#!/bin/bash -x function mac_address_part() { hex_number=$(printf '%02x' $RANDOM) number_length=${#hex_number} number_start=$(expr $number_length - 2) echo ${hex_number:$number_start:2} } function mac_address() { echo "00:00:$(mac_address_part):$(mac_address_part):$(mac_address_part):$(mac_address_part)" } function tear_down_machines() { virtmachines=$(virsh list --name) for virtmachine in $virtmachines; do echo "destroy $virtmachine" virsh destroy $virtmachine if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "destroy instance $virtmachine failed" exit 1 fi done virtmachines=$(virsh list --all --name) for virtmachine in $virtmachines; do echo "undefine $virtmachine" virsh undefine $virtmachine if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "undefine instance $virtmachine failed" exit 1 fi done } REGTEST_CONF=${REGTEST_CONF:-"regtest.conf"} REGTEST_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) source ${REGTEST_DIR}/${REGTEST_CONF} declare -A roles_list machines='' for roles in ${HOST_ROLES//;/ }; do roles_list[${#roles_list[@]}]=${roles} done echo "role list: ${roles_list[@]}" roles_offset=0 host_roles_list='' tear_down_machines echo "setup $VIRT_NUM virt machines" for i in `seq $VIRT_NUM`; do if [[ ! -e /tmp/pxe${i}.raw ]]; then echo "create image for instance pxe$i" qemu-img create -f raw /tmp/pxe${i}.raw ${VIRT_DISK} if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "create image /tmp/pxe${i}.raw failed" exit 1 fi else echo "recreate image for instance pxe$i" rm -rf /tmp/pxe${i}.raw qemu-img create -f raw /tmp/pxe${i}.raw ${VIRT_DISK} if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "create image /tmp/pxe${i}.raw failed" exit 1 fi fi mac=$(mac_address) echo "virt-install instance pxe$i on mac ${mac}" virt-install --accelerate --hvm --connect qemu:///system \ --network=bridge:installation,mac=${mac} --pxe \ --network=bridge:installation \ --network=bridge:installation \ --network=bridge:installation \ --name pxe${i} --ram=${VIRT_MEM} \ --disk /tmp/pxe${i}.raw,format=raw \ --vcpus=${VIRT_CPUS} \ --graphics vnc,listen= \ --noautoconsole \ --autostart \ --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel6 if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "install instance pxe${i} failed" exit 1 fi echo "make pxe${i} reboot if installation failing." sed -i "// a\ " /etc/libvirt/qemu/pxe${i}.xml echo "check pxe${i} state" state=$(virsh domstate pxe${i}) if [[ "$state" == "running" ]]; then echo "pxe${i} is already running" virsh destroy pxe${i} if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "detroy intsance pxe${i} failed" exit 1 fi fi echo "start pxe${i}" virsh start pxe${i} if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "start instance pxe${i} failed" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$machines" ]; then machines="${mac}" else machines="${machines},${mac}" fi if [ $roles_offset -lt ${#roles_list[@]} ]; then host_roles="host${i}=${roles_list[$roles_offset]}" roles_offset=$(expr $roles_offset + 1) else host_roles="host${i}=" fi if [ -z "$host_roles_list" ]; then host_roles_list="$host_roles" else host_roles_list="${host_roles_list};$host_roles" fi done echo "machines: $machines" echo "host roles: $host_roles_list" virsh list # Avoid infinite relative symbolic links if [[ ! -L cobbler_logs ]]; then ln -s /var/log/cobbler/anamon cobbler_logs fi if [[ ! -L compass_logs ]]; then ln -s /var/log/compass compass_logs fi CLIENT_SCRIPT=/opt/compass/bin/client.py /opt/compass/bin/refresh.sh if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "failed to refresh" exit 1 fi ${CLIENT_SCRIPT} --logfile= --loglevel=info --logdir= --networking="${NETWORKING}" --partitions="${PARTITION}" --credentials="${SECURITY}" --host_roles="${host_roles_list}" --dashboard_role="${DASHBOARD_ROLE}" --switch_ips="${SWITCH_IPS}" --machines="${machines}" --switch_credential="${SWITCH_CREDENTIAL}" --deployment_timeout="${DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT}" rc=$? # Tear down machines after the test if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then tear_down_machines echo "deployment failed" exit 1 fi if [[ $tempest == true ]]; then ./tempest_run.sh if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then tear_down_machines echo "tempest failed" exit 1 fi tear_down_machines fi