#!/bin/bash -xe # Determinate is the given option present in the INI file # ini_has_option config-file section option function ini_has_option { local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local line line=$(sed -ne "/^\[$section\]/,/^\[.*\]/ { /^$option[ \t]*=/ p; }" "$file") $xtrace [ -n "$line" ] } # Set an option in an INI file # iniset config-file section option value function iniset { local xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace local file=$1 local section=$2 local option=$3 local value=$4 [[ -z $section || -z $option ]] && return if ! grep -q "^\[$section\]" "$file" 2>/dev/null; then # Add section at the end echo -e "\n[$section]" >>"$file" fi if ! ini_has_option "$file" "$section" "$option"; then # Add it sed -i -e "/^\[$section\]/ a\\ $option = $value " "$file" else local sep=$(echo -ne "\x01") # Replace it sed -i -e '/^\['${section}'\]/,/^\[.*\]/ s'${sep}'^\('${option}'[ \t]*=[ \t]*\).*$'${sep}'\1'"${value}"${sep} "$file" fi $xtrace } #Install prerequites for Tempest pip install tox==1.6.1 #Install setuptools twice so that it is really upgraded pip install -U setuptools pip install -U setuptools yum install -y libxml2-devel libxslt-devel python-devel sshpass if [[ ! -e /tmp/tempest ]]; then git clone http://git.openstack.org/openstack/tempest /tmp/tempest cd /tmp/tempest git checkout grizzly-eol else cd /tmp/tempest git remote set-url origin http://git.openstack.org/openstack/tempest git remote update git reset --hard git clean -x -f -d -q git checkout grizzly-eol fi cd /tmp/tempest #Install Tempest including dependencies pip install -e . if [[ ! -e /etc/tempest ]]; then mkdir /etc/tempest fi #Initialize cloud environment for test and Tempest config file cp etc/tempest.conf.sample /etc/tempest/tempest.conf nova_api_host=$(knife search node 'roles:os-compute-api' | grep 'IP:' | awk '{print $2}' | head -1) sshpass -p 'root' scp -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r root@$nova_api_host:/root/openrc /root/. source /root/openrc demo_tenant_id=`keystone tenant-create --name demo |grep " id " |awk '{print $4}'` alt_demo_tenant_id=`keystone tenant-create --name alt_demo |grep " id " |awk '{print $4}'` keystone user-create --name demo --pass secret --tenant $demo_tenant_id keystone user-create --name alt_demo --pass secret --tenant $alt_demo_tenant_id image_id=`glance image-list |grep 'cirros'|awk '{print$2}'` private_net_id=`quantum net-create --tenant_id $demo_tenant_id private |grep " id " |awk '{print$4}'` private_subnet_id=`quantum subnet-create --tenant_id $demo_tenant_id --ip_version 4 --gateway $private_net_id|grep " id "|awk '{print$4}'` router_id=`quantum router-create --tenant_id $demo_tenant_id router1|grep " id " |awk '{print$4}'` public_net_id=`quantum net-create public -- --router:external=True |grep " id " |awk '{print$4}'` quantum subnet-create --ip_version 4 $public_net_id -- --enable_dhcp=False quantum router-gateway-set $router_id $public_net_id quantum router-interface-add router1 $private_subnet_id iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf identity uri $OS_AUTH_URL iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf identity admin_username $OS_USERNAME iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf identity admin_password $OS_PASSWORD iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute allow_tenant_isolation false iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute image_ref $image_id iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute image_ref_alt $image_id iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute image_ssh_user cirros iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute image_alt_ssh_user cirros iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute resize_available false iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute change_password_available false iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf compute build_interval 15 iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf whitebox whitebox_enabled false iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf network public_network_id $public_net_id iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf network public_router_id '' iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf network quantum_available true iniset /etc/tempest/tempest.conf network tenant_network_cidr '' # wait for nova-compute to report health to nova-conductor # In some scenarios, nova-compute is up before conductor and has to retry # to register to conductor and there is some wait time between retries. timeout 180s sh -c "while ! nova service-list |grep nova-compute; do sleep 3; done" #Start a smoke test against cloud without object storage and aws related tests #as they are unavailable for now if [[ $tempest_full == true ]]; then nosetests --logging-format '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s' --with-xunit -sv --attr=type=smoke \ --xunit-file=nosetests-smoke.xml tempest -e object_storage -e boto if [[ $tempest_network == true ]]; then nosetests tempest.tests.network.test_network_basic_ops fi else nosetests --logging-format '%(asctime)-15s %(message)s' --with-xunit --xunit-file=nosetests-smoke.xml \ -sv --attr=type=smoke --tests="\ tempest.tests.compute.servers.test_server_addresses:ServerAddressesTest.test_list_server_addresses,\ tempest.tests.compute.servers.test_create_server:ServersTestAutoDisk.test_verify_server_details,\ tempest.tests.volume.test_volumes_get:VolumesGetTest.test_volume_create_get_delete" if [[ $tempest_network == true ]]; then nosetests tempest.tests.network.test_network_basic_ops fi fi