
231 lines
8.3 KiB

name "haproxy"
maintainer "Opscode, Inc."
maintainer_email ""
license "Apache 2.0"
description "Installs and configures haproxy"
long_description, ''))
version "1.6.2"
recipe "haproxy", "Installs and configures haproxy"
recipe "haproxy::app_lb", "Installs and configures haproxy by searching for nodes of a particular role"
%w{ debian ubuntu centos redhat}.each do |os|
supports os
depends "cpu", ">= 0.2.0"
depends "build-essential"
attribute "haproxy/incoming_address",
:display_name => "HAProxy incoming address",
:description => "Sets the address to bind the haproxy process on, (all addresses) by default.",
:required => "optional",
:default => ""
attribute "haproxy/incoming_port",
:display_name => "HAProxy incoming port",
:description => "Sets the port on which haproxy listens.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "80"
attribute "haproxy/member_port",
:display_name => "HAProxy member port",
:description => "The port that member systems will be listening on, default 8080.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "8080"
attribute "haproxy/app_server_role",
:display_name => "HAProxy app server role",
:description => "Used by the app_lb recipe to search for a specific role of member systems. Default webserver.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "webserver"
attribute "haproxy/balance_algorithm",
:display_name => "HAProxy balance algorithm",
:description => "Sets the load balancing algorithm; defaults to roundrobin.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "roundrobin"
attribute "haproxy/enable_ssl",
:display_name => "HAProxy enable ssl",
:description => "Whether or not to create listeners for ssl, default false.",
:required => "optional"
attribute "haproxy/ssl_incoming_address",
:display_name => "HAProxy ssl incoming address",
:description => "Sets the address to bind the haproxy on for SSL, (all addresses) by default.",
:required => "optional",
:default => ""
attribute "haproxy/ssl_member_port",
:display_name => "HAProxy member port",
:description => "The port that member systems will be listening on for ssl, default 8443.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "8443"
attribute "haproxy/ssl_incoming_port",
:display_name => "HAProxy incoming port",
:description => "Sets the port on which haproxy listens for ssl, default 443.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "443"
attribute "haproxy/httpchk",
:display_name => "HAProxy HTTP health check",
:description => "Used by the haproxy::app_lb recipe. If set, will configure httpchk in haproxy.conf.",
:required => "optional"
attribute "haproxy/ssl_httpchk",
:display_name => "HAProxy SSL HTTP health check",
:description => "Used by the app_lb recipe. If set and enable_ssl is true, will configure httpchk in haproxy.conf for the ssl_application section.",
:required => "optional"
attribute "haproxy/enable_admin",
:display_name => "HAProxy enable admin",
:description => "Whether to enable the admin interface. default true. Listens on port 22002.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "true"
attribute "haproxy/admin/address_bind",
:display_name => "HAProxy admin address bind",
:description => "Sets the address to bind the administrative interface on, by default.",
:required => "optional",
:default => ""
attribute "haproxy/admin/port",
:display_name => "HAProxy admin port",
:description => "Sets the port for the administrative interface, 22002 by default.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "22002"
attribute "haproxy/pid_file",
:display_name => "HAProxy PID file",
:description => "The PID file of the haproxy process, used in the tuning recipe.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "/var/run/"
attribute "haproxy/default options",
:display_name => "HAProxy default options",
:description => "An array of options to use for the config file's defaults stanza, default is [\"httplog\", \"dontlognull\", \"redispatch\"].",
:required => "optional",
:type => "array",
:default => ["httplog", "dontlognull", "redispatch"]
attribute "haproxy/defaults_timeouts/connect",
:display_name => "HAProxy connect timeout",
:description => "Connect timeout in defaults stanza.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "5s"
attribute "haproxy/defaults_timeouts/client",
:display_name => "HAProxy client timeout",
:description => "Client timeout in defaults stanza.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "50s"
attribute "haproxy/defaults_timeouts/server",
:display_name => "HAProxy server timeout",
:description => "Server timeout in defaults stanza.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "50s"
attribute "haproxy/x_forwarded_for",
:display_name => "HAProxy X-Forwarded-For",
:description => "If true, creates an X-Forwarded-For header containing the original client's IP address. This option disables KeepAlive.",
:required => "optional"
attribute "haproxy/member_max_connections",
:display_name => "HAProxy member max connections",
:description => "The maxconn value to be set for each app server.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "100"
attribute "haproxy/user",
:display_name => "HAProxy user",
:description => "User that haproxy runs as.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "haproxy"
attribute "haproxy/group",
:display_name => "HAProxy group",
:description => "Group that haproxy runs as.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "haproxy"
attribute "haproxy/global_max_connections",
:display_name => "HAProxy global max connections",
:description => "In the app_lb config, set the global maxconn.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "4096"
attribute "haproxy/frontend_max_connections",
:display_name => "HAProxy frontend max connections",
:description => "In the app_lb config, set the the maxconn per frontend member.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "2000"
attribute "haproxy/frontend_ssl_max_connections",
:display_name => "HAProxy frontend SSL max connections",
:description => "In the app_lb config, set the maxconn per frontend member using SSL.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "2000"
attribute "haproxy/install_method",
:display_name => "HAProxy install method",
:description => "Determines which method is used to install haproxy, must be 'source' or 'package'. defaults to 'package'.",
:required => "recommended",
:choice => ["package", "source"],
:default => "package"
attribute "haproxy/conf_dir",
:display_name => "HAProxy config directory",
:description => "The location of the haproxy config file.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "/etc/haproxy"
attribute "haproxy/source/version",
:display_name => "HAProxy source version",
:description => "The version of haproxy to install.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "1.4.22"
attribute "haproxy/source/url",
:display_name => "HAProxy source URL",
:description => "The full URL to the haproxy source package.",
:required => "optional",
:default => ""
attribute "haproxy/source/checksum",
:display_name => "HAProxy source checksum",
:description => "The checksum of the haproxy source package.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "ba221b3eaa4d71233230b156c3000f5c2bd4dace94d9266235517fe42f917fc6"
attribute "haproxy/source/prefix",
:display_name => "HAProxy source prefix",
:description => "The prefix used to make install haproxy.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "/usr/local"
attribute "haproxy/source/target_os",
:display_name => "HAProxy source target OS",
:description => "The target used to make haproxy.",
:required => "optional",
:default => "generic"
attribute "haproxy/source/target_cpu",
:display_name => "HAProxy source target CPU",
:description => "The target cpu used to make haproxy.",
:required => "optional",
:default => ""
attribute "haproxy/source/target_arch",
:display_name => "HAProxy source target arch",
:description => "The target arch used to make haproxy.",
:required => "optional",
:default => ""
attribute "haproxy/source/use_pcre",
:display_name => "HAProxy source use PCRE",
:description => "Whether to build with libpcre support.",
:required => "optional"