# Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Adapter related database operations.""" import logging import re from compass.db.api import database from compass.db.api import utils from compass.db import exception from compass.db import models from compass.utils import setting_wrapper as setting from compass.utils import util def _add_system(session, model, configs): parents = {} for config in configs: logging.info( 'add config %s to %s', config, model ) object = utils.add_db_object( session, model, True, config['NAME'], deployable=config.get('DEPLOYABLE', False) ) parents[config['NAME']] = ( object, config.get('PARENT', None) ) for name, (object, parent_name) in parents.items(): if parent_name: parent, _ = parents[parent_name] else: parent = None utils.update_db_object(session, object, parent=parent) def add_oses_internal(session): configs = util.load_configs(setting.OS_DIR) _add_system(session, models.OperatingSystem, configs) def add_distributed_systems_internal(session): configs = util.load_configs(setting.DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_DIR) _add_system(session, models.DistributedSystem, configs) def add_adapters_internal(session): parents = {} configs = util.load_configs(setting.ADAPTER_DIR) for config in configs: logging.info('add config %s to adapter', config) if 'DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM' in config: distributed_system = utils.get_db_object( session, models.DistributedSystem, name=config['DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM'] ) else: distributed_system = None if 'OS_INSTALLER' in config: os_installer = utils.get_db_object( session, models.OSInstaller, instance_name=config['OS_INSTALLER'] ) else: os_installer = None if 'PACKAGE_INSTALLER' in config: package_installer = utils.get_db_object( session, models.PackageInstaller, instance_name=config['PACKAGE_INSTALLER'] ) else: package_installer = None adapter = utils.add_db_object( session, models.Adapter, True, config['NAME'], display_name=config.get('DISPLAY_NAME', None), distributed_system=distributed_system, os_installer=os_installer, package_installer=package_installer, deployable=config.get('DEPLOYABLE', False) ) supported_os_patterns = [ re.compile(supported_os_pattern) for supported_os_pattern in config.get('SUPPORTED_OS_PATTERNS', []) ] oses = utils.list_db_objects( session, models.OperatingSystem ) for os in oses: if not os.deployable: continue os_name = os.name for supported_os_pattern in supported_os_patterns: if supported_os_pattern.match(os_name): utils.add_db_object( session, models.AdapterOS, True, os.id, adapter.id ) break parents[config['NAME']] = (adapter, config.get('PARENT', None)) for name, (adapter, parent_name) in parents.items(): if parent_name: parent, _ = parents[parent_name] else: parent = None utils.update_db_object(session, adapter, parent=parent) def add_roles_internal(session): configs = util.load_configs(setting.ADAPTER_ROLE_DIR) for config in configs: logging.info( 'add config to role', config ) adapter = utils.get_db_object( session, models.Adapter, name=config['ADAPTER_NAME'] ) for role_dict in config['ROLES']: utils.add_db_object( session, models.AdapterRole, True, role_dict['role'], adapter.id, display_name=role_dict.get('display_name', None), description=role_dict.get('description', None), optional=role_dict.get('optional', False) ) def get_adapters_internal(session): adapter_mapping = {} adapters = utils.list_db_objects( session, models.Adapter ) for adapter in adapters: if adapter.deployable: adapter_dict = adapter.to_dict() adapter_mapping[adapter.id] = adapter_dict else: logging.info( 'ignore adapter %s since it is not deployable', adapter.to_dict() ) return adapter_mapping