2014-01-25 10:48:55 -08:00

620 lines
22 KiB

"""database model."""
from datetime import datetime
import simplejson as json
import logging
import uuid
from sqlalchemy import Column, ColumnDefault, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy import Float, Enum, DateTime, ForeignKey, Text, Boolean
from sqlalchemy import UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from compass.utils import util
BASE = declarative_base()
class SwitchConfig(BASE):
"""Swtich Config table.
:param id: The unique identifier of the switch config.
:param ip: The IP address of the switch.
:param filter_port: The port of the switch which need to be filtered.
__tablename__ = 'switch_config'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ip = Column(String(80))
filter_port = Column(String(16))
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('ip', 'filter_port', name='filter1'), )
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(SwitchConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class Switch(BASE):
"""Switch table.
:param id: the unique identifier of the switch. int as primary key.
:param ip: the IP address of the switch.
:param vendor_info: the name of the vendor
:param credential_data: used for accessing and retrieving information
from the switch. Store json format as string.
:param state: Enum.'initialized/repolling': polling switch not complete to
learn all MAC addresses of devices connected to the switch;
'unreachable': one of the final state, indicates that the
switch is unreachable at this time, no MAC address could be
retrieved from the switch.
'notsupported': one of the final state, indicates that the
vendor found is not supported yet, no MAC address will be
retrieved from the switch.
'error': one of the final state, indicates that something
wrong happend.
'under_monitoring': one of the final state, indicates that
MAC addresses has been learned successfully from the switch.
:param err_msg: Error message when polling switch failed.
:param machines: refer to list of Machine connected to the switch.
__tablename__ = 'switch'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ip = Column(String(80), unique=True)
credential_data = Column(Text)
vendor_info = Column(String(256), nullable=True)
state = Column(Enum('initialized', 'unreachable', 'notsupported',
'repolling', 'error', 'under_monitoring',
err_msg = Column(Text)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Switch, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Switch ip: %r, credential: %r, vendor: %r, state: %s>'\
% (self.ip, self.credential, self.vendor, self.state)
def vendor(self):
"""vendor property getter"""
return self.vendor_info
def vendor(self, value):
"""vendor property setter"""
self.vendor_info = value
def credential(self):
"""credential data getter.
:returns: python primitive dictionary object.
if self.credential_data:
credential = json.loads(self.credential_data)
return credential
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to load credential data %s: %s',
self.id, self.credential_data)
raise error
return {}
def credential(self, value):
"""credential property setter
:param value: dict of configuration data needed to update.
if value:
credential = {}
if self.credential_data:
credential = json.loads(self.credential_data)
self.credential_data = json.dumps(credential)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to dump credential data %s: %s',
self.id, value)
raise error
self.credential_data = json.dumps({})
logging.debug('switch now is %s', self)
class Machine(BASE):
Machine table.Note: currently, we are taking care of management plane.
Therefore, we assume one machine is connected to one switch.
:param id: int, identity as primary key
:param mac: string, the MAC address of the machine.
:param switch_id: switch id that this machine connected on to.
:param port: nth port of the switch that this machine connected.
:param vlan: vlan id that this machine connected on to.
:param update_timestamp: last time this entry got updated.
:param switch: refer to the Switch the machine connects to.
__tablename__ = 'machine'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
mac = Column(String(24), default='')
port = Column(String(16), default='')
vlan = Column(Integer, default=0)
update_timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.now,
switch_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('switch.id',
ondelete='SET NULL'))
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('mac', 'vlan', 'switch_id',
switch = relationship('Switch', backref=backref('machines',
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Machine, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Machine %r: port=%r vlan=%r switch=%r>'\
% (self.mac, self.port, self.vlan, self.switch)
class HostState(BASE):
"""The state of the ClusterHost.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param state: Enum. 'UNINITIALIZED': the host is ready to setup.
'INSTALLING': the host is not installing.
'READY': the host is setup.
'ERROR': the host has error.
:param progress: float, the installing progress from 0 to 1.
:param message: the latest installing message.
:param severity: Enum, the installing message severity.
:param update_timestamp: the lastest timestamp the entry got updated.
:param host: refer to ClusterHost.
__tablename__ = "host_state"
id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('cluster_host.id',
progress = Column(Float, ColumnDefault(0.0))
message = Column(String)
severity = Column(Enum('INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'), ColumnDefault('INFO'))
update_timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.now,
host = relationship('ClusterHost', backref=backref('state',
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(HostState, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def hostname(self):
"""hostname getter"""
return self.host.hostname
def __repr__(self):
return ('<HostState %r: state=%r, progress=%s, '
'message=%s, severity=%s>') % (
self.hostname, self.state, self.progress,
self.message, self.severity)
class ClusterState(BASE):
"""The state of the Cluster.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param state: Enum, 'UNINITIALIZED': the cluster is ready to setup.
'INSTALLING': the cluster is not installing.
'READY': the cluster is setup.
'ERROR': the cluster has error.
:param progress: float, the installing progress from 0 to 1.
:param message: the latest installing message.
:param severity: Enum, the installing message severity.
:param update_timestamp: the lastest timestamp the entry got updated.
:param cluster: refer to Cluster.
__tablename__ = 'cluster_state'
id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('cluster.id',
progress = Column(Float, ColumnDefault(0.0))
message = Column(String)
severity = Column(Enum('INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'), ColumnDefault('INFO'))
update_timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.now,
cluster = relationship('Cluster', backref=backref('state',
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(ClusterState, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def clustername(self):
"""clustername getter"""
return self.cluster.name
def __repr__(self):
return ('<ClusterState %r: state=%r, progress=%s, '
'message=%s, severity=%s>') % (
self.clustername, self.state, self.progress,
self.message, self.severity)
class Cluster(BASE):
"""Cluster configuration information.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param name: str, cluster name.
:param mutable: bool, if the Cluster is mutable.
:param security_config: str stores json formatted security information.
:param networking_config: str stores json formatted networking information.
:param partition_config: string stores json formatted parition information.
:param adapter_id: the refer id in the Adapter table.
:param raw_config: str stores json formatted other cluster information.
:param adapter: refer to the Adapter.
:param state: refer to the ClusterState.
__tablename__ = 'cluster'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String, unique=True)
mutable = Column(Boolean, default=True)
security_config = Column(Text)
networking_config = Column(Text)
partition_config = Column(Text)
adapter_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('adapter.id'))
raw_config = Column(Text)
adapter = relationship("Adapter", backref=backref('clusters',
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if 'name' not in kwargs or not kwargs['name']:
self.name = str(uuid.uuid4())
if 'name' in kwargs:
del kwargs['name']
super(Cluster, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Cluster %r: config=%r>' % (self.name, self.config)
def partition(self):
"""partition getter"""
if self.partition_config:
return json.loads(self.partition_config)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to load security config %s: %s',
self.id, self.partition_config)
raise error
return {}
def partition(self, value):
"""partition setter"""
logging.debug('cluster %s set partition %s', self.id, value)
if value:
self.partition_config = json.dumps(value)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to dump partition config %s: %s',
self.id, value)
raise error
self.partition_config = None
def security(self):
"""security getter"""
if self.security_config:
return json.loads(self.security_config)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to load security config %s: %s',
self.id, self.security_config)
raise error
return {}
def security(self, value):
"""security setter"""
logging.debug('cluster %s set security %s', self.id, value)
if value:
self.security_config = json.dumps(value)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to dump security config %s: %s',
self.id, value)
raise error
self.security_config = None
def networking(self):
"""networking getter"""
if self.networking_config:
return json.loads(self.networking_config)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to load networking config %s: %s',
self.id, self.networking_config)
raise error
return {}
def networking(self, value):
"""networking setter"""
logging.debug('cluster %s set networking %s', self.id, value)
if value:
self.networking_config = json.dumps(value)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to dump networking config %s: %s',
self.id, value)
raise error
self.networking_config = None
def config(self):
"""get config from security, networking, partition"""
config = {}
if self.raw_config:
config = json.loads(self.raw_config)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to load raw config %s: %s',
self.id, self.raw_config)
raise error
util.merge_dict(config, {'security': self.security})
util.merge_dict(config, {'networking': self.networking})
util.merge_dict(config, {'partition': self.partition})
util.merge_dict(config, {'clusterid': self.id,
'clustername': self.name})
return config
def config(self, value):
"""set config to security, networking, partition."""
logging.debug('cluster %s set config %s', self.id, value)
if not value:
self.security = None
self.networking = None
self.partition = None
self.raw_config = None
self.security = value.get('security')
self.networking = value.get('networking')
self.partition = value.get('partition')
self.raw_config = json.dumps(value)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to dump raw config %s: %s',
self.id, value)
raise error
class ClusterHost(BASE):
"""ClusterHost information.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param machine_id: int, the id of the Machine.
:param cluster_id: int, the id of the Cluster.
:param mutable: if the ClusterHost information is mutable.
:param hostname: str, host name.
:param config_data: string, json formatted config data.
:param cluster: refer to Cluster the host in.
:param machine: refer to the Machine the host on.
:param state: refer to HostState indicates the host state.
__tablename__ = 'cluster_host'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
machine_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('machine.id',
nullable=True, unique=True)
cluster_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('cluster.id',
ondelete='SET NULL'),
hostname = Column(String)
config_data = Column(Text)
mutable = Column(Boolean, default=True)
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('cluster_id', 'hostname',
cluster = relationship("Cluster", backref=backref('hosts', lazy='dynamic'))
machine = relationship("Machine", backref=backref('host', uselist=False))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
if 'hostname' not in kwargs or not kwargs['hostname']:
self.hostname = str(uuid.uuid4())
if 'hostname' in kwargs:
del kwargs['hostname']
super(ClusterHost, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<ClusterHost %r: cluster=%r machine=%r>'\
% (self.hostname, self.cluster, self.machine)
def config(self):
"""config getter."""
config = {}
if self.config_data:
config.update({'hostid': self.id, 'hostname': self.hostname})
if self.cluster:
config.update({'clusterid': self.cluster.id,
'clustername': self.cluster.name})
if self.machine:
config, {
'networking': {
'interfaces': {
'management': {
'mac': self.machine.mac
'switch_port': self.machine.port,
'vlan': self.machine.vlan,
if self.machine.switch:
config, {'switch_ip': self.machine.switch.ip})
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to load config %s: %s',
self.hostname, self.config_data)
raise error
return config
def config(self, value):
"""config setter"""
if not self.config_data:
config = {
self.config_data = json.dumps(config)
if value:
config = json.loads(self.config_data)
util.merge_dict(config, value)
self.config_data = json.dumps(config)
except Exception as error:
logging.error('failed to dump config %s: %s',
self.hostname, value)
raise error
class LogProgressingHistory(BASE):
"""host installing log history for each file.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param pathname: str, the full path of the installing log file. unique.
:param position: int, the position of the log file it has processed.
:param partial_line: str, partial line of the log.
:param progressing: float, indicate the installing progress between 0 to 1.
:param message: str, str, the installing message.
:param severity: Enum, the installing message severity.
:param line_matcher_name: str, the line matcher name of the log processor.
:param update_timestamp: datetime, the latest timestamp the entry updated.
__tablename__ = 'log_progressing_history'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
pathname = Column(String, unique=True)
position = Column(Integer, ColumnDefault(0))
partial_line = Column(Text)
progress = Column(Float, ColumnDefault(0.0))
message = Column(Text)
severity = Column(Enum('ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO'), ColumnDefault('INFO'))
line_matcher_name = Column(String, ColumnDefault('start'))
update_timestamp = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.now,
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(LogProgressingHistory, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return ('LogProgressingHistory[%r: position %r,'
'partial_line %r,progress %r,message %r,'
'severity %r]') % (
self.pathname, self.position,
class Adapter(BASE):
"""Table stores ClusterHost installing Adapter information.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param name: string, adapter name, unique.
:param os: string, os name for installing the host.
:param target_system: string, target system to be installed on the host.
:param clusters: refer to the list of Cluster.
__tablename__ = 'adapter'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String, unique=True)
os = Column(String)
target_system = Column(String)
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint('os', 'target_system', name='unique_adapter'),)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Adapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Adapter %r: os %r, target_system %r>' % (
self.name, self.os, self.target_system)
class Role(BASE):
The Role table stores avaiable roles of one target system
where the host can be deployed to one or several roles in the cluster.
:param id: int, identity as primary key.
:param name: role name.
:param target_system: str, the target_system.
:param description: str, the description of the role.
__tablename__ = 'role'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String, unique=True)
target_system = Column(String)
description = Column(Text)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Role, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Role %r : target_system %r, description:%r>' % (
self.name, self.target_system, self.description)