ ### Improvement - **[COOK-3237](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3237)** - Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend - **[COOK-3216](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3216)** - Add metadata attributes ### New Feature - **[COOK-3211](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3211)** - Support RHEL - **[COOK-3133](https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-3133)** - Allow configuration of a global stats socket v1.3.2 ------ ### Bug - [COOK-3046]: haproxy default recipe broken by COOK-2656 ### Task - [COOK-2009]: Add test-kitchen support to haproxy v1.3.0 ------ ### Improvement - [COOK-2656]: Unify the haproxy.cfg with that from app_lb ### New Feature - [COOK-1488]: Provide an option to build haproxy from source v1.2.0 ------ - [COOK-1936] - use frontend / backend logic - [COOK-1937] - cleanup for configurations - [COOK-1938] - more flexibility for options - [COOK-1939] - reloading haproxy is better than restarting - [COOK-1940] - haproxy stats listen on by default - [COOK-1944] - improve haproxy performance v1.1.4 ------ - [COOK-1839] - add httpchk configuration to `app_lb` template v1.1.0 ------ - [COOK-1275] - haproxy-default.erb should be a cookbook_file - [COOK-1594] - Template-Service ordering issue in app_lb recipe v1.0.6 ------ - [COOK-1310] - redispatch flag has changed v1.0.4 ------ - [COOK-806] - load balancer should include an SSL option - [COOK-805] - Fundamental haproxy load balancer options should be configurable v1.0.3 ------ - [COOK-620] haproxy::app_lb's template should use the member cloud private IP by default v1.0.2 ------ - fix regression introduced in v1.0.1 v1.0.1 ------ - account for the case where load balancer is in the pool v1.0.0 ------ - Use `node.chef_environment` instead of `node['app_environment']`