Zhijiang Hu 30c83bf9c2 Add doc for diasy call graph among modules.
Change-Id: I5a9d6f529f45b0ff0965fc994ded7e379745034a
Signed-off-by: Zhijiang Hu <hu.zhijiang@zte.com.cn>
2016-08-05 06:38:08 +00:00

62 lines
5.0 KiB

This call graph shows an example about how the role-list information is provided literally through
all daisy modules. role-list information is used everywhere such as finding out which backend we
are using.
shell.py (a. k. a. /usr/bin/daisy)
+--|----------------+ horizon/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/enviroment/deploy/
| CLI or WebUI-------------------------------> url.py maps dodeploy() to do_depoy()
| +-------------+ | views.py impl. do_deploy() which call get_ha_role() in deploy_rule_lib.py
| | daisyclient +-------------+ deploy_rule_lib.py impl. get_ha_role() which call api.daisy.role_list(request).
| +------+------+ | |
| | | | horizon/openstack_dashboard/api/
+--------|----------+ | daisy.py impl. role_list() by calling daisyclient(request).roles.list()
| | which is daisy_client.Client(version=1, endpoint=
| |
| +------------------> daisyclient/daisyclient/
| client.py impl. daisy_client
| v1/client.py impl. daisy_client version=1 and self.roles = RoleManager(self.http_client)
| v1/roles.py impl. RoleManager class and its list() method which
| uses self.client.get(url="/v1/roles/detail") to get the response from daisy-api service.
(WSGI Interface)
| daisy-api service | +-> daisy/daisy/api/v1/
| +-----V------+ | | router.py maps url "/roles/detail" to detail() action of the controller "roles_resource".
| | api +-------------------------------+ roles.py impl. "roles_resource" controller and its detail() method which calls
| +------------+ | registry.get_roles_detail(req.context, **params) to get info from registry service.
| | registry is imported form daisy.registry.client.v1.api.
| +------------+ |
| | daisy | | +-> daisy/daisy/registry/client/v1
| | registry +------------------------------+
| | client | | api.py impl. get_roles_detail() by call get_registry_client() to get a RegistryClient object
| +-----+------+ | and call its get_roles_detailed() method.
| | | RegistryClient is initialized by RegistryClient(host=... port=19191).
+--------|----------+ client.py impl. RegistryClient class and its get_roles_detailed() method which uses
| self.do_request("GET", "/roles/detail", params=params) to get the response
| from daisy-registry service.
(WSGI Interface)
+--------|----------+ +----> daisy/daisy/registry/api/v1/
| daisy-registry | | __init__.py maps url "/roles/detail" to detail_role() action of the
| service| | | controller "hosts_resource".
| +-----V------+ | | hosts.py impl. "hosts_resource" controller and its detail_role() method which calls _get_roles()
| | api +--------------------------+ get_roles() calls self.db_api.role_get_all() to get role info from database.
| +------------+ | self.db_api = daisy.db.get_api().
| |
| | +--> daisy/daisy/db/
| +------------+ | | __init__.py impl. get_api() method which calls importutils.import_module(CONF.data_api) to
| | | | | allocate a api object. CONF.data_api is initialized as daisy.db.sqlalchemy.api by
| | daisy | | | daisy/daisy/common/config.py before hand.
| | database +-----------------------------+
| | impl. | | daisy/daisy/db/sqlalchemy/
| | | | api.py impl. api.role_get_all() methods which uses query=session.query(models.Role)...
| +------------+ | to query all roles in database.