Compass ======= A Deoployment Automation System. See Wiki page at How to install Compass? ----------------------- 1. Run `git clone` 2. Run `cd compass` to the Compass project directory. 3. Run `./install/` to setup compass environment. Please note that before you execute ``, you may setup your environment variables in `install/install.conf`, explanations and examples of those variables can be found in `install.conf`. 4. Run `source /etc/profile` to setup compass profile. 5. Run `./bin/` to initialize database. 6. Run `service compassd start` to start compass daemon services. FAQ --- * Why doesn't celery start? What should I do if I get `celery died but pid file exists` message after running `service compassd status`? 1. Simply remove celery pid file (`/var/run/`). 2. Try running `export C_FORCE_ROOT=1` 3. Restart Compass daemon. * How to restart compass service? 1. Run `service compassd restart` 2. Run `service httpd restart` to restart web service. * How to check if the compass services run properly? 1. Run `service compassd status` to check compass services status. 2. Run `service httpd status` to check web service status. * How to troubleshoot if `compassd` can not start the services? 1. Try to remove /var/run/ to release the celeryd lock 2. Try to remove /var/run/ to release the progress_update lock. * How to use compass to install distributed systems? Access http://<server_ip>/ods/ods.html. In the current version, we only support OpenStack deployment with a simplified configuration. Follow the simple wizard from the Web UI. * How to run unittest? `COMPASS_SETTING=<your own compass setting> python -m discover -s compass/tests` * Where to find the log file? 1. `/var/log/compass/compass.log` is the compass web log. 2. `/var/log/compass/celery.log` is the celery log 3. The redirected celeryd stdout/stderr is at `/tmp/celeryd.log`. 4. The redirected stdout/stderr is at `/tmp/progress_update.log` 5. The web server (httpd) log files are under `/var/log/httpd/`. * Where to find the compass config file? 1. the compass setting file is at /etc/compass/setting. 2. the default global config file for installing distributed system is at /etc/compass/setting 3. the default celery config file is at /etc/compass/celeryconfig * Where is the default database file? It is at `/opt/compass/db/app.db` * Where is the utility scripts for compass? It is at `/opt/compass/bin/`