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(function() {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc overview
* @name hz.widget.charts
* @description
* # hz.widget.charts
* The `hz.widget.charts` module provides directives for simple charts
* used in Horizon, such as the pie and donut chart. Charts are
* implemented using D3.
* Requires {@link http://d3js.org `D3`} to be installed.
* | Constants |
* |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
* | {@link hz.widget.charts.constant:chartSettings `chartSettings`} |
* | Directives |
* |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
* | {@link hz.widget.charts.directive:pieChart `pieChart`} |
angular.module('hz.widget.charts', [])
* @ngdoc parameters
* @name hz.widget.charts.constant:chartsettings
* @param {number} innerRadius Pie chart inner radius in pixels, default: 0
* @param {number} outerRadius Pie chart outer radius in pixels, default: 35
* @param {boolean} showTitle Show title, default: true
* @param {boolean} showLabel Show label, default: true
* @param {boolean} showLegend Show legend default: true
* @param {string} tooltipIcon Tooltip key icon, default: 'fa-square'
.constant('chartSettings', {
innerRadius: 0,
outerRadius: 35,
showTitle: true,
showLabel: true,
showLegend: true,
tooltipIcon: 'fa-square'
* @ngdoc filter
* @name hz.widget.charts.filter:showKeyFilter
* @function Filter based on 'hideKey' value of each slice
* @returns {function} A filtered list of keys to show in legend
.filter('showKeyFilter', function() {
return function(items) {
return items.filter(function (item) {
return !item.hideKey;