#!/bin/bash # ### Log the script all outputs locally exec > >(sudo tee install.log) exec 2>&1 ### Creat a lock to avoid running multiple instances of script. LOCKFILE="/tmp/`basename $0`" LOCKFD=99 if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then LOCKED_PID=$(cat $LOCKFILE | head -n 1) ps -p $LOCKED_PID &> /dev/null if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "the progress of pid $LOCKED_PID does not exist: `ps -p $LOCKED_PID`" rm -f $LOCKFILE else echo "the progress of pid $LOCKED_PID is running: `ps -p $LOCKED_PID`" exit 1 fi else echo "$LOCKFILE not exist" fi # PRIVATE _lock() { echo "lock $LOCKFILE" flock -$1 $LOCKFD pid=$$ echo $pid 1>& $LOCKFD } _no_more_locking() { _lock u _lock xn && rm -f $LOCKFILE } _prepare_locking() { eval "exec $LOCKFD>\"$LOCKFILE\"" trap _no_more_locking EXIT } # ON START _prepare_locking # PUBLIC exlock_now() { _lock xn || exit 1 } # obtain an exclusive lock immediately or fail exlock_now if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "failed to acquire lock $LOCKFILE" exit 1 fi ### BEGIN OF SCRIPT ### DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) source $DIR/install.conf ### Change selinux security policy echo 0 > /selinux/enforce ### Add epel repo sudo rpm -q epel-release if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then sudo rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/${IMAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}/${IMAGE_ARCH}/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm >& /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "failed to install epel-release" exit 1 else echo "sucessfaully installed epel-release" fi else echo "epel-release is already installed" fi sed -i 's/^mirrorlist=https/mirrorlist=http/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo ### Add atomic repo sudo rpm -q atomic-release if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then sudo rpm -Uvh http://www6.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/${IMAGE_TYPE,,}/${IMAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}/${IMAGE_ARCH}/RPMS/atomic-release-1.0-19.${IMAGE_TYPE_OTHER}${IMAGE_VERSION_MAJOR}.art.noarch.rpm >& /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "failed to install atomic-release" exit 1 else echo "successfully installed atomic-release" fi else echo "atomic-release is already installed" fi sed -i 's/^mirrorlist=https/mirrorlist=http/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/atomic.repo ### Trap any error code with related filename and line. errtrap() { FILE=${BASH_SOURCE[1]:-$BASH_SOURCE[0]} echo "[FILE: "$(basename $FILE)", LINE: $1] Error: Command or function exited with status $2" } if [[ "$-" == *x* ]]; then trap 'errtrap $LINENO $?' ERR fi # Install figlet sudo yum -y install figlet >& /dev/null if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "failed to install figlet" exit 1 else echo "figlet is installed" fi figlet -ctf slant Compass Installer while [ $1 ]; do flags=$1 param=${flags/'--'/''} var=$(echo $param | cut -d"=" -f1) val=$(echo $param | cut -d"=" -f2) export $var=$val shift done # convert ip address to int ipaddr_convert() { ipaddr=$1 IFS=. read -r a b c d <<< "$ipaddr" printf '%d\n' "$((a * 256 ** 3 + b * 256 ** 2 + c * 256 + d))" } # Load variables loadvars() { varname=${1,,} eval var=\$$(echo $1) if [[ -z $var ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mPlease enter the $varname (Example: $2):\x1b[37m" while read input do if [ "$input" == "" ]; then echo "Default $varname '$2' chosen" export $(echo $1)="$2" break else echo "You have entered $input" export $(echo $1)="$input" break fi done fi } loadvars NIC "eth0" sudo ifconfig $NIC if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "There is no nic '$NIC' yet" exit 1 fi sudo ifconfig $NIC | grep 'inet addr:' >& /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "There is not any IP address assigned to the NIC '$NIC' yet, please assign an IP address first." exit 1 fi export ipaddr=$(ifconfig $NIC | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}') loadvars IPADDR ${ipaddr} ipcalc $IPADDR -c if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ip addr $IPADDR format should be x.x.x.x" exit 1 fi export netmask=$(ifconfig $NIC |grep Mask | cut -f 4 -d ':') loadvars NETMASK ${netmask} export netaddr=$(ipcalc $IPADDR $NETMASK -n |cut -f 2 -d '=') export netprefix=$(ipcalc $IPADDR $NETMASK -p |cut -f 2 -d '=') subnet=${netaddr}/${netprefix} ipcalc $subnet -c if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "subnet $subnet format should be x.x.x.x/x" exit 1 fi loadvars OPTION_ROUTER $(route -n | grep '^' | xargs | cut -d ' ' -f 2) ipcalc $OPTION_ROUTER -c if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "router $OPTION_ROUTER format should be x.x.x.x" exit 1 fi export ip_start=$(echo "$IPADDR"|cut -f 1,2,3 -d '.')."100" export ip_end=$(echo "$IPADDR"|cut -f 1,2,3 -d '.')."250" loadvars IP_START "$ip_start" ipcalc $IP_START -c if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ip start $IP_START format should be x.x.x.x" exit 1 else echo "ip start address is $IP_START" fi ip_start_net=$(ipcalc $IP_START $NETMASK -n |cut -f 2 -d '=') if [[ "$ip_start_net" != "$netaddr" ]]; then echo "ip start $IP_START is not in $subnet" exit 1 fi loadvars IP_END "$ip_end" ipcalc $IP_END -c if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ip end $IP_END format should be x.x.x.x" exit 1 fi ip_end_net=$(ipcalc $IP_END $NETMASK -n |cut -f 2 -d '=') if [[ "$ip_end_net" != "$netaddr" ]]; then echo "ip end $IP_END is not in $subnet" exit 1 fi ip_start_int=$(ipaddr_convert $IP_START) ip_end_int=$(ipaddr_convert $IP_END) let ip_range=${ip_end_int}-${ip_start_int} if [ $ip_range -le 0 ]; then echo "there is no available ips to assign between $IP_START and $IP_END" exit 1 fi echo "there will be at most $ip_range hosts deployed." loadvars NEXTSERVER $IPADDR ipcalc $NEXTSERVER -c if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "next server $NEXTSERVER format should be x.x.x.x" exit 1 fi if [[ -z $LOCAL_REPO ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to set up a local repository?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export LOCAL_REPO="y"; break;; n ) export LOCAL_REPO="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_CENTOS_6_5 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support centos6.5?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_CENTOS_6_5="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_CENTOS_6_5="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_CENTOS_6_6 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support centos6.6?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_CENTOS_6_6="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_CENTOS_6_6="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_CENTOS_7_0 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support centos7.0?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_CENTOS_7_0="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_CENTOS_7_0="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_UBUNTU_12_04 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support ubuntu12.04?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_UBUNTU_12_04="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_UBUNTU_12_04="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_UBUNTU_14_04 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support ubuntu14.04?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_UBUNTU_14_04="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_UBUNTU_14_04="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_SLES_11SP3 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support sles11sp3?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_SLES_11SP3="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_SLES_11SP3="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi if [[ -z $SUPPORT_UVP_11SP3 ]]; then echo -e "\x1b[32mWould you like to support uvp11sp3?(y/n)\x1b[37m" while true; do read ans case $ans in y ) export SUPPORT_UVP_11SP3="y"; break;; n ) export SUPPORT_UVP_11SP3="n"; break;; * ) echo "I don't understand this";; esac done fi loadvars NAMESERVER_DOMAINS "ods.com" loadvars NAMESERVER_REVERSE_ZONES "unused" loadvars WEB_SOURCE 'http://git.openstack.org/stackforge/compass-web' loadvars ADAPTERS_SOURCE 'http://git.openstack.org/stackforge/compass-adapters' echo "script dir: $SCRIPT_DIR" echo "compass dir is $COMPASSDIR" echo "generate env.conf" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/setup_env.sh || exit $? echo "Install the Dependencies" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/dependency.sh || exit $? echo "Prepare the Installation" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/prepare.sh || exit $? echo "Install the OS Installer Tool" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/$OS_INSTALLER.sh || exit $? echo "Install the Package Installer Tool" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/chef.sh || exit $? source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/ansible.sh || exit $? echo "Download and install Compass Web" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/compass_web.sh || exit $? echo "Download and Setup Compass and related services" source ${COMPASSDIR}/install/compass.sh || exit $? figlet -ctf slant Installation Complete! echo -e "It takes\x1b[32m $SECONDS \x1b[0mseconds during the installation."