"""Module to provider function to poll switch.""" import logging from compass.db import database from compass.db.model import Switch, Machine, SwitchConfig from compass.hdsdiscovery.hdmanager import HDManager def poll_switch(ip_addr, req_obj='mac', oper="SCAN"): """Query switch and return expected result .. note:: When polling switch succeeds, for each mac it got from polling switch, A Machine record associated with the switch is added to the database. :param ip_addr: switch ip address. :type ip_addr: str :param req_obj: the object requested to query from switch. :type req_obj: str :param oper: the operation to query the switch. :type oper: str, should be one of ['SCAN', 'GET', 'SET'] .. note:: The function should be called inside database session scope. """ UNDERMONITORING = 'under_monitoring' UNREACHABLE = 'unreachable' if not ip_addr: logging.error('No switch IP address is provided!') return #Retrieve vendor info from switch table session = database.current_session() switch = session.query(Switch).filter_by(ip=ip_addr).first() logging.info("pollswitch: %s", switch) if not switch: logging.error('no switch found for %s', ip_addr) return credential = switch.credential logging.info("pollswitch: credential %r", credential) vendor = switch.vendor prev_state = switch.state hdmanager = HDManager() vendor, vstate, err_msg = hdmanager.get_vendor(ip_addr, credential) if not vendor: switch.state = vstate switch.err_msg = err_msg logging.info("*****error_msg: %s****", switch.err_msg) logging.error('no vendor found or match switch %s', switch) return switch.vendor = vendor # Start to poll switch's mac address..... logging.debug('hdmanager learn switch from %s %s %s %s %s', ip_addr, credential, vendor, req_obj, oper) results = [] try: results = hdmanager.learn(ip_addr, credential, vendor, req_obj, oper) except: switch.state = UNREACHABLE switch.err_msg = "SNMP walk for querying MAC addresses timedout" return logging.info("pollswitch %s result: %s", switch, results) if not results: logging.error('no result learned from %s %s %s %s %s', ip_addr, credential, vendor, req_obj, oper) switch_id = switch.id filter_ports = session.query(SwitchConfig.filter_port)\ .filter(SwitchConfig.ip == Switch.ip)\ .filter(Switch.id == switch_id).all() logging.info("***********filter posts are %s********", filter_ports) if filter_ports: #Get all ports from tuples into list filter_ports = [i[0] for i in filter_ports] for entry in results: mac = entry['mac'] port = entry['port'] vlan = entry['vlan'] if port in filter_ports: continue machine = session.query(Machine).filter_by(mac=mac, port=port, switch_id=switch_id).first() if not machine: machine = Machine(mac=mac, port=port, vlan=vlan) session.add(machine) machine.switch = switch logging.debug('update switch %s state to under monitoring', switch) if prev_state != UNDERMONITORING: #Update error message in db switch.err_msg = "" switch.state = UNDERMONITORING