#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Example code to deploy a cluster by compass client api.""" import os import re import requests import sys import time from compass.apiclient.restful import Client COMPASS_SERVER_URL = '' SWITCH_IP = '' SWITCH_SNMP_VERSION = 'v2c' SWITCH_SNMP_COMMUNITY = 'public' #MACHINES_TO_ADD = ['00:11:20:30:40:01'] CLUSTER_NAME = 'cluster2' HOST_NAME_PREFIX = 'host' SERVER_USERNAME = 'root' SERVER_PASSWORD = 'root' SERVICE_USERNAME = 'service' SERVICE_PASSWORD = 'service' CONSOLE_USERNAME = 'console' CONSOLE_PASSWORD = 'console' HA_VIP = '' #NAMESERVERS = '' SEARCH_PATH = 'ods.com' #GATEWAY = '' #PROXY = '' #NTP_SERVER = '' MANAGEMENT_IP_START = '' MANAGEMENT_IP_END = '' MANAGEMENT_IP_GATEWAY = '' MANAGEMENT_NETMASK = '' MANAGEMENT_NIC = 'eth0' MANAGEMENT_PROMISC = 0 TENANT_IP_START = '' TENANT_IP_END = '' TENANT_IP_GATEWAY = '' TENANT_NETMASK = '' TENANT_NIC = 'eth0' TENANT_PROMISC = 0 PUBLIC_IP_START = '' PUBLIC_IP_END = '' PUBLIC_IP_GATEWAY = '' PUBLIC_NETMASK = '' PUBLIC_NIC = 'eth1' PUBLIC_PROMISC = 1 STORAGE_IP_START = '' STORAGE_IP_END = '' STORAGE_NETMASK = '' STORAGE_IP_GATEWAY = '' STORAGE_NIC = 'eth0' STORAGE_PROMISC = 0 HOME_PERCENTAGE = 5 TMP_PERCENTAGE = 5 VAR_PERCENTAGE = 10 #ROLES_LIST = [['os-dashboard']] PRESET_VALUES = { 'NAMESERVERS': '', 'NTP_SERVER': '', 'GATEWAY': '', 'PROXY': '', 'ROLES_LIST': 'os-dashboard', 'MACHINES_TO_ADD': '00:11:20:30:40:01', 'BUILD_TIMEOUT': 60 } for v in PRESET_VALUES: if v in os.environ.keys(): PRESET_VALUES[v] = os.environ.get(v) print (v + PRESET_VALUES[v] + " is set by env variables") else: print (PRESET_VALUES[v]) # get apiclient object. client = Client(COMPASS_SERVER_URL) # get all switches. status, resp = client.get_switches() print 'get all switches status: %s resp: %s' % (status, resp) # add a switch. status, resp = client.add_switch( SWITCH_IP, version=SWITCH_SNMP_VERSION, community=SWITCH_SNMP_COMMUNITY) print 'add a switch status: %s resp: %s' % (status, resp) if status < 400: switch = resp['switch'] else: status, resp = client.get_switches() print 'get all switches status: %s resp: %s' % (status, resp) switch = None for switch in resp['switches']: if switch['ip'] == SWITCH_IP: break switch_id = switch['id'] switch_ip = switch['ip'] # if the switch is not in under_monitoring, wait for the poll switch task # update the swich information and change the switch state. while switch['state'] != 'under_monitoring': print 'waiting for the switch into under_monitoring' status, resp = client.get_switch(switch_id) print 'get switch %s status: %s, resp: %s' % (switch_id, status, resp) switch = resp['switch'] time.sleep(10) # get machines connected to the switch. status, resp = client.get_machines(switch_id=switch_id) print 'get all machines under switch %s status: %s, resp: %s' % ( switch_id, status, resp) machines = {} MACHINES_TO_ADD = PRESET_VALUES['MACHINES_TO_ADD'].split() for machine in resp['machines']: mac = machine['mac'] if mac in MACHINES_TO_ADD: machines[machine['id']] = mac print 'machine to add: %s' % machines if set(machines.values()) != set(MACHINES_TO_ADD): print 'only found macs %s while expected are %s' % ( machines.values(), MACHINES_TO_ADD) sys.exit(1) # get adapters. status, resp = client.get_adapters() print 'get all adapters status: %s, resp: %s' % (status, resp) adapter_ids = [] for adapter in resp['adapters']: adapter_ids.append(adapter['id']) adapter_id = adapter_ids[0] print 'adpater for deploying a cluster: %s' % adapter_id # add a cluster. status, resp = client.add_cluster( cluster_name=CLUSTER_NAME, adapter_id=adapter_id) print 'add cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s' % (CLUSTER_NAME, status, resp) cluster = resp['cluster'] cluster_id = cluster['id'] # add hosts to the cluster. status, resp = client.add_hosts( cluster_id=cluster_id, machine_ids=machines.keys()) print 'add hosts to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, resp) host_ids = [] for host in resp['cluster_hosts']: host_ids.append(host['id']) print 'added hosts: %s' % host_ids # set cluster security status, resp = client.set_security( cluster_id, server_username=SERVER_USERNAME, server_password=SERVER_PASSWORD, service_username=SERVICE_USERNAME, service_password=SERVICE_PASSWORD, console_username=CONSOLE_USERNAME, console_password=CONSOLE_PASSWORD) print 'set security config to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, resp) # set cluster networking status, resp = client.set_networking( cluster_id, nameservers=PRESET_VALUES["NAMESERVERS"], search_path=SEARCH_PATH, gateway=PRESET_VALUES["GATEWAY"], proxy=PRESET_VALUES["PROXY"], ntp_server=PRESET_VALUES["NTP_SERVER"], ha_vip=HA_VIP, management_ip_start=MANAGEMENT_IP_START, management_ip_end=MANAGEMENT_IP_END, management_netmask=MANAGEMENT_NETMASK, management_nic=MANAGEMENT_NIC, management_gateway=MANAGEMENT_IP_GATEWAY, management_promisc=MANAGEMENT_PROMISC, tenant_ip_start=TENANT_IP_START, tenant_ip_end=TENANT_IP_END, tenant_netmask=TENANT_NETMASK, tenant_nic=TENANT_NIC, tenant_gateway=TENANT_IP_GATEWAY, tenant_promisc=TENANT_PROMISC, public_ip_start=PUBLIC_IP_START, public_ip_end=PUBLIC_IP_END, public_netmask=PUBLIC_NETMASK, public_nic=PUBLIC_NIC, public_gateway=PUBLIC_IP_GATEWAY, public_promisc=PUBLIC_PROMISC, storage_ip_start=STORAGE_IP_START, storage_ip_end=STORAGE_IP_END, storage_netmask=STORAGE_NETMASK, storage_nic=STORAGE_NIC, storage_gateway=STORAGE_IP_GATEWAY, storage_promisc=STORAGE_PROMISC) print 'set networking config to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, resp) # set partiton of each host in cluster status, resp = client.set_partition( cluster_id, home_percentage=HOME_PERCENTAGE, tmp_percentage=TMP_PERCENTAGE, var_percentage=VAR_PERCENTAGE) print 'set partition config to cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, resp) # set each host config in cluster. ROLES_LIST = [PRESET_VALUES['ROLES_LIST'].split()] for host_id in host_ids: if ROLES_LIST: roles = ROLES_LIST.pop(0) else: roles = [] status, resp = client.update_host_config( host_id, hostname='%s%s' % (HOST_NAME_PREFIX, host_id), roles=roles) print 'set roles to host %s status: %s, resp: %s' % ( host_id, status, resp) # deploy cluster. status, resp = client.deploy_hosts(cluster_id) print 'deploy cluster %s status: %s, resp: %s' % (cluster_id, status, resp) # get intalling progress. BUILD_TIMEOUT = float(PRESET_VALUES['BUILD_TIMEOUT']) timeout = time.time() + BUILD_TIMEOUT * 60 while True: status, resp = client.get_cluster_installing_progress(cluster_id) print 'get cluster %s installing progress status: %s, resp: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, resp) progress = resp['progress'] if ( progress['state'] not in ['UNINITIALIZED', 'INSTALLING'] or progress['percentage'] >= 1.0 ): break if ( time.time() > timeout ): raise Exception("Timeout! The system is not ready in time.") for host_id in host_ids: status, resp = client.get_host_installing_progress(host_id) print 'get host %s installing progress status: %s, resp: %s' % ( host_id, status, resp) time.sleep(60) status, resp = client.get_dashboard_links(cluster_id) print 'get cluster %s dashboardlinks status: %s, resp: %s' % ( cluster_id, status, resp) dashboardlinks = resp['dashboardlinks'] if not dashboardlinks.keys(): raise Exception("Dashboard link is not found!") for x in dashboardlinks.keys(): if x in ("os-dashboard", "os-controller"): dashboardurl = dashboardlinks.get(x) if dashboardurl is None: raise Exception("No dashboard link is found") r = requests.get(dashboardurl, verify=False) r.raise_for_status() match = re.search( r'(?m)(http://\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:5000/v2\.0)', r.text) if match: print 'dashboard login page can be downloaded' break print ( 'dashboard login page failed to be downloaded\n' 'the context is:\n%s\n') % r.text raise Exception("os-dashboard is not properly installed!")