# Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Compass api client library. .. moduleauthor:: Xiaodong Wang """ import json import logging import requests class Client(object): """wrapper for compass restful api. .. note:: Every api client method returns (status as int, resp as dict). If the api succeeds, the status is 2xx, the resp includes {'status': 'OK'} and other keys depend on method. If the api fails, the status is 4xx, the resp includes { 'status': '...', 'message': '...'} """ def __init__(self, url, headers=None, proxies=None, stream=None): """Restful api client initialization. :param url: url to the compass web service. :type url: str. :param headers: http header sent in each restful request. :type headers: dict of header name (str) to heade value (str). :param proxies: the proxy address for each protocol. :type proxies: dict of protocol (str) to proxy url (str). :param stream: wether the restful response should be streamed. :type stream: bool. """ self.url_ = url self.session_ = requests.Session() if headers: self.session_.headers = headers if proxies is not None: self.session_.proxies = proxies if stream is not None: self.session_.stream = stream def __del__(self): self.session_.close() @classmethod def _get_response(cls, resp): """decapsulate the resp to status code and python formatted data.""" resp_obj = {} try: resp_obj = resp.json() except Exception as error: logging.error('failed to load object from %s: %s', resp.url, resp.content) logging.exception(error) resp_obj['status'] = 'Json Parsing Failure' resp_obj['message'] = resp.content return resp.status_code, resp_obj def _get(self, relative_url, params=None): """encapsulate get method.""" url = '%s%s' % (self.url_, relative_url) if params: resp = self.session_.get(url, params=params) else: resp = self.session_.get(url) return self._get_response(resp) def _post(self, relative_url, data=None): """encapsulate post method.""" url = '%s%s' % (self.url_, relative_url) if data: resp = self.session_.post(url, json.dumps(data)) else: resp = self.session_.post(url) return self._get_response(resp) def _put(self, relative_url, data=None): """encapsulate put method.""" url = '%s%s' % (self.url_, relative_url) if data: resp = self.session_.put(url, json.dumps(data)) else: resp = self.session_.put(url) return self._get_response(resp) def _delete(self, relative_url): """encapsulate delete method.""" url = '%s%s' % (self.url_, relative_url) return self._get_response(self.session_.delete(url)) def get_switches(self, switch_ips=None, switch_networks=None, limit=None): """List details for switches. .. note:: The switches can be filtered by switch_ips, siwtch_networks and limit. These params can be None or missing. If the param is None or missing, that filter will be ignored. :param switch_ips: Filter switch(es) with IP(s). :type switch_ips: list of str. Each is as 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'. :param switch_networks: Filter switche(es) with network(s). :type switch_networks: list of str. Each is as 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx'. :param limit: int, The maximum number of switches to return. :type limit: int. 0 means unlimited. """ params = {} if switch_ips: params['switchIp'] = switch_ips if switch_networks: params['switchIpNetwork'] = switch_networks if limit: params['limit'] = limit return self._get('/switches', params=params) def get_switch(self, switch_id): """Lists details for a specified switch. :param switch_id: switch id. :type switch_id: int. """ return self._get('/switches/%s' % switch_id) def add_switch(self, switch_ip, version=None, community=None, username=None, password=None, raw_data=None): """Create a switch with specified details. .. note:: It will trigger switch polling if successful. During the polling, MAC address of the devices connected to the switch will be learned by SNMP or SSH. :param switch_ip: the switch IP address. :type switch_ip: str, as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. :param version: SNMP version when using SNMP to poll switch. :type version: str, one in ['v1', 'v2c', 'v3'] :param community: SNMP community when using SNMP to poll switch. :type community: str, usually 'public'. :param username: SSH username when using SSH to poll switch. :type username: str. :param password: SSH password when using SSH to poll switch. :type password: str. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['switch'] = {} data['switch']['ip'] = switch_ip data['switch']['credential'] = {} if version: data['switch']['credential']['version'] = version if community: data['switch']['credential']['community'] = community if username: data['switch']['credential']['username'] = username if password: data['switch']['credential']['password'] = password return self._post('/switches', data=data) def update_switch(self, switch_id, ip_addr=None, version=None, community=None, username=None, password=None, raw_data=None): """Updates a switch with specified details. .. note:: It will trigger switch polling if successful. During the polling, MAC address of the devices connected to the switch will be learned by SNMP or SSH. :param switch_id: switch id :type switch_id: int. :param ip_addr: the switch ip address. :type ip_addr: str, as 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' format. :param version: SNMP version when using SNMP to poll switch. :type version: str, one in ['v1', 'v2c', 'v3']. :param community: SNMP community when using SNMP to poll switch. :type community: str, usually be 'public'. :param username: username when using SSH to poll switch. :type username: str. :param password: password when using SSH to poll switch. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['switch'] = {} if ip_addr: data['switch']['ip'] = ip_addr data['switch']['credential'] = {} if version: data['switch']['credential']['version'] = version if community: data['switch']['credential']['community'] = community if username: data['switch']['credential']['username'] = username if password: data['switch']['credential']['password'] = password return self._put('/switches/%s' % switch_id, data=data) def delete_switch(self, switch_id): """Not implemented in api.""" return self._delete('/switches/%s' % switch_id) def get_machines(self, switch_id=None, vlan_id=None, port=None, limit=None): """Get the details of machines. .. note:: The machines can be filtered by switch_id, vlan_id, port and limit. These params can be None or missing. If the param is None or missing, the filter will be ignored. :param switch_id: Return machine(s) connected to the switch. :type switch_id: int. :param vlan_id: Return machine(s) belonging to the vlan. :type vlan_id: int. :param port: Return machine(s) connect to the port. :type port: int. :param limit: the maximum number of machines will be returned. :type limit: int. 0 means no limit. """ params = {} if switch_id: params['switchId'] = switch_id if vlan_id: params['vlanId'] = vlan_id if port: params['port'] = port if limit: params['limit'] = limit return self._get('/machines', params=params) def get_machine(self, machine_id): """Lists the details for a specified machine. :param machine_id: Return machine with the id. :type machine_id: int. """ return self._get('/machines/%s' % machine_id) def get_clusters(self): """Lists the details for all clusters. """ return self._get('/clusters') def get_cluster(self, cluster_id): """Lists the details of the specified cluster. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. """ return self._get('/clusters/%d' % cluster_id) def add_cluster(self, cluster_name, adapter_id, raw_data=None): """Creates a cluster by specified name and given adapter id. :param cluster_name: cluster name. :type cluster_name: str. :param adapter_id: adapter id. :type adapter_id: int. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['cluster'] = {} data['cluster']['name'] = cluster_name data['cluster']['adapter_id'] = adapter_id return self._post('/clusters', data=data) def add_hosts(self, cluster_id, machine_ids, raw_data=None): """add the specified machine(s) as the host(s) to the cluster. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. :param machine_ids: machine ids to add to cluster. :type machine_ids: list of int, each is the id of one machine. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['addHosts'] = machine_ids return self._post('/clusters/%d/action' % cluster_id, data=data) def remove_hosts(self, cluster_id, host_ids, raw_data=None): """remove the specified host(s) from the cluster. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. :param host_ids: host ids to remove from cluster. :type host_ids: list of int, each is the id of one host. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['removeHosts'] = host_ids return self._post('/clusters/%s/action' % cluster_id, data=data) def replace_hosts(self, cluster_id, machine_ids, raw_data=None): """replace the cluster hosts with the specified machine(s). :param cluster_id: int, The unique identifier of the cluster. :type cluster_id: int. :param machine_ids: the machine ids to replace the hosts in cluster. :type machine_ids: list of int, each is the id of one machine. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['replaceAllHosts'] = machine_ids return self._post('/clusters/%s/action' % cluster_id, data=data) def deploy_hosts(self, cluster_id, raw_data=None): """Deploy the cluster. :param cluster_id: The unique identifier of the cluster :type cluster_id: int. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: data['deploy'] = [] return self._post('/clusters/%d/action' % cluster_id, data=data) @classmethod def parse_security(cls, kwargs): """parse the arguments to security data.""" data = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if '_' not in key: continue key_name, key_value = key.split('_', 1) data.setdefault( '%s_credentials' % key_name, {})[key_value] = value return data def set_security(self, cluster_id, **kwargs): """Update the cluster security configuration. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. :param _username: username of the security name. :type _username: str. :param _password: passowrd of the security name. :type _password: str. .. note:: security_name should be one of ['server', 'service', 'console']. """ data = {} data['security'] = self.parse_security(kwargs) return self._put('/clusters/%d/security' % cluster_id, data=data) @classmethod def parse_networking(cls, kwargs): """parse arguments to network data.""" data = {} global_keys = [ 'nameservers', 'search_path', 'gateway', 'proxy', 'ntp_server', 'ha_vip'] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in global_keys: data.setdefault('global', {})[key] = value else: if '_' not in key: continue key_name, key_value = key.split('_', 1) data.setdefault( 'interfaces', {} ).setdefault( key_name, {} )[key_value] = value return data def set_networking(self, cluster_id, **kwargs): """Update the cluster network configuration. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. :param nameservers: comma seperated nameserver ip address. :type nameservers: str. :param search_path: comma seperated dns name search path. :type search_path: str. :param gateway: gateway ip address for routing to outside. :type gateway: str. :param proxy: proxy url for downloading packages. :type proxy: str. :param ntp_server: ntp server ip address to sync timestamp. :type ntp_server: str. :param ha_vip: ha vip address to run ha proxy. :type ha_vip: str. :param _ip_start: start ip address to host's interface. :type _ip_start: str. :param _ip_end: end ip address to host's interface. :type _ip_end: str. :param _netmask: netmask to host's interface. :type _netmask: str. :param _nic: host physical interface name. :type _nic: str. :param _promisc: if the interface in promiscous mode. :type _promisc: int, 0 or 1. .. note:: interface should be one of ['management', 'tenant', 'public', 'storage']. """ data = {} data['networking'] = self.parse_networking(kwargs) return self._put('/clusters/%d/networking' % cluster_id, data=data) @classmethod def parse_partition(cls, kwargs): """parse arguments to partition data.""" data = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key.endswith('_percentage'): key_name = key[:-len('_percentage')] data[key_name] = '%s%%' % value elif key.endswitch('_mbytes'): key_name = key[:-len('_mbytes')] data[key_name] = str(value) return ';'.join([ '/%s %s' % (key, value) for key, value in data.items() ]) def set_partition(self, cluster_id, **kwargs): """Update the cluster partition configuration. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. :param _percentage: the partiton percentage. :type _percentage: float between 0 to 100. :param _mbytes: the partition mbytes. :type _mbytes: int. .. note:: partition should be one of ['home', 'var', 'tmp']. """ data = {} data['partition'] = self.parse_partition(kwargs) return self._put('/clusters/%s/partition' % cluster_id, data=data) def get_hosts(self, hostname=None, clustername=None): """Lists the details of hosts. .. note:: The hosts can be filtered by hostname, clustername. These params can be None or missing. If the param is None or missing, the filter will be ignored. :param hostname: The name of a host. :type hostname: str. :param clustername: The name of a cluster. :type clustername: str. """ params = {} if hostname: params['hostname'] = hostname if clustername: params['clustername'] = clustername return self._get('/clusterhosts', params=params) def get_host(self, host_id): """Lists the details for the specified host. :param host_id: host id. :type host_id: int. """ return self._get('/clusterhosts/%s' % host_id) def get_host_config(self, host_id): """Lists the details of the config for the specified host. :param host_id: host id. :type host_id: int. """ return self._get('/clusterhosts/%s/config' % host_id) def update_host_config(self, host_id, hostname=None, roles=None, raw_data=None, **kwargs): """Updates config for the host. :param host_id: host id. :type host_id: int. :param hostname: host name. :type hostname: str. :param security__username: username of the security name. :type security__username: str. :param security__password: passowrd of the security name. :type security__password: str. :param networking_nameservers: comma seperated nameserver ip address. :type networking_nameservers: str. :param networking_search_path: comma seperated dns name search path. :type networking_search_path: str. :param networking_gateway: gateway ip address for routing to outside. :type networking_gateway: str. :param networking_proxy: proxy url for downloading packages. :type networking_proxy: str. :param networking_ntp_server: ntp server ip address to sync timestamp. :type networking_ntp_server: str. :param networking__ip: ip address to host interface. :type networking__ip: str. :param networking__netmask: netmask to host's interface. :type networking__netmask: str. :param networking__nic: host physical interface name. :type networking__nic: str. :param networking__promisc: if the interface is promiscous. :type networking__promisc: int, 0 or 1. :param partition__percentage: the partiton percentage. :type partition__percentage: float between 0 to 100. :param partition__mbytes: the partition mbytes. :type partition__mbytes: int. :param roles: host assigned roles in the cluster. :type roles: list of str. """ data = {} if raw_data: data = raw_data else: if hostname: data['hostname'] = hostname sub_kwargs = {} for key, value in kwargs.items(): key_name, key_value = key.split('_', 1) sub_kwargs.setdefault(key_name, {})[key_value] = value if 'security' in sub_kwargs: data['security'] = self.parse_security(sub_kwargs['security']) if 'networking' in sub_kwargs: data['networking'] = self.parse_networking( sub_kwargs['networking']) if 'partition' in sub_kwargs: data['partition'] = self.parse_partition( sub_kwargs['partition']) if roles: data['roles'] = roles return self._put('/clusterhosts/%s/config' % host_id, data) def delete_from_host_config(self, host_id, delete_key): """Deletes one key in config for the host. :param host_id: host id. :type host_id: int. :param delete_key: the key in host config to be deleted. :type delete_key: str. """ return self._delete('/clusterhosts/%s/config/%s' % ( host_id, delete_key)) def get_adapters(self, name=None): """Lists details of adapters. .. note:: the adapter can be filtered by name of name is given and not None. :param name: adapter name. :type name: str. """ params = {} if name: params['name'] = name return self._get('/adapters', params=params) def get_adapter(self, adapter_id): """Lists details for the specified adapter. :param adapter_id: adapter id. :type adapter_id: int. """ return self._get('/adapters/%s' % adapter_id) def get_adapter_roles(self, adapter_id): """Lists roles to assign to hosts for the specified adapter. :param adapter_id: adapter id. :type adapter_id: int. """ return self._get('/adapters/%s/roles' % adapter_id) def get_host_installing_progress(self, host_id): """Lists progress details for the specified host. :param host_id: host id. :type host_id: int. """ return self._get('/clusterhosts/%s/progress' % host_id) def get_cluster_installing_progress(self, cluster_id): """Lists progress details for the specified cluster. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :param cluster_id: int. """ return self._get('/clusters/%s/progress' % cluster_id) def get_dashboard_links(self, cluster_id): """Lists links for dashboards of deployed cluster. :param cluster_id: cluster id. :type cluster_id: int. """ params = {} params['cluster_id'] = cluster_id return self._get('/dashboardlinks', params)