##################################### # Config File for Compass Installer # ##################################### # REPO_URL indicates the source where to download compass-web and compass-adapters from #export REPO_URL=https://review.openstack.org # OS_INSTALLER indicates the tool for OS provisioning, default is 'cobbler'. export OS_INSTALLER=cobbler # PACKAGE_INSTALLER indicates the tool for Package provisioning, default is 'chef'. export PACKAGE_INSTALLER=chef # service NIC (A bridge "installation" is used for jenkins CI) export NIC=installation # default local repo config is "n" export LOCAL_REPO=${LOCAL_REPO:-"y"} # DHCP config export IPADDR=`ifconfig $NIC | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'` export NETMASK=$(ifconfig $NIC |grep Mask | cut -f 4 -d ':') # DHCP option router address(Default is your management interface IP address )" export OPTION_ROUTER=`ifconfig $NIC | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'` # The IP range for DHCP clients (Default: local subnet start from 100 to 254) export IP_START=`echo $IPADDR |cut -d. -f'1 2 3'`.128 export IP_END=`echo $IPADDR |cut -d. -f'1 2 3'`.254 # TFTP server's IP address(Default: Management Interface/eth0 IP) export NEXTSERVER=`ifconfig $NIC | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'` # the domains covered by nameserver export NAMESERVER_DOMAINS=ods.com export NAMESERVER_REVERSE_ZONES=unused # the repo url export WEB_SOURCE='http://git.openstack.org/stackforge'/compass-web export ADAPTERS_SOURCE='http://git.openstack.org/stackforge/compass-adapters' # set the default cobbler user "cobbler" password, if not set, the default will be cobbler/cobbler export CBLR_USER=cobbler export CBLR_PASSWD=cobbler export COBBLER_PASSWORD=${COBBLER_PASSWORD:-"cobbler"} # Currently the use of Javascript MVC is set to version 3.2.4 export JS_MVC=javascriptmvc-3.2.4 # Set Chef password for Chef web UI export CHEF_PASSWD=root1234 # Set Compass-web and Compass-adpater variables export WEB_HOME=${WEB_HOME:-'/tmp/web'} export ADAPTERS_HOME=${ADAPTERS_HOME:-'/tmp/adapter'} export SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) export COMPASSDIR=${SCRIPT_DIR}/.. # Set test script variables # export NAMESERVERS=$IPADDR # export NTP_SERVER=$IPADDR # export GATEWAY=$IPADDR # export PROXY=http://$IPADDR:3128 export TESTMODE=${TESTMODE:-"True"}